Sunday, May 31, 2009

spot the difference.

Today is our subdivision's fiesta. Yesterday, xhen & arieL had agreed that they wiLL go to us today. Somehow, xhen knew that there are some foods at our house. :)

Our morning started earLy. We attended the morning mass and afterwards, we stayed at the chapeL because my mom and our neighbors are the godmothers for the baptismaL. And the baptismaL is going to be heLd right after the mass. After the baptismaL, we went to the house of the one who was just baptized. Their house is just near ours so I ran to our house first for a drink of water. :) I was so thirsty. Anyways, the food is great. They even had Lechon. Yum! So great. After that, we went off to SM to buy some things. Me and our neighbor went straight to the hypermarket whiLe me, my brother and our neighbor's chiLd went to Tom's WorLd to pLay. :) Then we went straight home and start cooking. :]

My reLatives arrived first. I was kinda annoyed because my niece Queenie, which stayed for us this summer, was kinda rude. Darn it. So I asked my brother and my nephew James, to go to SM. But unfortunateLy, Queenie and Vaida, another niece of mine, joined us too. Good thing Arwin texted me that he's gonna go to SM too. A good reason to escape them. :)

Me and Arwin must have toured the whoLe SM severaL times. We were waiting for ArieL & xhen. We saw EtheL there and Mary Ann. FinaLLy, when we got tired, I suggested that we sit at the foodcourt. WhiLe we are chatting there, ArieL texted that he was near. He aLso texted that he invited Mark & Herson. That's okay with me since they're aLL my feLLow RizaLvadors. After we met up with ArieL, we went to the entrance to wait for Mark. He texted to ArieL that he was near, but he got stuck near the Daang Hari because of traffic. When Mark arrived, we started waLking. We were going to accompany Arwin because he's gonna attend the afternoon mass. I agreed eventhough I aLready attended the morning mass. UnfortunateLy, it started raining. Me, Arwin & ArieL had umbreLLas with us. But Mark didn't, so I have to share with him. And because Mark is so taLL, I have to make tingkayad just to reached him. And someone suggested (I'm not sure if it is ArieL or Arwin) that Mark hoLd the umbreLLa instead. So we switched. But since I'm getting wet because the umbreLLa is so high, I decided to share umbreLLas with Arwin instead. Off we went. When we are aLmost there, xhen appeared.

When mass started, Arwin is the onLy one reaLLy Listening. The rest of us, were taLking. xhen keep teasing Mark about something. :) And we'LL just Laughed. After a LittLe whiLe, the three Left to meet up with Herson & Adee at SM. I was Left aLone again with PF. The mass is Long since it is speciaL because there is a bishop there. So to ease our boredom, we just sent GMs. :)

After the mass, we went straight to our house because we're aLL starving. And we ate. After we finished eating, Arwin toLd me he had to go because his mom texted him aLready. A few minutes after Arwin Left, we agreed to waLked around Citihomes. We were Looking for the dance and singing contest. But we cannot find it. Since we cannot find it, we agreed to go to Arwin's house instead. :) But when we are near their street, we saw the contest. So we just stop there and stare there. Yeah. I wouLdn't go into detaiLs because I'm so Lazy to type.

Anyways, the boys had pLans (I think) to pLay computer games at the computer shop. And since I'm being OP aLready, I just decided to bade goodbye to them and return to my house. :)

P.S. the reason for this titLe is Mark said that Line once. He was referring to the fact that I'm the shortest in our group whiLe they're aLL towers. :) I think it can aLso refer that I'm the onLy girL there. :p

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Laugh trip. :)

I've been going out for two days straight. Yesterday, we went to UST because it's the date when my interview for the San Lorenzo schoLarship is scheduLed. I taLked to this girL,but I forgot her name. I just remembered her Last name which is Atienza. UnfortunateLy, she's taking up BioLogy. How sad. I don't know if some of the peopLe there are taking up Accountancy 'cause they're just quiet there. I don't know if they're shy or they pLainLy don't want to taLk. :)

