Saturday, August 29, 2009

fun,fun day!

Today, is the start of another awesome day. Today is when we pLanned to surprise Serjan. It was reaLLy funny actuaLLy. We agreed to meet up at 2 PM. But by the time, we (me together with some of the RizaLvadors) aLready arrived there by 3. They didn't have much choice, 'coz they can't go on because the onLy ones that know the way are me and Domz. hee.

We arrived at Serjan's house past 4. We sort of rented a jeepney going there. We were supposed to ride 2 jeepneys on the way there but the jeepney driver agreed to drive us untiL Serjan's house for 200 pesos. So we agreed. :)

When we got to Serjan's house there were these kids who are saying that we come in. But we said that Serjan shouLd go out. And then he goes out, wearing house cLothes and we started singing happy birthday. :))

Our stay at Serjan's house was a Lot of fun. We reminisced the memories of our HS days, viewed pictures and memorabiLias, taLking, Laughing, teasing, taking pictures and many more. I sooooo miss it. By the way, whiLe we are there, some of are cLassmates are texting us and asking for directions. It was so funny because as we stepped out of Serjan's house and preparing for a group pic, Ron showed up. Just in the nick of time. :D

After that, we sort of rented again a jeepney untiL JoLLibee MoLino. We were pLanning to go to Ghie's house because she was having her birthday ceLebration that day. But near JoLLibee MoLino, there were these rides and we aLL agreed to ride it. WeLL, aLmost aLL. Ghie and Domz were the onLy ones who didn't try the ride. It was not scary but we were pretending that the ride was scary, and we were shouting at the top of our Lungs. :)) BTW, Jehk if you're reading this, pLease post our pics on the ride huh? :) Thanks. :D

After that, aLmost aLL went to Ghie's house. Domz & Grace aLready went home. It was fun if we've stayed Longer but I reaLLy need to go home because they've aLready Locked the house and I didn't bring my key with me. I reaLLy wish that I brought the key with me so that I couLd go home even if it's sooooo Late. It was reaLLy bitin because just as we were Leaving, that's when the party is starting to pumped up. They were singing on the videoke, dancing, and drinking (oops!). It was reaLLy fun. So next time, I know my Lesson. ALways bring the house keys with me! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

from a different viewpoint.

Today, I went to Perpz because it's the contest of Sabayang Pagbigkas there. I so miss performing and I admit, I envy them because they stiLL got to perform! Now, it's a different feeLing because we are not on the center stage performing but now we're in the audience and watching them with our scrutinizing eyes. LOL. :))

It's kinda sad because Serjan's advisory cLass Lost. So after the awarding, we aLL went to Serjan and hugged him. It's our way of comforting him. Before the performance, the other RizaLvadors said that Serjan is reminding us that tomorrow is his birthday. And the other RizaLvadors were Like,"Ano naman sir kung birthday nyu bukas?" And Serjan said that he's just saying it. Haha. If he onLy knew we had something pLanned up in our sLeeve.
Tomorrow, we're gonna go to Serjan's house and surprise him. Good thing the RizaLvadors managed to kept it a secret. Some said that they nearLy spiLLed the secret, but good thing caught theirseLves just in time.

I just hope that everything wiLL go fine. I try to stop thinking about negative things Like "What if Serjan is not there?" or many other what ifs. I guess I'm just getting paranoid. :)

Gotta go. :) I'LL post about what is gonna happen in the party. :D

Friday, August 21, 2009

just had a super fun day. :)


Today, EtheL treated us to a Late Lunch at SM MoLino. NearLy haLf of our cLass came. It was fun even though we started Late (we finaLLy start moving by aLmost 3, and the caLL time was 1!). It was reaLLy, reaLLy fun.

I wouLdn't rambLe on and on about detaiLs in here but it was reaLLy fun. We spend our time trying out the new ice cream on that new ice cream stand. I didn't buy one, I just took bites from the others' ice cream (w/c is one of the things I miss about HS Life). And we aLso have so much noise that two guards scoLded us and of course, we took a Lot of pictures! I miss taking pictures 'coz at UST, many events aLready passed but I don't have pictures with my bLockmates. Not a singLe one. They're so unLike RizaLvadors who are not camera conscious! We Love to take pictures even though it's just an ordinary day. We're so vain in short. :)

Anyways, that's aLL I've got to say. Hope that we'LL see each other again on Friday, which is August 28 because there's gonna be a Sabayan contest at Perpz. But Looks Like onLy few can come. Sigh. :P

Friday, August 14, 2009



This post is dedicated to the two of my cLosest friends in high schooL, EtheL Genine GaLang ELcano and Veronica Gaid CLarke. I super miss you guys! I miss those crazy antics we used to do back in high schooL. :)

I just want to greet the two of you a happy beLated birthday. This year is so sad because I haven't greeted you guys personaLLy! Damn it. CoLLege Life is so hectic. I've seen you guys, but we haven't been reunited! You know, with the three of us compLete. I reaLLy wanted us to be reunited again because I reaLLy miss you guys. And I have Loads of stories to teLL. Whenever I see one of you, time is so short that I don't have any time to teLL you guys everything I needed to teLL. Back in high schooL, I know I just have to wait tiLL the next day and I can finaLLy teLL you guys the Latest scoop on my Life, or just the Latest rumor. But now! It's been months since we Last bonded. I think it's June right? Before cLasses began. We had our BB'z Last bonding before schooL begin at MOA.

