Monday, November 23, 2009
Posted by dEzRi at 11:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
back in the bLogging scene.
I soooo want to teLL you the detaiLs on my first whoLe week back in schooL, but I gotta catch up first on the unwritten memories since I Last posted an entry here. And that's gonna be in the next post. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Posted by dEzRi at 5:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
another day to remember.
Today, is Fatima and Ionne's birthday. I pLanned to go to both parties but I changed my mind whehn I found out that the RizaLvadors are going to Fatima's first and that Fatima's party is due to start by 3. So I texted EtheL and Domz and asked them if we're stiLL gonna go to Ionne's party. And we aLL agreed to just go to Fat's party since it's much cLoser. :D
But a LittLe after 1, my parents Left to go to SM. I didn't yet asked permission that I was going to a party. So a LittLe after 2, I started panicking because if I needed to fix myseLf up. Good thing by 2:30, they arrived. So I toLd my mom that I'm going out. But guess what? They didn't Let me! They toLd me that the winds are strong outside, that not because Pepeng changed its direction, it's okay for me to go out. So I just kept quiet in a corner and texted Domz and EtheL that my parents didn't Let me.
But I did not give up. I stiLL continue to pester my mom saying that I'm gonna go out. Then by quarter to 3, my father caLLed me asking where the party is. They thought that I'm going to attend Ionne's party and they know that Ionne's house is near Zapote. But I toLd them that I'm gonna attend Fat's party at CameLLa. And they finaLLy agreed! So I immediateLy changed my cLothes and run out of the house and went to SM, where I pLanned to meet Domz & EtheL.
We are the Last ones to arrived at Fat's because Domz is so sLooooow. We(me & theL) waited for him for Like haLf an hour. So it's no wonder that by the time we arrived there, everyone eLse has aLready eaten. So we went inside Fat's house (everyone eLse is at the garage) and ate there because we're too shy to eat at the garage in front of the everyone eLse. And taLk about timing, just as we were sitting at their Living room w/ the TV on, Kim Bum is at E-Live! Everyone went into the Living room and started screaming. :)) But not me. I Like Kim Bum, he's handsome but I'm not an avid fan of him. :D And after we finished eating, and after Kim Bum's appearance on E-Live, we decied to watch this DVD that Ron brought. This part was reaLLy hiLarous because on the cover, it says there "Sorority Row". But when we put the DVD on, Jhay said that it's not Sorority Row because she aLready watched the fiLm and the beginning is not the same. So we continued watching, and when the titLe came on, it says "DeatLy PLedge". Oh c'mon. We started bLaming Ron. :P But we watched the fiLm anyway, since we have nothing to do. But haLfway through the movie, we started chatting about stuff. :D It's reaLLy a Laughtrip especiaLLy when SheLL started taLking about her bLockmates. :)
After we finished the movie, we turned on the TV again and we saw this repLay about UAAP. That stir another topic for our conversation. Out of the bLue, SheLL said,"Ay yang UST na yan, taLunan yan eh!". And us Thomasians disagreed. We began to brag about our schooLs. :D Like SheLL said that FEU won the championship in cheering. But Nique (who goes to Letran, UST's sister schooL) said that she Like UST's performance better. And us Thomasians agreed and one of us said (I forgot who) that if we didn't messed up, we wouLd be the ones decLared champions. And SheLL countered that FEU didn't messed up that's why they are the champions. And Fatima said that the MVP and the Rookie of the Year is with UST, etc. Then out of the bLue again, Sher turned to Iana and said that DLSU didn't even make it to the finaLs. That they Lost to NU. I just Laughed but I was thinking, if it wasn't for NU, we won't make it to the finaLs. :D
A LittLe whiLe after that, we decided to go. We were going to be hatid to SM by Fat's uncLe (I think). So we waited for a few minutes outside. The air was chiLLy, signs of the Ber months. :D Then Sean caLLed! (Sean is our former cLassmate back in second year). Fatima taLked to Sean first, then she passed it on to Domz. Why? Because Domz used to have a crush on Sean. When we were ready to go, they said goodbye and hang up. :D
We aLL decided to be dropped off at SM. The way from Fatima's to SM is just a short one but I don't know why, but it seemed Like the time got Longer. And it was reaLLy cooL because we were imagining that we're on our way to Baguio, etc. WiLd imaginations. :D
One Line that reaLLy made me remember this day is what SheLLanie said when we were at Fatima's van. She said,"ALam nyo, kuLang ang isang araw sa atin." Then next to that, she was thinking of when we can get together for an overnight outing. I suggested EmiLy's birthday because for sure, it's gonna be a swimming party again. :) Oh how cooL. BTW, as we stopped by SM, I said,"Parang gaLing Lang tayong Lawton huh." And they Laughed. What a fun, fun day. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:19 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
earLy sembreak.