Today, I just went to SM MoLino. But when I got home, I feeL sooooo tired. Maybe because we're standing aLmost the whoLe time we were there. We were watching EtheL in her performance. "We" by the way is me, my brother, zet, arieL & xhen. Before the start of the program, we saw Sir John riding up on the escaLator. We waited for him on the top of the escaLator. Boy, Sir John changed a LittLe. He's chubby now and he has a beard (just a short one). I so miss Sir. Anyways, we chat for a few moments. He ask where are we going for coLLege, but mostLy he teases us. Same oLd Serjan :). And then we went on watching the program. Near the end, I feLt my ceLLphone vibrate and it's Nique, texting me that she saw us. I texted her back asking where is she. And she repLied that she's just across us. So I saw her and pointed her out to the others. After the program, me, my brother, zet & etheL ate our dinner at KFC. Nique joined us too when she Learned that Sir John is in KFC. She, xhen & arieL didn't ordered by they stayed with us and we taLked, Laughed, make noise :). I so missed the fun times that we have at KFC. Anyways, we reaLLy are noisy and some of the peopLe are Looking at us. EspeciaLLy when Sir ManueL and Sir John were about to Leave. We caLLed out,"Sir!" and most of the peopLe there Looked at us. Haha. Everywhere we go, even though we don't pLanned it, we aLways make a scene. :)

Anyways, got to go. I am reaLLy so tired. And tomorrow is our subdivision's fiesta and ArieL & xhen had toLd me that they're going to our house tomorrow. I think they're going to bring some of our cLassmates aLong too. I bet it's going to be so fun :). And the day after that, the bb'z are going to have a reunion at MOA! :))

Monday, May 25, 2009

my worries.

I reaLLy, reaLLy, reaLLy hate to admit this but Last night, I cried. It's Like aLL my worries came pouring out. I was just thinking about coLLege, about the hard Lessons, about meeting new friends, new professors, and adjusting to the fast paced Life in ManiLa. Then I start thinking about how earLy I wouLd get up in the morning to go to schooL and I think of sLeepLess nights because of hard Lessons. And that's what made me cry.

I don't know but for some reason, I stiLL can't beLieve that I'm gonna be in coLLege now. It's onLy Like yesterday when I was in kindergarten, going to my first ever day in schooL. But now, I'm aLready in coLLege. Sigh. Most of my batchmates are excited to go to coLLege. So does my former cLassmates too. Me too. I'm a LittLe bit excited. But a much bigger part of me is afraid. More Like terrified. Because now, I reaLLy have to be independent. I have to be on my own. When I thought of it, I reaLized that I've never been anywhere on my own. As in. Yes, I've gone to some far pLaces but I'm aLways with my friends. Even in my whoLe high schooL Life, I've never gone home by myseLf. I aLways make sabay with my friends who aLso goes the same way with me. Darn it. I guess it's aLso my fauLt. I've become so dependent on other peopLe. But now I need to grow up fast. I need to be indepent, to become mature, to become responsibLe and aLways aLert. Life in ManiLa is soooo different from Life in Cavite. I have to Learned how to cope up with the noisy, bustLing and fast paced Life in ManiLa.

Anyways, I cried for onLy a few minutes Last night. After that, I just stared at the ceiLing with my puffy eyes. Then suddenLy, I feLt my ceLLphone vibrating under my piLLow, and BOOM. It was my bLockmate. Then another text came in and it was my feLLow coursemate which is unfortunateLy, in another section. And because of that, I forgot aLL about my worries. After aLL, I can't dweLL on the past for too Long. I got to move on. As said on the cartoon movie Robinsons,"Keep moving forward!" :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

my supposedLy schooL.

I was reading Jerricson's Latest post in his bLog today which has a Link on it that directs to Wikimapia. From the Link, I aLready know that it is aLL about De La SaLLe University-ManiLa or DLSU ManiLa La SaLLe Taft. From the titLe, I guessed you aLready know what this is about. :)

Way back when I was a junior, when I decided that I'm going to take up Accountancy, La SaLLe Taft became my dream schooL. La SaLLe Taft speciaLizes in business courses which is the reason why I want to go to coLLege there. ALso, one of the reasons I want to go there is there's no uniform there. I so Love the idea of a schooL with no uniforms. You can wear whatever you want, and in a person's cLothes you can have an idea of the person's personaLity. So I reaLLy dreamt of it. And I reaLLy have a fixed pLan for my future. Which is pretty funny since my cLassmates at that time stiLL has no pLans for their coLLege Life. :)

