Hey, I'm back. I know that I've promised to myseLf that aLL that I'm going to write here is aLL about my new Life. But the end of ApriL is fast approaching and I stiLL haven't got a new update in "my new Life." So I'll just write what's going on in my Life right now before I move on to the new phase of my Life.
LateLy, I've been thinking. Yes, that's aLL I aLways do so far. Think, think and think. WeLL, maybe it's not thinking. It's more Like daydream :). I daydream about what wiLL happen when I am in UST. I chatted with new found friends in this new site and he was a student of UST so I asked him stuffs. It turns out that Looks Like we're in for Loads of fun 'cause he toLd me that there are a Lot of parties for freshmen. I absoLuteLy adore parties! But then, I think. Again. What if I have a group of new friends in my course? Of course, I wouLd Love to go with them at the parties. On the other hand, I have former cLassmates in the university. What if they suggested that we stick together? I am so confused. But I pushed that thought out of my mind. I decided to face that probLem when the opportunity presents it. :)
That wasn't aLL I've been thinking. I'm thinking about my former cLassmates, RizaLvadors. We caLL ourseLves that because our section's name is RizaL and our adviser's name is SaLvador John. Just figure that one out 'cause I won't expLain how we form it. :] I've been thinking what wiLL happen to us in the near future. Like, if we have time to see together and bond Like the oLd times? I've never toLd this to anyone but my reLationship with the RizaLvadors is very important to me. To others, it may not matter because they have their own group of friends in their neighborhood or they have reLatives the same age as them. But me, I've been aLways Left out. The kids in our neighborhood are stiLL kids. They're the same age as my brother. And even in our reLatives, I don't have someone the same age as me. I onLy beLong in schooL. There, I have a second famiLy where I truLy feeL that I beLong. I have friends there where I can teLL anything, I have crushes there etc. That's why I am so eager to go to schooL everyday. And it made me miss them so much now because I visited our friendster's profiLe page yesterday and found a new background. The background consisted of our graduation pictures. Sheesh. It made me think of memories. Which is why I ended up reading my former bLog. I just want to reminisced some memories. :)
Sorry if I am so meLodramatic. I just missed RizaLvadors so much. I missed the way we used to share everything even a can of soda! No kidding. That's how cLose we are. We are one big famiLy. And right now, I missed them more than ever.
LateLy, I've been thinking. Yes, that's aLL I aLways do so far. Think, think and think. WeLL, maybe it's not thinking. It's more Like daydream :). I daydream about what wiLL happen when I am in UST. I chatted with new found friends in this new site and he was a student of UST so I asked him stuffs. It turns out that Looks Like we're in for Loads of fun 'cause he toLd me that there are a Lot of parties for freshmen. I absoLuteLy adore parties! But then, I think. Again. What if I have a group of new friends in my course? Of course, I wouLd Love to go with them at the parties. On the other hand, I have former cLassmates in the university. What if they suggested that we stick together? I am so confused. But I pushed that thought out of my mind. I decided to face that probLem when the opportunity presents it. :)
That wasn't aLL I've been thinking. I'm thinking about my former cLassmates, RizaLvadors. We caLL ourseLves that because our section's name is RizaL and our adviser's name is SaLvador John. Just figure that one out 'cause I won't expLain how we form it. :] I've been thinking what wiLL happen to us in the near future. Like, if we have time to see together and bond Like the oLd times? I've never toLd this to anyone but my reLationship with the RizaLvadors is very important to me. To others, it may not matter because they have their own group of friends in their neighborhood or they have reLatives the same age as them. But me, I've been aLways Left out. The kids in our neighborhood are stiLL kids. They're the same age as my brother. And even in our reLatives, I don't have someone the same age as me. I onLy beLong in schooL. There, I have a second famiLy where I truLy feeL that I beLong. I have friends there where I can teLL anything, I have crushes there etc. That's why I am so eager to go to schooL everyday. And it made me miss them so much now because I visited our friendster's profiLe page yesterday and found a new background. The background consisted of our graduation pictures. Sheesh. It made me think of memories. Which is why I ended up reading my former bLog. I just want to reminisced some memories. :)
Sorry if I am so meLodramatic. I just missed RizaLvadors so much. I missed the way we used to share everything even a can of soda! No kidding. That's how cLose we are. We are one big famiLy. And right now, I missed them more than ever.