Wednesday, September 9, 2009

no cLasses for today.

We have no cLasses today because the facuLty has a sports fest today. It's a university wide event. It depends 0n the professors whether we have cLasses or not. Our 3 professors toLd us yesterday that they are not attending today because they are participating in the sports fest. So that means we have onLy 1 cLass Left. Our president taLked to that prof and voiLa! No more cLass for today. And it's a good thing we don't have cLasses today. Because from what I've heard, our schooL has turned into a resort again. :))

I'm stiLL hoping that cLasses wiLL be suspended tomorrow because I don't wanna go to schooL with this kind of rain. It sucks reaLLy. My pants (w/c is too Long for me) wiLL be wet again. And many others. Going to schooL is such a hassLe when it's raining. Grr. :P

I gotta go. Just a quick update on my Life. :)


Removed said...

It's okay dez.... naku hah! after all this centuries nagun ka lang nag post ah! HAHAHAH! anyways... dapat nag dadala ka ng Tsinelas.. para mabasa man.. NO WORRIES..

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