Wednesday, September 30, 2009

earLy sembreak.

FinaLLy after days of being stuck here in the house, I finaLLy have something to bLog about. Because finaLLy, I have a chance to get out of this house. :D

Yesterday, me and my mom together with our neighbors went to SouthmaLL to buy gifts for my niece's birthday which we are aLL going to attend on Friday. My main purpose which is why I came aLong with them is to buy this UAAP bottLe which is onLy avaiLabLe in Metro ManiLa JoLLibee branches. But sadLy, they're not avaiLabLe at the moment. They're going to be avaiLabLe next week. But we decided to eat there anyway. But there were no fries! So we decided to eat at Mcdo. Yumyum. :)

Today, since it is aLready announced that we weren't going to have cLasses tiLL Friday, we decided to meet up. I've invited aLL of the RizaLvadors because I sooooo miss them but onLy a few came. Some just stayed for a short time but there are four of us who reaLLy sticked together for the rest of the afternoon. That's me, theL, zet and cris (who has a new haircut!). We decide to meet up at SM first where zet & cris pLayed DanceManiax. When they were done, we were aLL hungry. We decided to eat at JoLLibee for a change and because zet is craving for fries. But guess what? No fries again. Argh. But zet is reaLLy craving for JoLLibee's fries so she suggested going to the JoLLibee aLong MoLino road. So off we go. Another adventure.

We reaLLy had a fun time at JoLLibee. We taLked about stuffs and I nearLy choke because of Laughing too much. It reaLLy was fun. And we aLL came home soooo fuLL. :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

after the storm.

Yesterday was sooooo rainy and coLd. And it was so worse. In the news, they say that Metro ManiLa is submerged because it's fLooded everywhere. And many peopLe got stranded and is unabLe to go home. It is so shocking. Here I am, reLaxing in the comfort of my own home and LittLe did I know that in other pLaces, they were aLready being disturbed by the storm.

Now, it's a far cry from yesterday. It was so sunny now. You wouLdn't thought that there was a storm yesterday. I don't know what the situation is now at other pLaces though. I haven't watch the news yet.

Anyways, before that storm, I was pLanning to enjoy this weekend. I just had a stressfuL week, because we're bombarded with so many projects. Imagine, we're assigned to do a term paper. ActuaLLy, it's not reaLLy caLLed a term paper but I just caLL it that. :D We've done it aLready when we're in fourth year so I have a background on what to do. But unLike when we're in fourth year, we're aLLowed to do this on a maximum of three or we can do it aLone. And aLso, we're just given 1 week to do it whiLe back in fourth year, we're given I think months to do it. Grr. But whatever, we've aLready done and passed it.

FLash Report: No cLasses for coLLege students in Metro ManiLa! This is announced by the CHED chairman. I've just seen the news on GMA. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Seventeen years existence in this worLd. Yesterday, I turned 17. Just one more year and I'll be an aduLt. gosh. :) Just one more year to do aLL the fun stuffs. Because when I become 18, I have to be more carefuL because I can now be put to jaiL next year! :)) I won't be a minor anymore. :P

This may not be my happiest birthday, but I am stiLL happy because of aLL my friends who've greeted me. I reaLLy appreciate it. I just kept quiet and I didn't remind my friends that it's my birthday because I want to test them if they remember my birthday. And good thing, they did. I am so Lucky for friends Like them. :D

This year aLL I got were so many greetings not unLike the previous years that I aLways get a LittLe something from my friends. And I don't even have a party. We just cooked pancit and then we made fruit saLad and bought a cake for me. That's aLL. But it's okay, what's important is that I'm happy. I toLd my mom that my birthday is so simpLe this year because next year's birthday is gonna be a big one. And my mom toLd me to dream on. :))

BTW, my cousins and their chiLdren went to our house. And my favorite cousin gave me this:


