Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I've got the best of both worLds.

Today, me and my bLockmates pLanned to take a LittLe fieLd trip at Fort Santiago. It was our PhiLippine History prof's assignment. We arranged to meet up in UST up front by our buiLding at 1 PM. After we met up, we decided to go to Fort Santiago.

We rode a jeep that is going to Pier. Since there are so many of us, we spLit up into two. We got off the jeep in front of the ManiLa CathedraL and we waLked the rest of the way untiL we reached our destination, Fort Santiago. It was reaLLy cooL. But I personaLLy think that it was boring. :p I just didn't say it out Loud to my bLockmates. I just thought it to myseLf. It's nice, quiet, and a historicaL pLace. But mostLy, the things that were there were RizaL's stuffs. And since I've been to RizaL's oLd house in Laguna, that's why the stuffs Look the same. But I enjoyed bonding with my bLockmates. Even though its sooooo hot in Fort Santiago. :)

Anyways, me and Leanna Left earLy. We Left earLy because my bLockmates are pLanning to hit the maLL after our tour there. Leanna don't wanna go. Me, I reaLLy wanna go but my parents are waiting for me. ALso, I pLanned to attend Kai's birthday, aLso a RizaLvador.

So off to my other worLd. We arrived at our house by 4:30. I quickLy did the assignments of this kid that I'm tutoring and off I went to JoLLibee MoLino to met up with Kai, Ron and Jhay. When we met up, off we went to Kai's house.

A LittLe whiLe Later, we Leave to picked up Ernan, Adee & Bryner. Ernan & Adee Looked very formaL in their business attire. When we arrived at Kai's house, the three of them started eating. A LittLe whiLe Later, Mimi arrived and so does Iya. Me and Ron started eating then. Then a LittLe whiLe Later, ZheL arrived. The girLs were outside taLking. They invited me to go with them since I'm the onLy girL Left inside but I didn't join them. They are aLL members or their group, "tropa". So I stayed inside with the boys. And since I'm the onLy girL, they began teasing me. It was reaLLy annoying. But aLso funny. But Ernan keeps on bothering me. What the. :p

By 7:30, we decided to Leave. "We" consists of me, Ron, Bryner, Adee & Ernan. But as we were Leaving, the others arrived! The others were ManeL, Rodgee, ArieL, Janine, Jehk, and WiLman. Sorry if I Left out someone. :D It was so dark that's why I was having difficuLty seeing them. After some chitchats, we finaLLy set off. Even though I'm the onLy girL, I'm not nervous being with them. I mean, I know them so it's no prob. :)

We waLked aLL the way to the part where the jeepneys passed. ALong the way, me and Ernan kept on arguing. Nothing, just petty arguments. And even when we rode on the jeep (we were sitting next to each other) the argument continues. :p

ALL in aLL, it was a great day. Even though I came home Late and I stiLL have to go to schooL the foLLowing day, I had a fun time. Superb! :p

Sunday, June 28, 2009

why oh why do I do everything for you?

It's aLready 10:30 PM by our watch. I am so damn tired but I don't know. Somehow, I can't sLeep. If I Lay on my bed, many things are going on at once in my head. :)

Argh. I'm just bLogging to Let Loose of these -- things. Things that I've been thinking LateLy. It so started Last night. When that happened. Sigh.

This is so hard. It's just so hard to move on. :)) haja. That sounds so pathetic. hee. Anyways, Let's break the emo mode. :D I wanted to distract myseLf from thinking of HIM. Yesterday evening, before going to sLeep, I'm thinking of him. And it's no wonder that in my dream, he's there. haja. :))

WeLL anyways, I got to go. I am so sLeepy. And I need to get up earLy tomorrow because I've got to go on a mini fieLdtrip with bLockmates. We agreed to meet up by 1 PM but I had to Leave Cavite by 10. It's because of traffic and aLL that. And I had to do some stuffs before I Leave. So, wish me Luck. I hope that I won't wake up Late tomorrow. :p

P.S. To those guys who wiLL be reading this, sorry for the emo beginning. :D

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today, me and my HS friends had another bonding. SeveraL days ago, Ernan invited us RizaLvadors to watched Transformers. And now, the day came. :)

I don't wanna go much into detaiLs. All I can say is at first, I feeL a LittLe Lost in the movie 'coz I haven't seen the first movie. But sometime at the middLe, I couLd hear Ron saying who are the good ones and the bad ones. And inside the cinema, it's soooooooo coLd. We were nearLy freezing. So after the movie is finished, some of us went directLy to the CR.

So I guess it's just here. Some of the stuff that happened is way too personaL. :)) So sorry, if I can't share it here. All I can say is, I'm sooooo confused. :p

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

taLk about coLLege.

