Monday, May 11, 2009

shopping for shoes.

Today is shopping for shoes day. When we woke up (me,my bro & my niece) it was aLready 9:3o. I wasn't surprised because we sLept by 1:3o (which is way past midnight) because we were stiLL up watching the first Harry Potter movie on GMA. :)

When we went downstairs, I was aLL ready to eat breakfast when my mom said that we shouLd wait for my dad because we're having brunch. After brunch, we each took turns using the bathroom then, when we're aLL finished, off to southmaLL. :]

OriginaLLy, I pLanned to buy my schooL shoes, and a new bag. But I onLy end up buying schooL shoes. My mom said that we shouLd buy my bag(s) in Divisoria because there are awesome Looking bags at a Low price. :)

My schooL shoes were picked by my mom. I don't know what to choose because I don't know what shoes are good for coLLege. I Liked some but they Look appropriate for high schooL. So I just Let my mom decide. It was cute and fit me perfectLy. It had a LittLe heeL which wiLL make me a few inches taLLer. So, that's aLL I gotta post. We just stay at SouthmaLL for a few hours. After shopping for my shoes we went to the supermarket to buy stuffs then we proceed to the food court to eat merienda. Then, off to home! :))


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