I reaLLy miss the two of you. Eventhough, I had a new set of friends here at UST it's not the same. Sure, I've Laughed with them the way I've Laughed with you. I've gone on boy huntings with them the way I've done it with you. But it wouLd never be the same because they are never gonna equaL you guys. It's stiLL different when it's with you. We had this speciaL bonding that's never gonna erase in our hearts & minds (corny? pLease bear with me!). I reaLLy reaLLy miss you guys. Hope that soon, we'LL have a reunion. I miss going to the maLL with you and making trip on the peopLe. I miss our crazy antics that wiLL Lead us to being friends with the guy. I MISS YOU SUPER DUPER MUCH!

heLL week is over.

Yes. At Last. PreLims AKA heLL week is finaLLy over. This week has been stressfuL. And very disappointing. Have you ever experienced when you reaLLy reaLLy studied for an exam and when you gLance at your test paper, you know that your efforts are wasted. That's what I feLt on my first day. That's why for the rest of the week, I was so Lazy. I didn't feLt Like studying, because I know my efforts are gonna be wasted. And I am so right. The stuff on the exam is a far cry from what we've studied. It is soooo annoying. That's why I am so not sure if I'm gonna pass my exams. Argh. My bLockmates were even joking about it. One of my bLockmates said,"Kita kita nLang tayo sa commerce buiLding!" Haha. But hearing that, I feLt comforted. At Least it's not onLy me who had difficuLties in the exams. :)

Right now, I'm reaLLy reLaxing. But I had a feeLing that I won't have a free weekend. :)) Tomorrow, is my twin's (Etheru) birthday ceLebration. And on Sunday, I think we're gonna go to Batangas. Don't ask for the reason. It's a famiLy thing. :D

Yeah, so just here. I am so Lazy to construct a Long post. After aLL, there isn't much to say. ;)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

crazy month?

Yesterday, I was in the middLe of making reviewers when suddenLy Grace texted me if I wanna go to Perpz. Since we pLanned to meet that day, I decided to say yes. But I have doubts if there wiLL be peopLe there since it's a Saturday. But when I got to SM, I was surprised to see students of PerpetuaL there wearing their uniforms. Grace toLd me that they have make-up cLasses because there were so many schooL days that were suspended. And since they have schooL, for sure there wiLL be peopLe there. And as far as I know, some of the RizaLvadors are there. So I texted Myca asking if they are at Perpz. When she said yes, me and Grace set off for PerpetuaL after buying some stuffs.

At first, I was a LittLe nervous 'coz I don't know whether we can go inside Perpz or not. But how Lucky are we. When we got to the gate, the Lady guard is busy chatting with someone so we just went straight inside. Haha. We stopped first in front of the facuLty to chat with Ma'am Marasigan. Then we were stopped again in front of the Einstein's cLassroom by Kae Edang because she is asking heLp for their Sabayan. Then we proceed to the third fLoor where the Earth's cLassroom is and where the others is.

We went directLy inside 'coz we know the others are there. It was nice because when me and Grace went inside they said,"Uy mga rizaL!" It's so touching. It's Like for them, we are stiLL the RizaL. Aww. Anyways we found Ionne, Myca & Lester inside. It was nice, to see them acting. I kind of miss performing. And you know what? The piece is two pages Long. Yeah. They're so big time. And guess who is going to be the judge? The author himseLf of the piece. That's why Ionne said that it's hard to deLete some Lines from the piece because it's the author himseLf is going to judge so that means he know the piece very weLL. Anyways we stay there for just a few minutes I think.

By the time we are on our way home, it's raining hard. As in hard. We met up with some former RizaLvadors at the gate. They borrowed my ceLLphone because they want to watched the video of the Earth at their practice, to suggest maybe. But since I reaLLy need to go to the CR, me and Grace went back whiLe the others went to EmiLus. Anyways to cut the Long story short, we met up and went to SM with the others. It was so traffic so it's Like the ride was Long. And when we went to SM, me and Grace went by ourseLves because I'm gonna accompany her with some stuffs. :)

You might be wondering about this post's titLe. It's aLL about this month, which is August. I'LL be busy with the first two weeks studying my brains off for the preLims. After that, you think I can reLax? HeLL no! Some of my profs are giving quizzes that we Lack after the preLims. Damn it. I thought I can enjoy my days after the preLims. But nooooo. ALso, after the preLims, many RizaLvadors are going to ceLebrate their birthdays. So that means, many parties and bonding time! ALso, our former adviser's birthday is aLso this month. Some of us (mostLy Thomasians) were pLanning since we decided to take action since no one is bothering to move. But stiLL, pLans were stiLL a LittLe bit not sure. But if they don't wanna come or not, us Thomasians are stiLL gonna go on. hee. And Domz is asking me if we may visit Perpz this month because he pLans to heLp DeL PiLar, Serjan's advisory cLass now in Sabayan. So I'm trying not go crazy with my hectic scheduLe for this month. So just here, gotta go! :)

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