Today, we have no cLasses for the reason that it is ManiLa day today. That's why I was reaLLy in a Lazy mode at the start of this week because I was Looking forward for today. :)

Monday went by in a bLur. But Tuesday is soooo sLow. I was reaLLy Looking forward to the end of the day because me and some RizaLvadors are pLanning to have a gaLa. But during one of my cLasses, I think it's betweend 2nd period or break, Ghie texted me that our gaLa is canceLLed. They don't wanna go to Perpz and they cannot go to SM ManiLa because some of them have no money. So during my break, I sent a GM to RizaL saying that the visit to Perpz that afternoon is off.

But during BA, my third period, many RizaLvadors are sending me messages. And since BA is so damn boring and sLeepy, I hid my ceLLphone under my desk and repLied to their messages. During EngLish, Domz started sending muLtipLe messages. And I can't repLy to him because we're having this fun game in EngLish. So I was abLe to answer his messages after cLass. He was asking us to wait for him. I had asked Sher and Grace to wait for me because I am going with them at Cavite. But since I am afraid that Domz might be mad at me, I just toLd them to go on whiLe I waited for Domz.

What did I do whiLe waiting for Domz? First, me and Leanna(my seatmate) went to the facuLty room because we are Looking for Dr. Aguas, our prof in PhiLosophy because Leanna is going to buy our book from him. But sadLy, he's not in the facuLty room. Next, we went on the 2nd fLoor where there are many shops. Leanna just xeroxed something. After that, we went to Dapitan to ate Lunch. After we had eaten Lunch, we headed back to UST. WhiLe we were waLking back, Domz texted me that it's their dismissaL aLready. I was shocked because I thought we stiLL have time to stroLL around UST. But me and Leanna hang around the front of UST whiLe waiting for Domz. And guess what! There is a camera nearby from ABS-CBN. The cameraman change pLaces and he set up his camera beside us. I was shy to be interviewed so me and Leanna hide around this truck. Then nicaru texted me asking me where I am. I toLd her that I am in front of their buiLding. Minutes Later, we met up and she was with her bLockmate too. But our bLockmates Left and we're Left aLone catching up with each other. A few minutes Later, we aLso found Domz and we hurried up to the gates of EspaƱa because the sky was so dark and it Looks Like it's going to rain any minute. Sure enough, as we were nearing the gate, there are a few dropLets aLready. And when we were at Lover's Lane, the sky finaLLy gave up. We rooted inside our bags to Looked for our umbreLLas. When we were wating outside, it was raining cats and dogs. Good thing we didn't wait for too Long though. Nicaru get on a FX and next to it was the jeepney that me and Domz had to ride. So we go our own separate ways. :)

It was a LittLe traffic and it was so annoying because the cover for the window keeps fLying off so I was wet. Darn it. When we were at this bridge, this kid get the money up front at the driver. I don't know how he did get it but the driver chase the kid and that gave us a few minutes deLay. Anyways to cut the story short, we arrived at UN safe and unscathed. It was fun riding in LRT with Domz because the Last time he ride the LRT was when he was stiLL a LittLe kid. So I have to guide him with some stuffs. Anyways, we got off at Edsa station and we rode the jeepney to Perpz, where we agreed to meet up with Sher and Grace.

We arrived at Perpz a few minutes before 5. Me and Domz don't wanna go inside 'coz we're too shy. Few minutes Later, we saw Serjan wid Sir ManueL. He hug us and he toLd us that Grace and Sher is inside. And because of that, me and Domz finaLLy went inside Perpz. We went straight for the facuLty room and saw Grace and Sher there. They were waiting for Serjan there but we toLd them that Serjan is aLready outside. So we decided to Leave and went to SM instead. As we were Leaving, it's kinda weird 'coz we're waLking down the same path that we waLked on during our HS days but now, we're wearing different uniforms. And everyone is Looking at us. WeLL for them, it's not so different 'coz their uniform is quite simiLar to the nursing uniform of Perpz. But me? I so stand out. Of course, no one in Perpz wear Mercury-Drug Like uniforms right? :) So I stand out from them. :D

When we arrived at SM, we went straight to KFC 'coz Domz hasn't eaten Lunch yet. He and Sher ordered food whiLe me and Grace stayed at our tabLe. We didn't ordered food 'coz we're fuLL. A few minutes Later, Aruin arrived. We chatted for a few minutes then we moved to the foodcourt. It was reaLLy fun. I missed hanging out with my HS friends. With them, I can Laughed as much as I want and be myseLf. Of course, they aLready know the reaL me so I can do whatever I want with them. But with my new friends in coLLege, I sam usuaLLy quiet. I dunno, maybe because we've just known each other. hee.

BTW, we went to BaLayan, Batangas today 'coz it's fiesta there. It was reaLLy fun 'coz in every house they invite us to eat and we are aLL so wet. It's so fun. And on our way home, I discovered that cLasses in our buiLding is suspended! So I have a mini-vacation. ProbLem is, we onLy have 1 week of sembreak! Darn it.

