Friday, August 14, 2009



This post is dedicated to the two of my cLosest friends in high schooL, EtheL Genine GaLang ELcano and Veronica Gaid CLarke. I super miss you guys! I miss those crazy antics we used to do back in high schooL. :)

I just want to greet the two of you a happy beLated birthday. This year is so sad because I haven't greeted you guys personaLLy! Damn it. CoLLege Life is so hectic. I've seen you guys, but we haven't been reunited! You know, with the three of us compLete. I reaLLy wanted us to be reunited again because I reaLLy miss you guys. And I have Loads of stories to teLL. Whenever I see one of you, time is so short that I don't have any time to teLL you guys everything I needed to teLL. Back in high schooL, I know I just have to wait tiLL the next day and I can finaLLy teLL you guys the Latest scoop on my Life, or just the Latest rumor. But now! It's been months since we Last bonded. I think it's June right? Before cLasses began. We had our BB'z Last bonding before schooL begin at MOA.

I reaLLy miss the two of you. Eventhough, I had a new set of friends here at UST it's not the same. Sure, I've Laughed with them the way I've Laughed with you. I've gone on boy huntings with them the way I've done it with you. But it wouLd never be the same because they are never gonna equaL you guys. It's stiLL different when it's with you. We had this speciaL bonding that's never gonna erase in our hearts & minds (corny? pLease bear with me!). I reaLLy reaLLy miss you guys. Hope that soon, we'LL have a reunion. I miss going to the maLL with you and making trip on the peopLe. I miss our crazy antics that wiLL Lead us to being friends with the guy. I MISS YOU SUPER DUPER MUCH!


Removed said...

The two of them should've been very proud if they read your blog. dapat mag set kayo ng exact date. Konting effort lang iyon.

Veronica said...

aaaaah... deshiru im soo touched! i miss u guys 2! dnt wrry ders gona b a tym 2 reunite.. hope its soon :P kelan nga ba?

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