UntiL I reached senior year, I'm stiLL decided that I wiLL go to La SaLLe no matter what. When I started taking entrance exams, I did my best in the La SaLLe entrance exam. And my efforts paid off. I passed the entrance exam with my first choice! But after a month, I Learned that I wasn't accepted at their schoLarship. My onLy chance to go to that schooL. My parents just couLdn't afford the too expensive tuition at La SaLLe. So there goes my dream schooL. Sigh. But you know what? I think that it's fate's way of saying that I don't beLong in that schooL. And I wouLd very much Like to thank fate. Because now, I'm gLad that I didn't enroLLed myseLf in that schooL. Because I just recentLy Learned of the schooL's reputation. They think that onLy spoiLed brats go there, with good for nothing. But I honestLy think that they're wrong. I think for commoners Like us, who doesn't have the money to pay the persons in that schooL, it is hard to get in in that schooL. The entrance exam is hard. ReaLLy hard. BLoody EngLish. I had a hard time understanding what they are asking on a certain question. That's why I consider it a miracLe that I passed the entrance exam there.

But I was reaLLy gLad that things turned out that way. I am now enroLLed in one of the prestigious universities in the country. PROUD TO BE A THOMASIAN! :))

Friday, May 15, 2009

back to back davids. :)

Tomorrow is David ArchuLeta and David Cook's concert at the MOA open grounds. And I reaLLy want to watch it! I've watched their guesting at Sis and Eat BuLaga and I so wanted to see them Live. But the tickets are way expensive for me. I onLy have 950 pesos (as of now) and it's suppose to Last for the whoLe summer. Looks Like I'm onLy watching them Live in my dreams. Sigh.

Okay, so that's aLL. Tomorrow my mom and some of my neighbors are going to Divisoria. I don't know if I wiLL go with them though. I'm stiLL thinking of it. I need rubber shoes for my PE cLasses at UST (they don't have their own PE shoes) and the onLy rubber shoes I have here is Perpz's PE shoes. And I couLdn't possibLy used it because they're so oLd now. But maybe I'll stiLL used it. I dunno. It depends probabLy. hee. :))

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

shopping again. :)

Yesterday me and my mom went to UST. We went there because Last week, the Lady at the OSA office toLd me to go back after a week if we haven't receive a text or a phone caLL. So off we went to UST, but we went for nothing. When we got there the SA toLd us to just wait for the text message indicating when I shouLd be back for my interview.

After that, I convinced my mom to go to Divisoria. As soon as we reached 168 maLL, we went to the foodcourt to have Lunch because it's aLready Lunch time and we're aLready starving. And after that, we went shopping! We went Looking for my bags that is. :]

We waLked around 3rd fLoor but I didn't found anything affordabLe. I found many bags that I Liked, but they're way too expensive. They're the same price of bags that you see at SM maLLs. So my mom suggested that we went down. We went to the 2nd fLoor but there's not much bags there. So finaLLy, we went to the first fLoor. And jackpot! We found the spot. There's so many staLLs that seLLs bags and it's hard to make up my mind. FinaLLy, I chose this bag that is brown and red and matches my uniform. And I aLso take this cute LittLe pink backpack because I know that smaLL backpacks are in today. I decided to use that one during fridays which is my PE day. :)

After that my mom and I just sort of wandered around. And because of that we buy many stuffs. My mom bought 2 doLL shoes which are awesome and I can borrow them. The probLem is, my shoe size is 2 sizes smaLLer than my mom's so the shoes are big for me. WeLL, whatever. :)

On our way home, we passed this vendors on the street and again, my mom and I bought stuffs again. Like comb and ponytaiL hoLders, etc. :]

So that's aLL for yesterday. Au revoir! :p

Monday, May 11, 2009

shopping for shoes.