So just here. This post is too Long aLready. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


For aLmost the whoLe weekend, I'm sick. It started when I got home from PE cLass Last Friday. I have this stomach ache. I don't know why I had that but I think it was because what I ate at breakfast. I wasn't feeLing better that's why it thrown me out of scheduLe. I was pLanning to do my weekend homeworks that night. But since I couLdn't hardLy move, I decided to put if off for the next day.

Next day which is Saturday, I feLt good when I wake up. But after Lunch, the stomach ache return again. Now I know, it wasn't because of something I ate. It's a girL thing I think. :) So I just stayed in bed for the whoLe afternoon. But ater dinner, my mom made me took a medicine. I feLt a LittLe better, better enough to do some of my homeworks. I even arrange my bag aLready so I wouLd have nothing to do the next day. :D

When I woke up today, I don't feeL good. But after breakfast, I took the medicine again and that did the trick. :) This morning, I am busy. Busy doing the assignments of our neighbor that is. I have to do it because I am tutoring her and as a part of my job, I have to do it. We finished minutes before Lunch time. I pLanned to do my onLy remaining assignment after Lunch but when my dad was channeL surfing, I saw this movie "27 dresses". So I watched it first before moving to do my assignment. :) But when I started to do my assignment, I couLdn't do it. It was just so awfuL. I reaLLy couLdn't draw. So I texted PF for heLp. And minutes Later, he went onLine. So I asked him for heLp. And he said he's gonna drop by Later and heLp me. (Thanks a Lot PF!)

So got to go. I have to attend the afternoon mass. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

1st week of coLLege Life.

Yes! After 3 days of cLasses, I can finaLLy reLax. WeLL, I stiLL have my PE cLass tomorrow, but it's aLright. It's onLy for 2 hours so I stiLL have the whoLe afternoon off. :)

On my first day, my mom went with me. She even waited for my dismissaL so she can show me again where I am supposed to ride on. About my first day, weLL we met our profs and they are nice. Our first period was BioLogy and we had a quiz! Since I had taken up BioLogy two years ago, I can't remember the terms cLearLy. Next is PhiLippine history. It was funny because our prof is an American when we're studying about the history of PhiLippines. Next is our 15 minutes break. It was annoying because we just used that 15 minutes break for getting to the restroom. The Line was too Long. Good thing I eat whiLe we were faLLing in Line at the CR. :) Next is BA, just orientation. Then Last period, EngLish where we have a group presentation.

On my second day, it's my first time to be aLone in the city. My mom didn't go with me. Second day is Like first day too because we meet our profs in our other subjects. Our first period is TheoLogy (BTW, it's so boring and I nearLy faLL asLeep). Next is FiLipino. Then break, PhiLosophy and Math. We have a quiz at Math and I got onLy one mistake. Which is good. :D At dismissaL time, I waited in front of our buiLding for GiddeL, aLso a RizaLvador. We were going home together. But her way is so much hassLe and traffic. I was Late getting home. So my parents toLd me that next time, I shouLd go home the way that my mom toLd me 'coz it's much faster. :)

Third and Last day for the week. Which is today. The profs started the Lesson 'coz we aLready met. And guess what, this is the unLuckiest day of my Life. When I reached Mini stop, I opened my bag to get my ceLLphone 'coz I was going to text Sher(a RizaLvador) & Leanna(my bLockmate) that I was aLready at Mini stop. But guess what, my ceLLphone is not there! I thought hard and I think that I Left my ceLLphone at home. So I didn't worry about it. But when I got home, I was shocked because I couLdn't find my ceLLphone anywhere. What the?! I was so annoyed because my new simcard is inserted there. (BTW, the ceLLphone that I brought today is my oLd ceLLphone). That's when I think and think and I came up with a hypothesis. It must have been "dukot" at the jeep when I was on my way to UST. And I think it was the guy next to me. There are many passengers on the jeep that time, so we're sitting pretty cLose. I don't know how to teLL my parents. My mom might be cooL about it but I bet my father wiLL scoLd me about it. I bet he wouLd teLL me that I shouLd be aware of my environment. But I can't heLp it. But I know what do to next time. I'm going to hide it in the secret zipper part of my bag. I used to put it on the pocket of the bag that was reaLLy for ceLLphones so when you open my bag, you couLd see it. Argh. I dunno what to do. :p

So got to go guys. I have to reLax. CoLLege Life is so stressing. WeLL, not just coLLege Life itseLf. It's traveLing for hours that is stressing on my part. So bye for now!

Monday, June 15, 2009

2 pLaces at once.

Have you ever wished you couLd be at two pLaces at once? When you feeL Like you're in two totaLLy different worLds? WeLL, that's what I feLt today. :)

In the morning, I was in UST. I was with my mom because she was supposed to show me where shouLd I ride and stuffs. We pLanned to get my uniform and attend the mass. But before that, I met up with my bLockmates Lara and Khatz. And a LittLe whiLe Later, me and Khatz get our PE uniform. After that, they went to the chapeL whiLe I went off to my mom. But when I reached my mom, she said that we shouLd go. Since I have another gaLa pLanned for the afternoon, I agreed to my mom's suggestion. I just bid goodbye to them through text.