A Juicy Couture sLippers fresh from Hong Kong! Demmit. When I first saw the writings on the sLippers, w/c is Juicy Couture, I feLL in Love with it. Juicy Couture is a brand which is weLL known for Kikays out there. :) I'm gonna treasure this. I soooooooo Love it. :D

BTW, I pLan to buy something for me. After aLL, it's my birthday. I wanna buy myseLf a pair of Havaianas sLippers and a UST jacket. I can buy both because I've save enough money, but I decided not to go on with my first choice since my cousin aLready gave me these sLippers. So I'm just gonna purchased myseLf that UST jacket which I aLready want for months. I've aLready saved enough money for that jacket months ago but I think it's the wrong time to buy a jacket. But now that it's the start of Ber months, it's appropriate to buy a jacket since the air is starting to get chiLLy. :)

Gotta go. Have tons of homework and projects to do this weekend. See yah! :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

taLk of the town.

It's Like the headLine on a newspaper. It's the aLL what everyone's been taLking about since Last night -- the resuLts of the UAAP Cheering Competition.

All peopLe that I have spoken to regarding this matter, has a say on this. They say that the judges have been unfair, that this team is much better than this team, bLa bLa. There were different opinions coming from different peopLe that this team shouLd be the champion but they aLL agreed on one thing -- that the resuLts were unfair.

I personaLLy agree with them. When aLL the teams were finished with their routines, I've thought that UP is gonna win the champion, and for the remaining 2 pLaces, FEU and UST wiLL be fighting for that. But noooo, the resuLts were far beyond what the the peopLe expected. When they procLaimed the winners, they were Like what?! I can't beLieve it! And aLmost everyone is saying that they can't beLieve that UST didn't even got a pLace. So does me. I think our schooL's pep squad is great, and that their theme is unique. C'mon! Just Look at the costumes. The others were wearing typicaL cheering costumes. But us? No. Our costumes were Egyptian inspired. And the stunts? They're so hard! The other cheering squad didn't even have that much stunts on their performance. They just danced and danced. For heaven's sake, this is a CHEERING competition not a DANCING competition.

Sorry if I seem mean, or I seem Like a bitter Loser. I just want to express my feeLings/reactions for the said resuLts. Sorry if someone from the winning teams see this and might read this and react vioLentLy. CaLL me a bitter Loser if you want, but this is my OPINION. Everyone is entitLed to his/her opinion.

BTW, these are the winning teams:
Champion: Far Eastern University
1st Runner Up: Ateneo De ManiLa University
2nd Runner Up: University of the PhiLippines

But it's aLL over, the winners are were aLready announce and no mother how much we compLain, nothing's gonna change. So congratuLations to the winners. :P Even though we Lose, I stiLL wouLd Like to congratuLate our SaLinggawi Dance Troupe for doing their best. No matter what the resuLts are, you guys are stiLL the champion for us. Keep the good work! :)

P.S. If you guys wouLd Like to watch Gawi's performance, cLick this Link:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

cheering competition.

Later, the much awaited event in the UAAP is gonna take pLace. It's the cheering competition. Too bad, I didn't have a ticket because it's much fun when you're watching it Live at Araneta CoLiseum. You can reaLLy feeL the schooL spirit there. But it's okay, since I got to watch our schooL's pep squad Last Friday. They showed it to the Thomasian community. I think it's a tradition aLready. To show it to us first before they perform it in the competition. They're good, I am impressed by their moves. I've watched coLLege students perform before since Perpz has a coLLege pep squad. But our pep squad is much more than that. But I can't reaLLy say if they are gonna win Later since this is my first time to watch a UAAP cheering competition. So I don't know if the other schooLs are much better than us.

Gotta go, I'm gonna pLay games on facebook whiLe waiting for 2 PM. :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

no cLasses for today.

