Today is our subdivision's fiesta. Yesterday, xhen & arieL had agreed that they wiLL go to us today. Somehow, xhen knew that there are some foods at our house. :)
Our morning started earLy. We attended the morning mass and afterwards, we stayed at the chapeL because my mom and our neighbors are the godmothers for the baptismaL. And the baptismaL is going to be heLd right after the mass. After the baptismaL, we went to the house of the one who was just baptized. Their house is just near ours so I ran to our house first for a drink of water. :) I was so thirsty. Anyways, the food is great. They even had Lechon. Yum! So great. After that, we went off to SM to buy some things. Me and our neighbor went straight to the hypermarket whiLe me, my brother and our neighbor's chiLd went to Tom's WorLd to pLay. :) Then we went straight home and start cooking. :]
My reLatives arrived first. I was kinda annoyed because my niece Queenie, which stayed for us this summer, was kinda rude. Darn it. So I asked my brother and my nephew James, to go to SM. But unfortunateLy, Queenie and Vaida, another niece of mine, joined us too. Good thing Arwin texted me that he's gonna go to SM too. A good reason to escape them. :)
Me and Arwin must have toured the whoLe SM severaL times. We were waiting for ArieL & xhen. We saw EtheL there and Mary Ann. FinaLLy, when we got tired, I suggested that we sit at the foodcourt. WhiLe we are chatting there, ArieL texted that he was near. He aLso texted that he invited Mark & Herson. That's okay with me since they're aLL my feLLow RizaLvadors. After we met up with ArieL, we went to the entrance to wait for Mark. He texted to ArieL that he was near, but he got stuck near the Daang Hari because of traffic. When Mark arrived, we started waLking. We were going to accompany Arwin because he's gonna attend the afternoon mass. I agreed eventhough I aLready attended the morning mass. UnfortunateLy, it started raining. Me, Arwin & ArieL had umbreLLas with us. But Mark didn't, so I have to share with him. And because Mark is so taLL, I have to make tingkayad just to reached him. And someone suggested (I'm not sure if it is ArieL or Arwin) that Mark hoLd the umbreLLa instead. So we switched. But since I'm getting wet because the umbreLLa is so high, I decided to share umbreLLas with Arwin instead. Off we went. When we are aLmost there, xhen appeared.
When mass started, Arwin is the onLy one reaLLy Listening. The rest of us, were taLking. xhen keep teasing Mark about something. :) And we'LL just Laughed. After a LittLe whiLe, the three Left to meet up with Herson & Adee at SM. I was Left aLone again with PF. The mass is Long since it is speciaL because there is a bishop there. So to ease our boredom, we just sent GMs. :)
After the mass, we went straight to our house because we're aLL starving. And we ate. After we finished eating, Arwin toLd me he had to go because his mom texted him aLready. A few minutes after Arwin Left, we agreed to waLked around Citihomes. We were Looking for the dance and singing contest. But we cannot find it. Since we cannot find it, we agreed to go to Arwin's house instead. :) But when we are near their street, we saw the contest. So we just stop there and stare there. Yeah. I wouLdn't go into detaiLs because I'm so Lazy to type.
Anyways, the boys had pLans (I think) to pLay computer games at the computer shop. And since I'm being OP aLready, I just decided to bade goodbye to them and return to my house. :)
P.S. the reason for this titLe is Mark said that Line once. He was referring to the fact that I'm the shortest in our group whiLe they're aLL towers. :) I think it can aLso refer that I'm the onLy girL there. :p
Our morning started earLy. We attended the morning mass and afterwards, we stayed at the chapeL because my mom and our neighbors are the godmothers for the baptismaL. And the baptismaL is going to be heLd right after the mass. After the baptismaL, we went to the house of the one who was just baptized. Their house is just near ours so I ran to our house first for a drink of water. :) I was so thirsty. Anyways, the food is great. They even had Lechon. Yum! So great. After that, we went off to SM to buy some things. Me and our neighbor went straight to the hypermarket whiLe me, my brother and our neighbor's chiLd went to Tom's WorLd to pLay. :) Then we went straight home and start cooking. :]
My reLatives arrived first. I was kinda annoyed because my niece Queenie, which stayed for us this summer, was kinda rude. Darn it. So I asked my brother and my nephew James, to go to SM. But unfortunateLy, Queenie and Vaida, another niece of mine, joined us too. Good thing Arwin texted me that he's gonna go to SM too. A good reason to escape them. :)
Me and Arwin must have toured the whoLe SM severaL times. We were waiting for ArieL & xhen. We saw EtheL there and Mary Ann. FinaLLy, when we got tired, I suggested that we sit at the foodcourt. WhiLe we are chatting there, ArieL texted that he was near. He aLso texted that he invited Mark & Herson. That's okay with me since they're aLL my feLLow RizaLvadors. After we met up with ArieL, we went to the entrance to wait for Mark. He texted to ArieL that he was near, but he got stuck near the Daang Hari because of traffic. When Mark arrived, we started waLking. We were going to accompany Arwin because he's gonna attend the afternoon mass. I agreed eventhough I aLready attended the morning mass. UnfortunateLy, it started raining. Me, Arwin & ArieL had umbreLLas with us. But Mark didn't, so I have to share with him. And because Mark is so taLL, I have to make tingkayad just to reached him. And someone suggested (I'm not sure if it is ArieL or Arwin) that Mark hoLd the umbreLLa instead. So we switched. But since I'm getting wet because the umbreLLa is so high, I decided to share umbreLLas with Arwin instead. Off we went. When we are aLmost there, xhen appeared.
When mass started, Arwin is the onLy one reaLLy Listening. The rest of us, were taLking. xhen keep teasing Mark about something. :) And we'LL just Laughed. After a LittLe whiLe, the three Left to meet up with Herson & Adee at SM. I was Left aLone again with PF. The mass is Long since it is speciaL because there is a bishop there. So to ease our boredom, we just sent GMs. :)
After the mass, we went straight to our house because we're aLL starving. And we ate. After we finished eating, Arwin toLd me he had to go because his mom texted him aLready. A few minutes after Arwin Left, we agreed to waLked around Citihomes. We were Looking for the dance and singing contest. But we cannot find it. Since we cannot find it, we agreed to go to Arwin's house instead. :) But when we are near their street, we saw the contest. So we just stop there and stare there. Yeah. I wouLdn't go into detaiLs because I'm so Lazy to type.
Anyways, the boys had pLans (I think) to pLay computer games at the computer shop. And since I'm being OP aLready, I just decided to bade goodbye to them and return to my house. :)
P.S. the reason for this titLe is Mark said that Line once. He was referring to the fact that I'm the shortest in our group whiLe they're aLL towers. :) I think it can aLso refer that I'm the onLy girL there. :p