Me and my mom didn't go home directLy. We ate Lunch at MOA. ActuaLLy, we were pLanning to do some window shopping but I wasn't feeLing weLL so we just go home after we ate Lunch. It's Like we just stopped by MOA to eat Lunch. hee.

But when we got home, I was feeLing a Lot better. But I was having second thoughts for our mini reunion. I was feeLing so Lazy. But when I texted AmieL that I was too Lazy to go to our mini reunion, they went by our house! (BTW, "they" was AmieL, PF, Cha, Ghie, Jop and Lester) And since, it's rude to say no to them, I just went aLong with them even though I think I wiLL be OP with them. :))

We stopped by in each of the cLassrooms to see who's their adviser and we wiLL wave to them. We stopped by Serjan's present cLassroom now but he is busy so we just hang out at the CAT room with Sir Ato. A few minutes Later, Lester, Ernan and Adee aLso went in. We hanged out there tiLL it was the fourth year's dismissaL.

When we went out of the CAT room and went straight to Serjan's present room. They were about to get out of the room. Serjan was the first one out. You shouLd have seen us. TotaL pandemonium. We were just so excited to see Serjan. :D We moved to the Less crowded haLLway and there we started taLking. A LittLe whiLe Later, Mak, Ron & Laurence arrived. :]


After that, we bid goodbye to Serjan and we went off to room 201, our former room. We immediateLy ran off to our former seats. It was fun, it was Like the oLd times. A LittLe whiLe Later, we went off to Lobby. We just hanged around and wait for EmiLy to arrived. After EmiLy arrive, we taLked to Sir Ferrer and we aLso have another photo session.


After that, we went off to SM where we have our dinner. WeLL, most of us do. Lester, Ernan & Laurence aLready went home. And when we were entering SM, guess who we saw? :) Serjan, together with Sir ManueL, Sir Ato & Sir Joves. How cooL.

So got to go. Just here. I reaLLy am going to miss RizaL!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last bonding for the summer.

Today me and my friends had another bonding. Me, etheL, and zet just pLanned it Last night. When I texted ArieL and he toLd me that he, janine and Laurence are going to be on SM too, I toLd him that we just meet each other. :)

But in the end, we just combined forces. As the saying goes,"The more the merrier". We hanged around SM for a LittLe bit, then we went off to Perpz. We were going to accompany EtheL because she's gonna Look up her sister's section. After we checked the sections, we headed to the canteen, because Myca mention that it is being renovated. It's stiLL the same, just a few changes have been made. After that, we went off to search Serjan. :D

To cut the Long story short, we found Serjan and we taLked to him. And guess what they did, they took my ceLLphone and they showed Serjan my screensaver! Argh. And guess what Serjan said to me? hee.
Serjan: sa dinadami dami ng LaLaki, yan pa!
Me: (ngiti Lng)
Serjan: anu nagustuhan mu dito?
Me: Anu sir... eun. :D
Serjan: Anu ba, niLiLigawan ka ba nya, o kayo na?
Me: ndi sir huh!
EtheL: maLapit na. :))

I couLdn't beLieve that it aLready reached Serjan that I have a crush on him. But never mind, at Least the schooL year has ended before he even knew. :) Anyways, Serjan get back to his chair so we just hanged out at the chapeL. We're just goofing off around when Ma'am ArgueLLes approached us. She chatted with us for a bit. After a LittLe whiLe, Serjan went off running and he motioned for us to foLLow him. We ran too 'coz we were foLLowing him. It turns out that he and Sir ManueL (our former teacher in Eco)had agreed to met up by the CR and they escaped the program. So funny. They were Like students in a way. :]

Anyway, they Leave the campus so off we went back to SM. We were supposed to sing karaoke at Quantum but then someone suggested that we have a foodtrip and ate at my house. So off we went to Hypermarket to bought foods. :) By the way, EtheL aLready Left because she has to go to ALabang. When we arrived at our house, we settLed at our Living room fLoor and began stuffing our faces. We came up with pretty rare combos. Like Lays dipped in KFC's gravy, donut dipped in gravy, Lays dipped in yogurt. They may Looked Like disgusting but they taste pretty good. WhiLe we were eating, we began to taLked about past issues. It was a LittLe hard (for me) because I had a hard time recaLLing stuffs. All I ever remember is the major stuffs. *Laughs*

WeLL, anyways, got to go. Just here! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

me, spoiLed? nah. :)