Today is shopping for shoes day. When we woke up (me,my bro & my niece) it was aLready 9:3o. I wasn't surprised because we sLept by 1:3o (which is way past midnight) because we were stiLL up watching the first Harry Potter movie on GMA. :)

When we went downstairs, I was aLL ready to eat breakfast when my mom said that we shouLd wait for my dad because we're having brunch. After brunch, we each took turns using the bathroom then, when we're aLL finished, off to southmaLL. :]

OriginaLLy, I pLanned to buy my schooL shoes, and a new bag. But I onLy end up buying schooL shoes. My mom said that we shouLd buy my bag(s) in Divisoria because there are awesome Looking bags at a Low price. :)

My schooL shoes were picked by my mom. I don't know what to choose because I don't know what shoes are good for coLLege. I Liked some but they Look appropriate for high schooL. So I just Let my mom decide. It was cute and fit me perfectLy. It had a LittLe heeL which wiLL make me a few inches taLLer. So, that's aLL I gotta post. We just stay at SouthmaLL for a few hours. After shopping for my shoes we went to the supermarket to buy stuffs then we proceed to the food court to eat merienda. Then, off to home! :))

Thursday, May 7, 2009

hangin' out.

Today is a rainy day. It rain the whoLe day. WeLL, aLmost. Sometimes the rain stops for few minutes. So there I go, just enjoying the day. :)

I am so Lazy to post an entry about the past two days. WeLL, aLL I just did is to hang out. :) Last Tuesday, May 05, I went to my former schooL(Perpz) together with my friends and former cLassmates. They're EtheL(my twin), Lorezette(my daughter), and my former seatmate Dominic (domz for short). Oh, my niece Queenie BeLLe is aLso with us. Me, zet and theL met first at SM before going to schooL where domz is waiting for us. When I saw domz, my first reaction was that he had gain a few pounds. ReaLLy. You can reaLLy see it. Anyways, we chatter for a few minutes before going to the high schooL office to take our graduation pictures which is the reason why we went there. After we got the pictures, we just went up to the 2nd fLoor and just wander around. We just missed our schooL, I guess. :] As we were nearing the new buiLding, a guard was there and he refused to Let us passed. So much for that. :p

After that, we just decided to go to SM to eat. As usuaL, we went to KFC, the fastfood of the PerpetuaLites. :)) I caLLed KFC that because when it's stiLL schooL months, most of the PerpetuaLites go there to eat. But I bet that if there's Mcdo in SM moLino, some wiLL probabLy go there. WeLL, I'm off the subject. WhiLe we were eating, we're unusuaLLy quiet. I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that domz is there. I mean, domz is a cLose friend and aLL but he's stiLL a guy. For once, zet is not taLking about who's currentLy the new guy in his Life. MostLy, we just ate in siLence. And I so don't Like it. I'm not used to it. But a few minutes Later, we became noisy. It's because we were teasing domz about the current Love of his Life which is aLso one of our cLassmates. hee.

After we ate, we decided to hang out at Quantum which is a store fuLL of games. Zet bought tokens and put 4 into the Dancemaniax machine. WhiLe the rest, we used it in pLaying in the machine where there are severaL games. We choose the game which is Like spot the difference. We were hooked and were so intent on breaking the record. Which is how we spent the remaining tokens on it. It wasn't a Loss anyway. We ended up making second pLace and putting our names on dispLay there. :) After that game, me & zet pLayed on dancemaniax. Since domz is bored and don't have anything to do, he keeps on bugging me. I was a LittLe annoyed at him because I am pLaying but I didn't hoLd a grudge against him. After aLL, it might be a whiLe before I saw him again. :]

That night, whiLe I'm OL, domz texted me with something. I then Logged on to my friendster account and foLLowed what domz texted me to do. When I am done with what he toLd me, I texted him back with a question (FortunateLy, we were both using unLitxt). And he texted back and the rest is history. I wouLdn't go into detaiLs about what we taLked about though. I'll just mention that domz is so sad that I don't know what to say to him. I'm afraid I might say something out of the Line and he might get upset with me. I sure don't want it to happen.

The next day(which is yesterday) he is stiLL a LittLe sad but unfortunateLy my unLi expired so I couLdn't text him anymore. Which is a good thing because i stiLL don't know what to say to him. Nothing much happened except that EtheL visited me and hang out for a few hours. We did something incredibLy ridicuLous. :)) But I wouLdn't teLL what it is. :]

P.S. It's Myca's birthday yesterday. ALso one of the RizaLvadors. :D
P.P.S. Sorry if I stiLL caLL Perpz "schooL". I shouLd caLL it now my former schooL since I am officiaLLy enroLLed at UST now but I can't heLp it. CLasses hasn't begin yet so I stiLL think of Perpz as my present schooL. :]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I just hope I passed.

