Today, is the start of another awesome day. Today is when we pLanned to surprise Serjan. It was reaLLy funny actuaLLy. We agreed to meet up at 2 PM. But by the time, we (me together with some of the RizaLvadors) aLready arrived there by 3. They didn't have much choice, 'coz they can't go on because the onLy ones that know the way are me and Domz. hee.
We arrived at Serjan's house past 4. We sort of rented a jeepney going there. We were supposed to ride 2 jeepneys on the way there but the jeepney driver agreed to drive us untiL Serjan's house for 200 pesos. So we agreed. :)
When we got to Serjan's house there were these kids who are saying that we come in. But we said that Serjan shouLd go out. And then he goes out, wearing house cLothes and we started singing happy birthday. :))
Our stay at Serjan's house was a Lot of fun. We reminisced the memories of our HS days, viewed pictures and memorabiLias, taLking, Laughing, teasing, taking pictures and many more. I sooooo miss it. By the way, whiLe we are there, some of are cLassmates are texting us and asking for directions. It was so funny because as we stepped out of Serjan's house and preparing for a group pic, Ron showed up. Just in the nick of time. :D
After that, we sort of rented again a jeepney untiL JoLLibee MoLino. We were pLanning to go to Ghie's house because she was having her birthday ceLebration that day. But near JoLLibee MoLino, there were these rides and we aLL agreed to ride it. WeLL, aLmost aLL. Ghie and Domz were the onLy ones who didn't try the ride. It was not scary but we were pretending that the ride was scary, and we were shouting at the top of our Lungs. :)) BTW, Jehk if you're reading this, pLease post our pics on the ride huh? :) Thanks. :D
After that, aLmost aLL went to Ghie's house. Domz & Grace aLready went home. It was fun if we've stayed Longer but I reaLLy need to go home because they've aLready Locked the house and I didn't bring my key with me. I reaLLy wish that I brought the key with me so that I couLd go home even if it's sooooo Late. It was reaLLy bitin because just as we were Leaving, that's when the party is starting to pumped up. They were singing on the videoke, dancing, and drinking (oops!). It was reaLLy fun. So next time, I know my Lesson. ALways bring the house keys with me! :)
We arrived at Serjan's house past 4. We sort of rented a jeepney going there. We were supposed to ride 2 jeepneys on the way there but the jeepney driver agreed to drive us untiL Serjan's house for 200 pesos. So we agreed. :)
When we got to Serjan's house there were these kids who are saying that we come in. But we said that Serjan shouLd go out. And then he goes out, wearing house cLothes and we started singing happy birthday. :))
Our stay at Serjan's house was a Lot of fun. We reminisced the memories of our HS days, viewed pictures and memorabiLias, taLking, Laughing, teasing, taking pictures and many more. I sooooo miss it. By the way, whiLe we are there, some of are cLassmates are texting us and asking for directions. It was so funny because as we stepped out of Serjan's house and preparing for a group pic, Ron showed up. Just in the nick of time. :D
After that, we sort of rented again a jeepney untiL JoLLibee MoLino. We were pLanning to go to Ghie's house because she was having her birthday ceLebration that day. But near JoLLibee MoLino, there were these rides and we aLL agreed to ride it. WeLL, aLmost aLL. Ghie and Domz were the onLy ones who didn't try the ride. It was not scary but we were pretending that the ride was scary, and we were shouting at the top of our Lungs. :)) BTW, Jehk if you're reading this, pLease post our pics on the ride huh? :) Thanks. :D
After that, aLmost aLL went to Ghie's house. Domz & Grace aLready went home. It was fun if we've stayed Longer but I reaLLy need to go home because they've aLready Locked the house and I didn't bring my key with me. I reaLLy wish that I brought the key with me so that I couLd go home even if it's sooooo Late. It was reaLLy bitin because just as we were Leaving, that's when the party is starting to pumped up. They were singing on the videoke, dancing, and drinking (oops!). It was reaLLy fun. So next time, I know my Lesson. ALways bring the house keys with me! :)