Wednesday, April 29, 2009

going back.

Hey, I'm back. I know that I've promised to myseLf that aLL that I'm going to write here is aLL about my new Life. But the end of ApriL is fast approaching and I stiLL haven't got a new update in "my new Life." So I'll just write what's going on in my Life right now before I move on to the new phase of my Life.

LateLy, I've been thinking. Yes, that's aLL I aLways do so far. Think, think and think. WeLL, maybe it's not thinking. It's more Like daydream :). I daydream about what wiLL happen when I am in UST. I chatted with new found friends in this new site and he was a student of UST so I asked him stuffs. It turns out that Looks Like we're in for Loads of fun 'cause he toLd me that there are a Lot of parties for freshmen. I absoLuteLy adore parties! But then, I think. Again. What if I have a group of new friends in my course? Of course, I wouLd Love to go with them at the parties. On the other hand, I have former cLassmates in the university. What if they suggested that we stick together? I am so confused. But I pushed that thought out of my mind. I decided to face that probLem when the opportunity presents it. :)

That wasn't aLL I've been thinking. I'm thinking about my former cLassmates, RizaLvadors. We caLL ourseLves that because our section's name is RizaL and our adviser's name is SaLvador John. Just figure that one out 'cause I won't expLain how we form it. :] I've been thinking what wiLL happen to us in the near future. Like, if we have time to see together and bond Like the oLd times? I've never toLd this to anyone but my reLationship with the RizaLvadors is very important to me. To others, it may not matter because they have their own group of friends in their neighborhood or they have reLatives the same age as them. But me, I've been aLways Left out. The kids in our neighborhood are stiLL kids. They're the same age as my brother. And even in our reLatives, I don't have someone the same age as me. I onLy beLong in schooL. There, I have a second famiLy where I truLy feeL that I beLong. I have friends there where I can teLL anything, I have crushes there etc. That's why I am so eager to go to schooL everyday. And it made me miss them so much now because I visited our friendster's profiLe page yesterday and found a new background. The background consisted of our graduation pictures. Sheesh. It made me think of memories. Which is why I ended up reading my former bLog. I just want to reminisced some memories. :)

Sorry if I am so meLodramatic. I just missed RizaLvadors so much. I missed the way we used to share everything even a can of soda! No kidding. That's how cLose we are. We are one big famiLy. And right now, I missed them more than ever.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

a sneak preview.

WeLL. This is my first post for my new bLog! Yay. I guess i shouLd teLL the reason behind why I made this bLog. weLL...i made this because i just want to move on i guess. hee. My former bLog are fuLL of posts about him and if i want to move on i shouLd forget about the memories. But one of my good friend and a former cLassmate of mine (and a future schooLmate too!)said that I shouLdn't deLete it. I agree with her and besides,I didn't really plan to delete it. I just want to stop posting in it. And by the way,the Link is a secret. I didn't tell it to anyone except for the friend that I mention above. I don't want to broadcast the Link because I'm afraid that former cLassmates of mine might read it. hee. :]

Anyways, I went to my future schooL yesterday nameLy,University of Sto. Tomas. At first,it seemed Like a perfect day. It's not too hot,and it is not raining. And to top it off,it is windy. So there I was,in front of Harrison Plaza(where we left our car)waLking and thinking to myseLf,"This is a perfect day". LittLe did I know about the unexpected events that are about to happen.

When we reached Taft Avenue,we went to JoLLibee. Our originaL pLan was just use the restroom there because I reaLLy need to go to the restroom. But after we use the restroom,my mom suggested to have a LittLe snack. So my mom ordered ice craze and tuna pie for herseLf and reguLar fries and swirLy bLitz for me whiLe I go find an empty tabLe. I went to the second fLoor because there were no empty tabLes in the ground fLoor. I chose a tabLe which is right by the windows because I Like to watch peopLe passing by. So there I was,busy watching peopLe for Like 10 minutes when suddenLy it began to rain. And guess what? By the time we finished eating,the rain was so hard. And it didn't show signs of Letting up. So we decided to risk it and ran to the Vito Cruz station of LRT. We ran out to the pouring rain. Even with the umbreLLas,we managed to get wet. My pants were wet untiL to my knees. Darn it. I have to deaL with wet and heavy pants aLL day Long at UST. argh. :

The rain wasn't quite so hard when we stepped of the LRT at the Doroteo Jose station of the LRT. But what a sight. The streets were so fLooded. The onLy way to get to UST is by riding a pedicab. It was expensive but my mom said that there's no choice. When we reached UST,it's stiLL worse. Yes,even inside UST is stiLL fLooded. Like in the front of my future buiLding. We had to cross the darn fLooded street just to get inside my buiLding. So there I was,soaking wet. But I wasn't the onLy one since there are many peopLe aLso sporting the "wet Look". haha. :]

I wouLdn't go into the next detaiLs 'coz its kinda boring. All you have to know is that I have to cross many fLooded streets because I have to wander around UST because of my enroLLment procedure. All I can do is breathe a sigh of reLief when I'm finished with my enroLLment because we can now go home! :))

But going back to our car in Harrison Plaza is another obstacLe which we encounter. When we went to the gates of UST in Dapitan,whoa. What a sight! The fLood is much higher than before! Which is pretty surprising since the rain aLready stopped. It was reaLLy a sight. I saw students of UST who braveLy cross the fLooded streets and saw that the fLood is up to their knees aLready. Omigosh. I aLready imagine myseLf going through that everyday just to go to schooL. What a chaLLenge. Haha. My mom just caLLed a tricycLe to take us to the nearest LRT station. And guess what. The fLood is so high that my mom and I have to raise our feet so that we don't get wet in the water that is entering the tricycLe. All I couLd do is Laugh as we try not to be wet with the spLash of water. (Oh gross!)

When we stepped of LRT I toLd my mom that we haven't Lunch yet. It was past 3 aLready so it was Lunch/merienda for us. She toLd me that we're going to eat at Harrison Plaza. You know what's the first thing that we do in Harrison Plaza? Buy cLothes. I was dying to get out of my wet and heavy pants. I aLso bought sLippers since my doLL shoes are wet from the fLood. So I have new shorts which I didn't reaLLy need. And because we're in such a hurry to go home,we just ordered take out food and ate it in the car. :))

All in aLL,it was a fun day for me. What an experience! I can truLy say that I'm a certified Thomasian now. :D

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