It's Like the headLine on a newspaper. It's the aLL what everyone's been taLking about since Last night -- the resuLts of the UAAP Cheering Competition.
All peopLe that I have spoken to regarding this matter, has a say on this. They say that the judges have been unfair, that this team is much better than this team, bLa bLa. There were different opinions coming from different peopLe that this team shouLd be the champion but they aLL agreed on one thing -- that the resuLts were unfair.
I personaLLy agree with them. When aLL the teams were finished with their routines, I've thought that UP is gonna win the champion, and for the remaining 2 pLaces, FEU and UST wiLL be fighting for that. But noooo, the resuLts were far beyond what the the peopLe expected. When they procLaimed the winners, they were Like what?! I can't beLieve it! And aLmost everyone is saying that they can't beLieve that UST didn't even got a pLace. So does me. I think our schooL's pep squad is great, and that their theme is unique. C'mon! Just Look at the costumes. The others were wearing typicaL cheering costumes. But us? No. Our costumes were Egyptian inspired. And the stunts? They're so hard! The other cheering squad didn't even have that much stunts on their performance. They just danced and danced. For heaven's sake, this is a CHEERING competition not a DANCING competition.
Sorry if I seem mean, or I seem Like a bitter Loser. I just want to express my feeLings/reactions for the said resuLts. Sorry if someone from the winning teams see this and might read this and react vioLentLy. CaLL me a bitter Loser if you want, but this is my OPINION. Everyone is entitLed to his/her opinion.
BTW, these are the winning teams:
Champion: Far Eastern University
1st Runner Up: Ateneo De ManiLa University
2nd Runner Up: University of the PhiLippines
But it's aLL over, the winners are were aLready announce and no mother how much we compLain, nothing's gonna change. So congratuLations to the winners. :P Even though we Lose, I stiLL wouLd Like to congratuLate our SaLinggawi Dance Troupe for doing their best. No matter what the resuLts are, you guys are stiLL the champion for us. Keep the good work! :)
P.S. If you guys wouLd Like to watch Gawi's performance, cLick this Link:
All peopLe that I have spoken to regarding this matter, has a say on this. They say that the judges have been unfair, that this team is much better than this team, bLa bLa. There were different opinions coming from different peopLe that this team shouLd be the champion but they aLL agreed on one thing -- that the resuLts were unfair.
I personaLLy agree with them. When aLL the teams were finished with their routines, I've thought that UP is gonna win the champion, and for the remaining 2 pLaces, FEU and UST wiLL be fighting for that. But noooo, the resuLts were far beyond what the the peopLe expected. When they procLaimed the winners, they were Like what?! I can't beLieve it! And aLmost everyone is saying that they can't beLieve that UST didn't even got a pLace. So does me. I think our schooL's pep squad is great, and that their theme is unique. C'mon! Just Look at the costumes. The others were wearing typicaL cheering costumes. But us? No. Our costumes were Egyptian inspired. And the stunts? They're so hard! The other cheering squad didn't even have that much stunts on their performance. They just danced and danced. For heaven's sake, this is a CHEERING competition not a DANCING competition.
Sorry if I seem mean, or I seem Like a bitter Loser. I just want to express my feeLings/reactions for the said resuLts. Sorry if someone from the winning teams see this and might read this and react vioLentLy. CaLL me a bitter Loser if you want, but this is my OPINION. Everyone is entitLed to his/her opinion.
BTW, these are the winning teams:
Champion: Far Eastern University
1st Runner Up: Ateneo De ManiLa University
2nd Runner Up: University of the PhiLippines
But it's aLL over, the winners are were aLready announce and no mother how much we compLain, nothing's gonna change. So congratuLations to the winners. :P Even though we Lose, I stiLL wouLd Like to congratuLate our SaLinggawi Dance Troupe for doing their best. No matter what the resuLts are, you guys are stiLL the champion for us. Keep the good work! :)
P.S. If you guys wouLd Like to watch Gawi's performance, cLick this Link:
Really di ko pa napapanood ang cheering because nasa church ako dat time eh... anyways.. it's okay to express... it's normal and it is fine.. everyone has really the right to explain... I thought it was somewhat biased coz... FEU is the HOST school for today's UAAP season.. fishy????
yea. haja. may mga text msgs nga na kumakaLat na may "kababaLaghan" ngang nangyari. :)
Wahhh...nngdaya tlga yung FEU! haha :D
Sine Sine!!!
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