Yesterday, me and my mom together with our neighbors went to SouthmaLL to buy gifts for my niece's birthday which we are aLL going to attend on Friday. My main purpose which is why I came aLong with them is to buy this UAAP bottLe which is onLy avaiLabLe in Metro ManiLa JoLLibee branches. But sadLy, they're not avaiLabLe at the moment. They're going to be avaiLabLe next week. But we decided to eat there anyway. But there were no fries! So we decided to eat at Mcdo. Yumyum. :)
Today, since it is aLready announced that we weren't going to have cLasses tiLL Friday, we decided to meet up. I've invited aLL of the RizaLvadors because I sooooo miss them but onLy a few came. Some just stayed for a short time but there are four of us who reaLLy sticked together for the rest of the afternoon. That's me, theL, zet and cris (who has a new haircut!). We decide to meet up at SM first where zet & cris pLayed DanceManiax. When they were done, we were aLL hungry. We decided to eat at JoLLibee for a change and because zet is craving for fries. But guess what? No fries again. Argh. But zet is reaLLy craving for JoLLibee's fries so she suggested going to the JoLLibee aLong MoLino road. So off we go. Another adventure.
We reaLLy had a fun time at JoLLibee. We taLked about stuffs and I nearLy choke because of Laughing too much. It reaLLy was fun. And we aLL came home soooo fuLL. :)