Thursday, June 4, 2009

are the rumors true? Let's find out.

I don't normaLLy post two bLog entries in one day. But suddenLy, I had this urge to post again. After I posted my bLog entry just this afternoon, I checked my ceLLphone. Darn it, it's aLready dead. Empty bat to be exact. Or maybe, it's just having one of its darn attacks. :) Anyway, I opened it again and here comes the text messages.

The first one that I read was RacheL's GM. She was asking whether it is true that UST's first day of cLasses wiLL be moved. NormaLLy, I don't repLy to GM's if it sent so many hours ago. But since I was so curious, I texted her back asking where did she get that information. And when I went onLine, Thomasians are taLking about that. That rumor. :)

It's stiLL a rumor because when I went onLine again, Grace pm'ed me in YM and she sent a Link. It's the Student's CounciL's muLtipLy account. They posted there that we have to wait TOMORROW for the officiaL announcement. Yeah, so there. My reaction about aLL these stuff? I'm in the middLe. I'm happy because our vacation wiLL be extended but I was annoyed because we wiLL miss so much. Argh. Darn AH1N1. It's the cause of the deLay of aLL of this. :p

BTW, I'll share something. I bought a new naiL poLish today! :)) I was Looking for baby bLue naiL poLish, the same shade as my gown on our junior prom. SadLy, I cannot find anything. So I just settLed for ocean bLue frosted naiL poLish. But Luck! It's the same shade as the one that Lady Gaga used for her naiLs in her music video, Love Game. So there. See ya! :]


Ruin said...

Ahaha. I laughed at the nail polish thingy. Preppy stuffs. :) Good thing MAPUANS will still be on July.

dEzRi said...

yeah. it's so kikaynesz. :)

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