Today, we were supposed to go to UST because my mother wiLL teLL me how to go to UST by myseLf. We brought our car with us but we Left it at Harrison PLaza. Then we go to Robinson's ManiLa. We had Lunch there. But suddenLy, I toLd my mom that I'm tired and that we just do this on Monday. We don't have cLasses yet because there's a mass in the morning. But I pLanned to attend that and meet up with my bLockmates. :)

Anyways, about this post's titLe. I never experienced being spoiLed. Promise. Even when I was a chiLd, I didn't aLways get what I want. I guess it's because we're not rich. We're just your average famiLy. :) Even when I earned another award or I topped the honors again, my parent's didn't gave me "exchange" for this stuff. But I don't bLame them because Like I've said before, we're not rich. :D

But LateLy, boy do I feeL spoiLed. EspeciaLLy when me and my mom go out. She aLways bought what I asked for. And just today, she bought me a new ceLLphone! FinaLLy, my super duper oLd ceLLphone wiLL finaLLy be repLaced. We bought it at SM MoLino and even though it's not the ceLLphone I've been dreaming of, it's okay. Oh, I just Love my mom. She aLways gave me what I asked for this days. Maybe it's the fact that I'm going to coLLege. It is a big deaL for our famiLy because I'm the oLdest chiLd. hee. :)

So just here! Wish to have more updates tomorrow. hee. :p

P.S. Guys, I'm changing numbers. New ceLLphone means new sim card. :))

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

when you just can't move on part 2.

I'm stiLL feeLing a LittLe bit sLeepy. I sLeep Late Last night. Uhm, excuse me. It isn't Last night. It's just this morning. I feLL asLeep aLmost 2 AM. Darn it. I was pLanning to go to bed earLy this week because next week is the start of the cLasses aLready. But I can't heLp it. Sometimes the good things happened when it is way too Late. :)

I was busy having a conference with my bLockmates Lara & Khatz Last night that I didn't noticed the time. It was aLready 11:30! But since, I'm not yet sLeepy I continued reading this book that I was reading. When suddenLy, a certain someone texted me few minutes before 12. He was asking me to miss caLL him just to check whether he had a ringback tone. I did but there wasn't a ringback tone. And I was surprised, because a few minutes Later, he was caLLing. I honestLy don't know what to do but I just answered the phone. But darn it. I can hardLy hear him. The Line was choppy. But we ended the caLL but he said that he's gonna caLL me a few minutes Later. So I didn't go to sLeep yet. I just waited for him to caLL. :D

He caLLed me back but the Line keeps getting disconnected. He was trying to start a confe caLL. But the Line is so choppy and he cannot caLL others. By the time he had started a confe caLL, my ceLLphone went dead. Darn it! I opened it again but he didn't caLL me back. So I just went to bed. :p

Anyways, there is this one thing that's bothering me. Grace toLd me that cLasses on 15 wiLL start at 1 PM. By that time, it's aLmost my dismissaL time. But my bLockmate Lara and a coursemate of mine, Kevin caLLed UST today and they toLd them that never mind the news, and we're stiLL gonna foLLow the cLass scheduLe. What the?! I was reaLLy so confused. Argh. :p

when you just can't move on. :|

Today was such a BORING day. duh. All day Long I just go onLine, watch TV, and text. Yeah, I'm registered to UnLitxt and it isn't obvious 'coz I'm not sending GM's to my friends. I just PM'ed the ones who sent GM's to me 'coz obviousLy, they are registered to UnLitxt too. :)

ActuaLLy, I didn't pLan on registering to UnLitxt today. But a certain someone texted me whiLe I was having Lunch and then...that forced me. hee. You don't have to know who that someone is. All I can say is, this post's titLe came from him. :)

Yeah, oh another thing. By today, I aLready found 5 bLockmates! Yay. I don't how many to go yet. 'Coz I don't know the exact number of students in our section. :p

So got to go, I don't have much to bLog about today. err.

P.S. speciaL thanks to Laurence for sending free Load! Yay. It arrived a few minutes ago. And aLso, for AmieL, Ghie and PF for dropping by at our house even for just a few minutes. :D

Sunday, June 7, 2009

drag me to heeeeeeeeeLLL! :)

Okay. I know I've promised to myseLf that I'm gonna taLk in pure EngLish in this bLog but I'm going to break that promise TODAY. Somehow, there are times that I have to use my native Language. Because when I expressed that stuffs in EngLish, it Loses its impact. :)

This morning is so boooooring. Yes. That's aLL I can say. So Let's jump on to the good stuff. :)) Oh wait. I just remembered something. Arwin dropped by this morning because he's gonna borrow my ceLLphone to text some friends. His ceLLphone is currentLy broken, so there. :D Now Let's continue. Arwin, Domz and Grace had toLd me that they'LL gonna go first to my house before going to SM. Since my famiLy are off to church, they are busy dressing up. After they are finished dressing up, it was my turn in the bathroom. And whiLe I was upstairs dressing up, my brother caLLed to me that PF is aLready here. And because of that, I don't have any time to change outfits anymore :D. I just put on the first shirt that I grabbed. :]

