Thursday, June 18, 2009

1st week of coLLege Life.

Yes! After 3 days of cLasses, I can finaLLy reLax. WeLL, I stiLL have my PE cLass tomorrow, but it's aLright. It's onLy for 2 hours so I stiLL have the whoLe afternoon off. :)

On my first day, my mom went with me. She even waited for my dismissaL so she can show me again where I am supposed to ride on. About my first day, weLL we met our profs and they are nice. Our first period was BioLogy and we had a quiz! Since I had taken up BioLogy two years ago, I can't remember the terms cLearLy. Next is PhiLippine history. It was funny because our prof is an American when we're studying about the history of PhiLippines. Next is our 15 minutes break. It was annoying because we just used that 15 minutes break for getting to the restroom. The Line was too Long. Good thing I eat whiLe we were faLLing in Line at the CR. :) Next is BA, just orientation. Then Last period, EngLish where we have a group presentation.

On my second day, it's my first time to be aLone in the city. My mom didn't go with me. Second day is Like first day too because we meet our profs in our other subjects. Our first period is TheoLogy (BTW, it's so boring and I nearLy faLL asLeep). Next is FiLipino. Then break, PhiLosophy and Math. We have a quiz at Math and I got onLy one mistake. Which is good. :D At dismissaL time, I waited in front of our buiLding for GiddeL, aLso a RizaLvador. We were going home together. But her way is so much hassLe and traffic. I was Late getting home. So my parents toLd me that next time, I shouLd go home the way that my mom toLd me 'coz it's much faster. :)

Third and Last day for the week. Which is today. The profs started the Lesson 'coz we aLready met. And guess what, this is the unLuckiest day of my Life. When I reached Mini stop, I opened my bag to get my ceLLphone 'coz I was going to text Sher(a RizaLvador) & Leanna(my bLockmate) that I was aLready at Mini stop. But guess what, my ceLLphone is not there! I thought hard and I think that I Left my ceLLphone at home. So I didn't worry about it. But when I got home, I was shocked because I couLdn't find my ceLLphone anywhere. What the?! I was so annoyed because my new simcard is inserted there. (BTW, the ceLLphone that I brought today is my oLd ceLLphone). That's when I think and think and I came up with a hypothesis. It must have been "dukot" at the jeep when I was on my way to UST. And I think it was the guy next to me. There are many passengers on the jeep that time, so we're sitting pretty cLose. I don't know how to teLL my parents. My mom might be cooL about it but I bet my father wiLL scoLd me about it. I bet he wouLd teLL me that I shouLd be aware of my environment. But I can't heLp it. But I know what do to next time. I'm going to hide it in the secret zipper part of my bag. I used to put it on the pocket of the bag that was reaLLy for ceLLphones so when you open my bag, you couLd see it. Argh. I dunno what to do. :p

So got to go guys. I have to reLax. CoLLege Life is so stressing. WeLL, not just coLLege Life itseLf. It's traveLing for hours that is stressing on my part. So bye for now!


Removed said...

ayyy... sayang naman! dat' lagi mong kinakapa yung bulsaness mo! haaayyyy... k lang iyan.. life goes on

dominic said...

haha..kawawa nman..joke..
mag-ingat na sa susunod..
yung cheers???
isearch mo sa google
bsta multiply account yun..

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