Thursday, June 4, 2009

Arwin June BaLLado Abay, it's your day. :)

I remembered the days Like it was so yesterday. Sophomore Life, that's where it aLL began. :p Me and Arwin are seatmates back then. Me, being a chatterbox, I toLd Arwin secrets, etc. But secrets don't Last Long with him. After 5 minutes, expect that the whoLe cLass wiLL know aLready. :)) Haha. It's so funny now when you'LL think about it. :)

What eLse? Hmm. I remembered that we aLways used to fight during those sophomore days. I don't remember the reasons why we were aLways fighting back then. But we were aLways fighting and I remembered that I aLways used to pinch him. :D

But my most memorabLe memory was when us EarthLingz change seats. From the front row, I was transferred to the Last row. But you know what? I was stiLL seating next to Arwin. Can you beLieve the coincidence? hee. But from that Last row, a group was formed. The Vhumtacz which is made of EmiLy, Bea, Arwin, Sean and yours truLy. We have awesome moments in the back row and we can do anything there. :) And here comes my unforgettabLe moment. When Arwin began making songs. He made one which is about me. And because of that song, I cried! :)) SiLLy. :)

I can't remember any memories from third year times. So I'll just fast forward to our senior Life. PF (Poker Face), I missed our soundtrip every morning which sometimes made me wake up out of my sLeepy state. And somehow, I don't know how, whenever I wiLL arrived, the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga was aLways the one pLaying on your ceLLphone's soundtrack. Thus, our tawagan for each other was born. And I aLso missed hanging out at the Lobby with you aLmost every morning waiting for Like an hour for our feLLow RizaLvadors. That's the consequence we get for being so earLy and being the Best in PunctuaLity & Attendance in our cLass. Hmm, and I wouLd Like to thank you for the assignments that you Let me copy :D, for expLaining the Lessons that I had a hard time understanding, for everything. But most of aLL, thanks for the friendship PF! :)

SaLutatorian of Batch 2oo8-2oo9, Best in PunctuaLity & Attendance, Best in FiLipino Christian Living, Best in Computer Literacy, and the Co-CurricuLar Service Award for BED ChoraLe.




Ruin said...


I laughed when I read this post.
I'll quote this: "secrets don't last long with him". Ahaha. ROFL.

I missed those days.
I remembered our group. But I really can't remember how we got the name.

Thanks a lot. Thanks thanks.
I'll treat you, no worries.

Here's for you:
(Poker Face here)

Ahaha. THANKS PF! Muahugs.

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