I can't beLieve it! JuLy is haLf gone and I've onLy got three posts! Sheesh. I reaLLy wanted to post here as much as possibLe. But as I got home, instead of going OL or hours, I just check my FS and YM and then done. I don't have time for staring at the screen for hours now. I'd rather study than to do stuffs. :P
So sorry if I haven't posted much here. Things are just so hectic. So I'LL just fiLL you in in what happened to me this week. :D To make up for time Loss. :)
Last Monday (JuLy 13,2009), we onLy have two and a haLf cLasses. During our first period, TheoLogy, we aLready finished haLf of the book. I can't beLieve it. I think we are so advanced. hee. Next period, FiLipino. Our prof is so Late. She arrived with onLy 30 minutes to spare. That's why we onLy have time to taLked about our major project before preLims. Then break and after that, PhiLosophy. Our prof is not around and he just Left a seatwork. We immediateLy answered it and proceeded with our chit chats and soundtrips. :D Then Math, we just answered some stuffs on the books, we are reminded for the Long quiz on Wednesday, then dismissaL.
Last Tuesday was the most annoying day. Super. Our first period is NS in other words BioLogy. I studied very hard for that the day before. But as I got my hands on that test paper, I know my efforts were wasted. The test was soooooo hard. I might as weLL not reviewed. I don't know whether I passed or not. I have to wait tiLL next week. You know what, after that test one of my bLockmates cried. She said because she thinks she faiLed our Long test in BioLogy. And she doesn't want to be debarred from BSA. We comforted her saying that we just wait tiLL we get our exams back. And if we aLL faiL, we'LL gonna cry together. hee. I know it's not a comforting thing to say, but we made her Laugh. :D Next is PHISTPG. Or History for short. Our prof gave us LittLe papers and written on it is I think the summary of our Lessons. :) Then break and our next cLass is supposed to be BA. But our guidance counseLor borrowed her time to have a mini-orientation with us. It was fun because we had a LittLe game of the boat is sinking. But it's kinda different because we had to group ourseLves according to different categories. We were Like kids screaming. :)) Next is EngLish. That's when annoyance strikes again. We had this overLy hard quiz in EngLish. Okay, I'm exaggarating. I onLy had a hard time answering part II. But most of my cLassmates are annoyed because it's hard. At dismissaL, as me and Leanna are going down the stairs, we were with one of our bLockmates, Levi (his reaL name is Lester). He is swearing. ReaLLy. He's annoyed because we had two overLy hard quizzes in one day. I couLdn't heLp but Laugh at his swearing. Because he is so funny even if he swears. :))
Wednesday (JuLy 15, 2009), is one of my unLuckiest day. Okay, not reaLLy but I'm off to a bad start. :D I was on my way to UST and it was so coLd in the car. So as I got off at City HaLL, I reaLLy badLy wanted to go to a CR. I usuaLLy ride on a jeepney with a signboard that has España on it. But since I reaLLy need to go to a CR, when this jeepney passed I ride in it. It has a signboard of BLumentritt, Dangwa but it has UST on it. So I figured, it wiLL go the same way. Boy was I wrong! It went through Dapitan. I so panic because I don't know where to go down. I just asked one of the passengers there where shouLd I go down. Turns out I have to go this narrow street or what they caLLe eskinita. Instead of being abLe to go to the CR immediateLy, I have to waLk haLf of UST just to go to a CR. Darn. :D The onLy highLigh that happened that day is on our cLasses after the break. Our phiLosophy prof gave us back our exam resuLts. It was over a hundred and I got 72! waa. I thought the passing grade is 75 so I was a LittLe sad. But then our prof announced that the passing score was 70. Yes! I passed. I am happy but I cannot ceLebrate totaLLy since most of my cLassmates faiLed the said quiz. My bLockmates were even asking for consideration. But I think our prof got annoyed and he gave a Long taLk about stuffs. He said that in coLLege, the word consideration is not heard. When someone faiLs, he/she faiLs. Our prof aLso said that aLL you've got to do is study. And he said that in accountancy, the resuLts of the exam is not a Laughing matter. And he toLd us that onLy 16 out of 50 students passed the first quiz. Argh. Next cLass is math where we have our Long quiz. I don't know how I did though. Looks Like I'LL have to find out aLso next week. hee.
Thursday, no cLasses because the university hoLd its university-wide facuLty meeting. But since I have to do a project, I went to schooL anyways. We just met up and taLked about the topic. And since the rest of them had gone home aLready, I hanged out with Jercee(a bLockmate)at the gym. We were watching the YeLLow Jackets or YJ for short. A few minutes Later, Nicaru (RizaLvador) arrived. We pLanned to meet up that day. A LittLe whiLe Later, our other bLockmates arrived so Jercee have to go (They were pLanning to watch a game at Araneta). After Jercee Left, me and Veronica headed to the main buiLding. We first headed to the museum because I haven't been there. We just waLk around and chatted. We were bareLy Looking at the things dispLayed there. :)) After that we visited Domz because he stiLL has a cLass for that day. We just chatted with him for a bit and when their prof arrived, me and Nicaru Left. We were gonna wait for Domz so we can aLL go home together. What we did for our free time is stay at KFC. We ate Lunch there. As we were finishing our Lunch, Grace texted us where are we. I toLd her where we are and a few minutes Later, she arrived. And minutes Later, Domz aLso arrived too and we had another round of chitchats. :) I got home at aLmost 6. And it was stiLL raining. But I had fun. That's what matters.
Next day which is Friday, I got up earLy since I have to go to schooL for that darn PE. I reaLLy, reaLLy don't wanna go to schooL because it's raining so hard. It's such a hassLe in other words. So I eat breakfast sLowLy. After I finished my breakfast, the news said that ONLY eLementary and high schooL students cLasses are suspended in ManiLa. What a drag. So there I go, off to the bathroom. WhiLe I was in the bathroom, my mom caLLed me and said whether we stiLL have cLasses. I ask her why and she said that they showed on the news that España and Dapitan is aLready fLooded. And as far as I know, when those streets are aLready fLooded, there are no cLasses aLready. Right? So I made up my mind that I'm not gonna attend my PE cLass today. And minutes Later, I received a text from our vice president from the CSC saying that there are no cLasses that Friday. :)) So I made the right decision. :D
So just here, I gotta go. :)