Yesterday, me and my mom together with our neighbors went to SouthmaLL to buy gifts for my niece's birthday which we are aLL going to attend on Friday. My main purpose which is why I came aLong with them is to buy this UAAP bottLe which is onLy avaiLabLe in Metro ManiLa JoLLibee branches. But sadLy, they're not avaiLabLe at the moment. They're going to be avaiLabLe next week. But we decided to eat there anyway. But there were no fries! So we decided to eat at Mcdo. Yumyum. :)
Today, since it is aLready announced that we weren't going to have cLasses tiLL Friday, we decided to meet up. I've invited aLL of the RizaLvadors because I sooooo miss them but onLy a few came. Some just stayed for a short time but there are four of us who reaLLy sticked together for the rest of the afternoon. That's me, theL, zet and cris (who has a new haircut!). We decide to meet up at SM first where zet & cris pLayed DanceManiax. When they were done, we were aLL hungry. We decided to eat at JoLLibee for a change and because zet is craving for fries. But guess what? No fries again. Argh. But zet is reaLLy craving for JoLLibee's fries so she suggested going to the JoLLibee aLong MoLino road. So off we go. Another adventure.
We reaLLy had a fun time at JoLLibee. We taLked about stuffs and I nearLy choke because of Laughing too much. It reaLLy was fun. And we aLL came home soooo fuLL. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
after the storm.
Now, it's a far cry from yesterday. It was so sunny now. You wouLdn't thought that there was a storm yesterday. I don't know what the situation is now at other pLaces though. I haven't watch the news yet.
Anyways, before that storm, I was pLanning to enjoy this weekend. I just had a stressfuL week, because we're bombarded with so many projects. Imagine, we're assigned to do a term paper. ActuaLLy, it's not reaLLy caLLed a term paper but I just caLL it that. :D We've done it aLready when we're in fourth year so I have a background on what to do. But unLike when we're in fourth year, we're aLLowed to do this on a maximum of three or we can do it aLone. And aLso, we're just given 1 week to do it whiLe back in fourth year, we're given I think months to do it. Grr. But whatever, we've aLready done and passed it.
FLash Report: No cLasses for coLLege students in Metro ManiLa! This is announced by the CHED chairman. I've just seen the news on GMA. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
This may not be my happiest birthday, but I am stiLL happy because of aLL my friends who've greeted me. I reaLLy appreciate it. I just kept quiet and I didn't remind my friends that it's my birthday because I want to test them if they remember my birthday. And good thing, they did. I am so Lucky for friends Like them. :D
This year aLL I got were so many greetings not unLike the previous years that I aLways get a LittLe something from my friends. And I don't even have a party. We just cooked pancit and then we made fruit saLad and bought a cake for me. That's aLL. But it's okay, what's important is that I'm happy. I toLd my mom that my birthday is so simpLe this year because next year's birthday is gonna be a big one. And my mom toLd me to dream on. :))
BTW, my cousins and their chiLdren went to our house. And my favorite cousin gave me this:

A Juicy Couture sLippers fresh from Hong Kong! Demmit. When I first saw the writings on the sLippers, w/c is Juicy Couture, I feLL in Love with it. Juicy Couture is a brand which is weLL known for Kikays out there. :) I'm gonna treasure this. I soooooooo Love it. :D
BTW, I pLan to buy something for me. After aLL, it's my birthday. I wanna buy myseLf a pair of Havaianas sLippers and a UST jacket. I can buy both because I've save enough money, but I decided not to go on with my first choice since my cousin aLready gave me these sLippers. So I'm just gonna purchased myseLf that UST jacket which I aLready want for months. I've aLready saved enough money for that jacket months ago but I think it's the wrong time to buy a jacket. But now that it's the start of Ber months, it's appropriate to buy a jacket since the air is starting to get chiLLy. :)
Gotta go. Have tons of homework and projects to do this weekend. See yah! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 4:50 AM 2 comments