Few minutes Later, Grace arrived. And she was carrying a baLLoon with her. She said that her mom bought it for Ron, because she toLd her mom that it was Ron's birthday. I was reaLLy Laughing when she said that. :)) Then, she asked Arwin to put the words "Happy Birthday Ron" on the baLLoon. Then, napagtripan naming baLutin yung baLLoon. So I got the Left over Christmas gift wrapper (yes, christmas), coLored papers and some newspapers. After severaL cuts, snips, and a roLL of tape, we were done. WhiLe we were in the midst of doing this, Ron was busy texting us where are we, because he has aLready save seats at KFC. We keep texting him that we are so near aLready (even though we are not) and aLso Domz arrived at our house. After we have finished wrapping up the baLLoon, we set off for SM. :)

When we arrived, everyone eLse is aLready there. We were the Last to arrived. Some are not there at KFC because maybe they are bored and went off wandering. But a few minutes Later, we were compLete and PF and Ron ordered our food. :]

We were such a noisy bunch. It's no wonder since there are 23 of us. ArieL, PF, Chesca, Grace, Ron, DarLene, me, Domz, Ghie, Cha, Emz, Sher, AmieL, Jhay, ManeL, Rodgee, Fatima, and PauL. Wait a minute. We're not 23 after aLL! Someone said that we're 23. Or maybe I just forget someone? Nah. I know that it's just us. :)) Oh, I forgot something. When Ron & PF ordered our food, it's not yet compLete so they gave us a number stand. The number on it is number 23. And Grace badLy wanted to take it home. And since she cannot do it, I put it on her bag for her. But in the end, she decided to Leave it there. I was so gLad that she put it back. Imagine, what if someone caught us? They'LL find my fingerprints on it. :))

After dinner, Jhay, ManeL, Rodgee, Fatima and PauL Left. And for the rest of us who's Left, we were wondering what to do. But we just Left and we wondered what to do whiLe waLking. Someone suggested that we have a group pic. But finaLLy, someone suggested that we watch a movie. This is when we have confusions. But finaLLy, we agreed to watched Drag Me to HeLL. But Grace and Chesca Left because the movie is set to finished minutes before 10. At first, I was tempted to go with them because it wiLL be Late when the movie's finished. But I heLd back. After aLL, how many days wiLL I get to hang out with friends? So after we entered the theater, I texted my mom to Let her know that PF and Ron treated us to the movies. I keep on checking my ceLLphone the entire time that we are watching that movie but she didn't texted back. So I don't know what to expect when I get home.

Now, on to the movie. I'm so Lazy to expLain about the movie's pLot so I'll just direct you to Chesca's post about that movie. CLick here But the movie is great if you're watching it with a bunch of friends. You have a bunch of peopLe to scream together with, to Laughed with, anything. But reaLLy, the movie's great. It has many shocking scenes, and totaLLy grossed scenes. But I reaLLy had fun. It was reaLLy great.

I'LL share something. Something reaLLy funny happened whiLe we're watching the movie. Ron's mom caLLed whiLe we're watching that movie. Taz bigLang mei nakakaguLat na eksena. NapatiLi kami at napasigaw na rin si Ron. Buhat siguro ng pagkaguLat, napindot ni Ron eung button para ma-end ang caLL. So funny. :)) We were Laughing hard after the incident. :D

After the movie, we went straight for home. It was reaLLy cooL when we went out of the cinema. SM was aLmost cLosed, most of the shops were cLosed aLready. Some of the fastfoods were opened but I can see the crew inside. Maybe cLeaning or something. :p

So, that's aLL for this super great day. I hope that we have more bondings Like this for this week whiLe we don't have cLasses yet because as soon as cLass starts, we won't have time for bondings Like this anymore. :D

Saturday, June 6, 2009

it's a smaLL worLd.

Remember that on one of my previous post, I mentioned Kenneth? WeLL guess what. Yesterday evening, I was surprised when Arwin GM'ed in YM that Kenneth was onLine. I thought it was a joke because I didn't see the LittLe pop-up window in the Lowerhand right corner of the screen saying that Kenneth was onLine. So I just checked my YM. And Kenneth was reaLLy onLine! At first, I don't know what to do. I don't know whether to PM Kenneth or not. But suddenLy, he PM'ed me! He was asking if I had a reLative at MAAP. I toLd him that I haven't. And he asked me if I was sure. I then asked him if there was someone there with the same surname as mine. And he toLd me yes and that he was the highest officer in MAAP. I toLd him that I wasn't sure because I'm not cLose to my father's side. But then who knows? Maybe he was a distant reLative of mine. :))

After that, I asked Kinit some questions. But after severaL questions, he wasn't repLying back. I think that's because he is bombarded with PM's from other RizaLvadors. So I guess to make Life easier for everyone, Arwin started a conference. But sometimes, just sometimes, when there are too many peopLe in a conference, things get chaotic. :)) We can bareLy understand each other. :D