I just remembered a few minutes ago that I forgot to post an entry in my bLog yesterday. I went to UST yesterday to submit the requirements in the Lorenzo Ruiz schoLarship, the schoLarship where you have to work for the schooL in exchange of free tuition fee and etc. Anyways, Let me teLL you what happened.

My father woke me up at 5 AM. Can you beLieve it? The Last time I woke up at that time was when...Let me see. I think it was our graduation mass. Anyways, I was so annoyed, sLeepy and disoriented at the same time. My mind isn't functioning weLL yet. But my body moved. By itseLf. I got up and weariLy cLimb down on our bed (I sLeep on a doubLe deck bed). I went downstairs and joined my dad at the tabLe where he was having breakfast. My mom was at the bathroom. My dad made us sandwiches whiLe I made myseLf chocoLate miLk. After that, I got to use the bathroom. I spent a precious hour taking a bath, dressing up and fixing myseLf. My mom is hurrying me up aLready because we might get caught in traffic. On our way to UST, I am so sLeepy but I'm trying not to sLeep because my hair is wet. Some peopLe says that it's bad to sLeep whiLe your hair is wet (that's what my parents toLd me). But I for one, don't beLieve in it so much. And because I'm so sLeepy, I sLept. :))

By the time I woke up, we were near UST. I don't want to go into much detaiL so I'll just outLined everything. :) When we reached UST it's a LittLe before 8 so my parents decided to grab something to eat. I didn't get anything because I'm not hungry and I don't feeL Like eating. So there. :]

After my parents ate we went to Tan Yan Kee buiLding or otherwise known as the office of admissions. By the time we went there, there are so many peopLe aLready. I guess they are appLicants for the said schoLarship too. I thing I noticed is this guy. He was cute. And taLL. Oh weLL. But I stopped staring at the guy. Why? First of aLL, because my parents are with me. I have to behave. :) And second, I think the guy knows that I'm staring at him. Because he Looked my way, and we met each other's eyes. I have to admit that there's no spark there. Aww. :D

After a few minutes, we went up the stairs. The ones who were appLying for the schoLarship were Led to this room. In that room is where we stayed. We did things Like fiLLing up forms and the SA's(student assistants) there are checking if we have compLete requirements. Now this is the funny thing. The cute guy that I mentioned above, is so kuLet. He keeps asking questions and stuffs. And because he's so kuLet, the SA's started caLLing him by his name. His name is Justin. Argh. When I found out his name, guess what was the first thing that pop up in my mind? That I'm reaLLy attracted to guys with names starting in J. Darn it. :)

After a pretty Long time, I was caLLed and since my requirements are compLete, I got to go on the next step. I went to the OSA office and asked for Ma'am Len(I think). And that was where, I took an IQ test on the spot. So much for that. :)

The IQ test is easy but I don't know how I did. I wouLdn't know for one more week. They said that they wouLd caLL or text me. Yeah. So that's aLL. We stopped at my cousin's house on our way home because we have to get something. Yeah. :p

Friday, May 1, 2009

beginning of a new month.

Yeah. Happy Labor's Day to everyone. It's aLso the first day of May. One month since we graduated, and one month and 8 days to go before cLasses starts. Time sure fLies fast! :)

Anyways, today is not a boring day. At breakfast this morning, my mom toLd me that we're going to have a haircut today. I was thriLLed because I wanted to cut my hair since it's Long now. On the other hand, I aLso don't want to cut it because I Look girLish in Long hair. But I didn't pass up the opportunity to cut my hair because knowing my hair, in just two months it'LL be Long again. :]

So a LittLe after Lunch, off we went. To SouthmaLL that is. I aLways have my hair cut there, at David's SaLon. Good thing my favorite hairstyList is there or eLse I might go crazy :)). I toLd him(as usuaL) to cut 2 inches from my hair and to cut my bangs. My bangs is up to my chin that you couLn't caLL it bangs anymore. But now, it's BANGS again. hee.

After that, we stopped for a snack at Mcdo. We just ate burgers, fries and my fave chocoLate fudge! Yum. After that, we bought some snacks and off we went...on our way home. :]

That's aLL. I know it's not exactLy thriLLing, but pLease bear with it. :))

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