Monday, November 23, 2009


Okay, I am posting this to notify my friends who are avid readers of my bLog. I'm so sorry but I don't think I can manage this bLog anymore. Many things are happening, many things that wouLd have been good topics here in my bLog. But since second semester started, I'm just so happy to have a free time. And I don't even caLL it free time anymore since I used up that time to study! Darn it. I can't bLame anyone, since I myseLf choose this course. I honestLy don't know that we're aLways gonna be busy here in Accountancy though. Sigh. Whatever. So goodbye my friends ;). I don't know when I wiLL be back. Maybe summer? Oh I know. On breaks. Like sem break, christmas break and summer if I survive this sem with no faiLures. Ugh. So, got to go. Goodbye bLogging worLd! :(

Friday, November 20, 2009

back in the bLogging scene.

It's been a Looooong time since I bLog here! HonestLy, during sembreak I wanted to bLog about what's happening to me. But I forgot and I became addicted to Big Bang (a korean boy band group) at that time. Since they debuted way back in 2006, I have a Lot of videos to catch up on. So I spend the remaining days of sembreak watching videos on youtube.

I soooo want to teLL you the detaiLs on my first whoLe week back in schooL, but I gotta catch up first on the unwritten memories since I Last posted an entry here. And that's gonna be in the next post. :D

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