So that's aLL about Kinit. Something aLso happened yesterday evening, but I'm not so sure if I'll post it here. It's kinda private. :) But for the sake of my bLog, I'll just post it, but I won't mention any names so I wiLL not state the obvious. :D

It aLL started when I was reading Arwin's Latest post in his bLog. And my curiosity was getting to me. So I texted one of the peopLe present during that situation. And I Learned some stuffs, etc. And since I was reaLLy curious, I texted this guy across the street. And that's where this titLe of this post came from. :)

Sorry if it's so confusing. I just don't want to mention it aLL in detaiL. So, just here. I gotta go. I have to pLay this game in Y8 that I'm currentLy addicted to. See ya! :]

Friday, June 5, 2009

the rumor is indeed, TRUE.

I went onLine earLy this morning for two reasons. To make that post about Arwin and to checked out whether they have confirmed if the opening of cLasses wiLL be moved.

And yes, they have verified it aLready. Our first day of cLasses wiLL be moved on June 15. I was gLad because that meant an extra week to reLax. But I was annoyed because the first semester wouLd end on October 21! Darn it. That means we onLy have 1 week of sembreak. Argh. ALso, what wouLd I do for the extended days of vacation? I can go out on gaLas with RizaLvadors who are aLso Thomasians, Mapuans, and ADUnians. I don't know what to caLL students who go to Adamson so sorry for that. But, I don't have any money Left! That's why I was dying to go to schooL. I need my ALLOWANCE back! :))

Speaking of aLLowances, my mom toLd me yesterday that from 80 pesos back in high schooL, my daiLy aLLowance wiLL now be 250 pesos. Yay! I was busy caLcuLating how much money wiLL be Left for me. Maybe the 100 wiLL be for my traveLing fares. So 150 wiLL be Left for me. I can choose whether to eat before going home or to eat at home. But I chose to eat at home so I wiLL have more money with me. :]

So that's aLL. Just a quick short post. :p

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Arwin June BaLLado Abay, it's your day. :)

I remembered the days Like it was so yesterday. Sophomore Life, that's where it aLL began. :p Me and Arwin are seatmates back then. Me, being a chatterbox, I toLd Arwin secrets, etc. But secrets don't Last Long with him. After 5 minutes, expect that the whoLe cLass wiLL know aLready. :)) Haha. It's so funny now when you'LL think about it. :)

What eLse? Hmm. I remembered that we aLways used to fight during those sophomore days. I don't remember the reasons why we were aLways fighting back then. But we were aLways fighting and I remembered that I aLways used to pinch him. :D

But my most memorabLe memory was when us EarthLingz change seats. From the front row, I was transferred to the Last row. But you know what? I was stiLL seating next to Arwin. Can you beLieve the coincidence? hee. But from that Last row, a group was formed. The Vhumtacz which is made of EmiLy, Bea, Arwin, Sean and yours truLy. We have awesome moments in the back row and we can do anything there. :) And here comes my unforgettabLe moment. When Arwin began making songs. He made one which is about me. And because of that song, I cried! :)) SiLLy. :)

I can't remember any memories from third year times. So I'll just fast forward to our senior Life. PF (Poker Face), I missed our soundtrip every morning which sometimes made me wake up out of my sLeepy state. And somehow, I don't know how, whenever I wiLL arrived, the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga was aLways the one pLaying on your ceLLphone's soundtrack. Thus, our tawagan for each other was born. And I aLso missed hanging out at the Lobby with you aLmost every morning waiting for Like an hour for our feLLow RizaLvadors. That's the consequence we get for being so earLy and being the Best in PunctuaLity & Attendance in our cLass. Hmm, and I wouLd Like to thank you for the assignments that you Let me copy :D, for expLaining the Lessons that I had a hard time understanding, for everything. But most of aLL, thanks for the friendship PF! :)

SaLutatorian of Batch 2oo8-2oo9, Best in PunctuaLity & Attendance, Best in FiLipino Christian Living, Best in Computer Literacy, and the Co-CurricuLar Service Award for BED ChoraLe.



are the rumors true? Let's find out.

I don't normaLLy post two bLog entries in one day. But suddenLy, I had this urge to post again. After I posted my bLog entry just this afternoon, I checked my ceLLphone. Darn it, it's aLready dead. Empty bat to be exact. Or maybe, it's just having one of its darn attacks. :) Anyway, I opened it again and here comes the text messages.

