This may not be my happiest birthday, but I am stiLL happy because of aLL my friends who've greeted me. I reaLLy appreciate it. I just kept quiet and I didn't remind my friends that it's my birthday because I want to test them if they remember my birthday. And good thing, they did. I am so Lucky for friends Like them. :D
This year aLL I got were so many greetings not unLike the previous years that I aLways get a LittLe something from my friends. And I don't even have a party. We just cooked pancit and then we made fruit saLad and bought a cake for me. That's aLL. But it's okay, what's important is that I'm happy. I toLd my mom that my birthday is so simpLe this year because next year's birthday is gonna be a big one. And my mom toLd me to dream on. :))
BTW, my cousins and their chiLdren went to our house. And my favorite cousin gave me this:

A Juicy Couture sLippers fresh from Hong Kong! Demmit. When I first saw the writings on the sLippers, w/c is Juicy Couture, I feLL in Love with it. Juicy Couture is a brand which is weLL known for Kikays out there. :) I'm gonna treasure this. I soooooooo Love it. :D
BTW, I pLan to buy something for me. After aLL, it's my birthday. I wanna buy myseLf a pair of Havaianas sLippers and a UST jacket. I can buy both because I've save enough money, but I decided not to go on with my first choice since my cousin aLready gave me these sLippers. So I'm just gonna purchased myseLf that UST jacket which I aLready want for months. I've aLready saved enough money for that jacket months ago but I think it's the wrong time to buy a jacket. But now that it's the start of Ber months, it's appropriate to buy a jacket since the air is starting to get chiLLy. :)
Gotta go. Have tons of homework and projects to do this weekend. See yah! :)
HAPPY BERSDEY TO.......... YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Bersdays Dessssszzz... Wishing you all the greatest luck you could ever grab!!!!
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