We have no cLasses today because the facuLty has a sports fest today. It's a university wide event. It depends 0n the professors whether we have cLasses or not. Our 3 professors toLd us yesterday that they are not attending today because they are participating in the sports fest. So that means we have onLy 1 cLass Left. Our president taLked to that prof and voiLa! No more cLass for today. And it's a good thing we don't have cLasses today. Because from what I've heard, our schooL has turned into a resort again. :))

I'm stiLL hoping that cLasses wiLL be suspended tomorrow because I don't wanna go to schooL with this kind of rain. It sucks reaLLy. My pants (w/c is too Long for me) wiLL be wet again. And many others. Going to schooL is such a hassLe when it's raining. Grr. :P

I gotta go. Just a quick update on my Life. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Long weekend again. :)

I feeL soooo reLaxed. I am enjoying this day because I just stayed home, I have no PE cLass for today because there are no cLasses this morning at UST because of the rector's report. Then just a few minutes Later, I heard from the news that there are no cLasses on Monday because Pres. GMA decLared it as a hoLiday because it's the funeraL of the Leader of the IgLesia Ni Cristo group. So there you go, another Long weekend. :)

So I'm thinking of what to do this weekend. I can go gaLa with the RizaLvadors, I can go study, or maybe I can just go OL the whoLe weekend, or maybe I can cLeaned out my messy room. There are so many possibiLities. :D I have to go now, I'm going to catch up on some zzz's. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

stressfuL day.

Have you ever had a day that's so unLucky? When you thought the bad things just won't stop? WeLL I just had one of those days. Soooo annoying. I thought that today's gonna be a good day. My day got off to a good start, since I finished my morning rituaL a few minutes earLy. So I have an extra 10 minutes. I used that 10 minutes to Lounge around my bed and nearLy drift off to sLeep. That's why when I cLimb on our neighbor's car, I was so sLeepy. :)

My bad morning started when me and Ionne were on our way to UST. WhiLe we were cLimbing up on the jeepney, I bumped my head on the ceiLing of the jeepney. Oh crap. LittLe did I know it's a sign of bad things about to happen.

Our first three periods were a crap. TotaL crap. We had quizzes on those subjects. The first two subjects were okay. But after the break, it's PhiLosophy and we had a quiz. I reaLLy Loved PhiLosophy and I'm aiming to get a one on that subject. :) But I was pretty woozy by the time I finished the quiz. And my poor head is throbbing again. I guess my mind is so tired from thinking. :))

And finaLLy, our Last period, Math. What a way to compLete a bad day. Our prof showed us our grades and I am so damn shocked when I saw my preLim grade. I faiLed! And not just faiLed, i super duper faiLed. I need a reaLLy high grade on my finaLs grade to passed this semester. If I did not passed, then ... Let's see. :P

I was reaLLy in a hurry to get home because I wanna rest and I feeL a headache starting. But on my way to Espana gate, who did I see but Dominic. He asked me to go with him to the BotanicaL Garden because he's gonna give Grace something. I protested but he stiLL puLLed me. Sheesh. :)

WhiLe we were on the BotanicaL Garden waiting for Grace, Domz toLd me that he's tampo with us because we didn't invite him to SM ManiLa yesterday. I toLd him that we didn't pLanned that LittLe gaLa yesterday, it just happened. I was supposed to go home with PF. I was waiting for him at the terminaL. When he arrived, he toLd me that we are going to SM ManiLa because Grace and Sher were there. Then Ghie arrived, we meet with her at KFC. She was supposed to meet up with Cha & Franz so we waited for them. And Ghie aLso texted AmieL to go there. Then, Emz texted Sher asking for directions to SM ManiLa 'coz they don't have prof. So there, a mini reunion. We aLL went home together except for Grace & Sher who stay at dorms. It was sayang because when we were aLready at the bus, Ter2 was aLready at the Line, waiting for the next bus. Aww.

So that's aLL. I've gotta "study". :)) But in reaLity, I'm gonna pLay games on facebook. LOL. :D

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