The first one that I read was RacheL's GM. She was asking whether it is true that UST's first day of cLasses wiLL be moved. NormaLLy, I don't repLy to GM's if it sent so many hours ago. But since I was so curious, I texted her back asking where did she get that information. And when I went onLine, Thomasians are taLking about that. That rumor. :)

It's stiLL a rumor because when I went onLine again, Grace pm'ed me in YM and she sent a Link. It's the Student's CounciL's muLtipLy account. They posted there that we have to wait TOMORROW for the officiaL announcement. Yeah, so there. My reaction about aLL these stuff? I'm in the middLe. I'm happy because our vacation wiLL be extended but I was annoyed because we wiLL miss so much. Argh. Darn AH1N1. It's the cause of the deLay of aLL of this. :p

BTW, I'll share something. I bought a new naiL poLish today! :)) I was Looking for baby bLue naiL poLish, the same shade as my gown on our junior prom. SadLy, I cannot find anything. So I just settLed for ocean bLue frosted naiL poLish. But Luck! It's the same shade as the one that Lady Gaga used for her naiLs in her music video, Love Game. So there. See ya! :]

don't paaaaaaaaanic!!!

What an unexpected turn of events. I thought today is just a normaL day. Just this morning, ArieL is asking whether I have an update in my bLog. I texted him back saying that I don't have anything eLse to bLog. But you couLdn't reaLLy teLL when something MAJOR is about to happen.

It was way past Lunch (I don't know what is the exact time). I was busy upLoading pictures onLine here in my Laptop, my brother is busy on our PC pLaying games, my mother was busy washing dishes, and my father is just sitting on the couch. When suddenLy, our neighbor Katkat came in saying,"uya uya, unog unog bahay!" She taLks Like that because she has speech deficiency I think. But because of what she said my parents ran to the street whiLe I peered through our window. It turns out that the house that is burning is on our same street. Then my mother returned back inside our house and she turned off the main outLet of the eLectricity. WhiLe me, I was busy turning off our Laptop. By the time, I had aLready turned off my Laptop, my brother and father was aLready outside whiLe my mom is busy getting our important beLongings. She put them on our couch and she toLd me that whatever happens, I'll bring the bags with me (there are 4 bags). Then my mom ran off outside. I was busy pacing inside wondering what eLse to bring. I went upstairs, got my savings and put them inside one of the bags. I was stiLL busy pacing around, wondering what eLse to bring just in case the fire spread to our house. By that time, I was coughing because the air smeLLed of smoke. I couLd hear many peopLe outside, panicking maybe because there are no firemen yet. I don't know what to do so I just went outside, sat on the front stoop and watched the chaos.

SeveraL minutes after I went outside, three fire trucks puLLed up. But the fire was mostLy put out aLready. There is a water refiLLing station on our street just a few houses away from us. And I saw peopLe carrying jugs of water to the fire scene. After severaL minutes, my dad went to us saying that the fire spread to the house which is at the back of the house where the fire started. So the fire spread to the next street. But I think the firemen put out the fire immediateLy because pretty soon, our street became quiet again. :)

After that, me and my mom went to SouthmaLL. I found this pretty funny because it's Like nothing happened. You know, off to do things normaLLy. :))

P.S. this bLog's titLe came from Kenneth Ian Terrado Ricafort. I forgot when and why he said this but it must be the time when we were having the fire driLL. Sheesh. I so missed Kinit. :p

Monday, June 1, 2009

bb'z reunion.

BB'z at MOAnesz.

Yesterday, June o1 2oo9, the BB'z had our reunion. After aLmost two months of not being together, we were finaLLy reunited. We arranged to met up on 7'11 at 9 o'cLock.

I was the first one to arrived. This didn't surprised me because I Like to be punctuaL. A few minutes Later, EtheL arrived. We chatted and chatted and chatted. :) Bea and RazeL arrived at a LittLe after ten. It was reaLLy fun because we just met up and aLready, we are Laughing so hard. :]

In no time, we were aLready at MOA. And Veronica texted me that she's aLready at MOA too. So we met up near McdonaLd's. When we saw nicaru approaching, we immediateLy hide. No reason, we just want to hide. :D

Okay, I don't reaLLy want to go into much detaiL because I aLready forgot some detaiLs (memory gap!). So I'LL just mention some important things. :)
1. We had Lunch at Sbarro's. The food was expensive but we were so stuffed! :))
2. We saw Charice SoLomon. You know, the actress that was a product of the reaLity show Starstruck.
3. Taking pictures was hard. :D EspeciaLLy when there are no peopLe around. So we had to get our minds crackin'. I suggested that we use the seLf timer on nicaru's cam.
4. We were on our way to the department store and I was Looking beLow. When I Look forward, I was surprised that there was this reaLLy taLL guy waLking towards me. I quickLy ducked out of the way. If I didn't do that, we might crashed. You know, I think he didn't see me. :)
5. When we saw that guy who had reaLLy Long hair and Long beird. Bea said that he Looks Like the ones who portrayed God in the movies.

So there. All in aLL, it was a reaLLy reaLLy great day. We had so much fun. We pLanned to meet up once a month but Let's see if we couLd Live up to that promise. :)

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