Thursday, June 4, 2009

don't paaaaaaaaanic!!!

What an unexpected turn of events. I thought today is just a normaL day. Just this morning, ArieL is asking whether I have an update in my bLog. I texted him back saying that I don't have anything eLse to bLog. But you couLdn't reaLLy teLL when something MAJOR is about to happen.

It was way past Lunch (I don't know what is the exact time). I was busy upLoading pictures onLine here in my Laptop, my brother is busy on our PC pLaying games, my mother was busy washing dishes, and my father is just sitting on the couch. When suddenLy, our neighbor Katkat came in saying,"uya uya, unog unog bahay!" She taLks Like that because she has speech deficiency I think. But because of what she said my parents ran to the street whiLe I peered through our window. It turns out that the house that is burning is on our same street. Then my mother returned back inside our house and she turned off the main outLet of the eLectricity. WhiLe me, I was busy turning off our Laptop. By the time, I had aLready turned off my Laptop, my brother and father was aLready outside whiLe my mom is busy getting our important beLongings. She put them on our couch and she toLd me that whatever happens, I'll bring the bags with me (there are 4 bags). Then my mom ran off outside. I was busy pacing inside wondering what eLse to bring. I went upstairs, got my savings and put them inside one of the bags. I was stiLL busy pacing around, wondering what eLse to bring just in case the fire spread to our house. By that time, I was coughing because the air smeLLed of smoke. I couLd hear many peopLe outside, panicking maybe because there are no firemen yet. I don't know what to do so I just went outside, sat on the front stoop and watched the chaos.

SeveraL minutes after I went outside, three fire trucks puLLed up. But the fire was mostLy put out aLready. There is a water refiLLing station on our street just a few houses away from us. And I saw peopLe carrying jugs of water to the fire scene. After severaL minutes, my dad went to us saying that the fire spread to the house which is at the back of the house where the fire started. So the fire spread to the next street. But I think the firemen put out the fire immediateLy because pretty soon, our street became quiet again. :)

After that, me and my mom went to SouthmaLL. I found this pretty funny because it's Like nothing happened. You know, off to do things normaLLy. :))

P.S. this bLog's titLe came from Kenneth Ian Terrado Ricafort. I forgot when and why he said this but it must be the time when we were having the fire driLL. Sheesh. I so missed Kinit. :p


Ruin said...

You should've known the reason why it all started. Para makichismis na rin kami. Ahaha. Actually the best thing to do is DON'T PANIC. Pero di talaga maiiwasan.

dEzRi said...

eung cause pLa ay eLectricaL chorva. basta sa wiring. i forgot to put that paLa in here. :)

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