Today, me and my bLockmates pLanned to take a LittLe fieLd trip at Fort Santiago. It was our PhiLippine History prof's assignment. We arranged to meet up in UST up front by our buiLding at 1 PM. After we met up, we decided to go to Fort Santiago.
We rode a jeep that is going to Pier. Since there are so many of us, we spLit up into two. We got off the jeep in front of the ManiLa CathedraL and we waLked the rest of the way untiL we reached our destination, Fort Santiago. It was reaLLy cooL. But I personaLLy think that it was boring. :p I just didn't say it out Loud to my bLockmates. I just thought it to myseLf. It's nice, quiet, and a historicaL pLace. But mostLy, the things that were there were RizaL's stuffs. And since I've been to RizaL's oLd house in Laguna, that's why the stuffs Look the same. But I enjoyed bonding with my bLockmates. Even though its sooooo hot in Fort Santiago. :)
Anyways, me and Leanna Left earLy. We Left earLy because my bLockmates are pLanning to hit the maLL after our tour there. Leanna don't wanna go. Me, I reaLLy wanna go but my parents are waiting for me. ALso, I pLanned to attend Kai's birthday, aLso a RizaLvador.
So off to my other worLd. We arrived at our house by 4:30. I quickLy did the assignments of this kid that I'm tutoring and off I went to JoLLibee MoLino to met up with Kai, Ron and Jhay. When we met up, off we went to Kai's house.
A LittLe whiLe Later, we Leave to picked up Ernan, Adee & Bryner. Ernan & Adee Looked very formaL in their business attire. When we arrived at Kai's house, the three of them started eating. A LittLe whiLe Later, Mimi arrived and so does Iya. Me and Ron started eating then. Then a LittLe whiLe Later, ZheL arrived. The girLs were outside taLking. They invited me to go with them since I'm the onLy girL Left inside but I didn't join them. They are aLL members or their group, "tropa". So I stayed inside with the boys. And since I'm the onLy girL, they began teasing me. It was reaLLy annoying. But aLso funny. But Ernan keeps on bothering me. What the. :p
By 7:30, we decided to Leave. "We" consists of me, Ron, Bryner, Adee & Ernan. But as we were Leaving, the others arrived! The others were ManeL, Rodgee, ArieL, Janine, Jehk, and WiLman. Sorry if I Left out someone. :D It was so dark that's why I was having difficuLty seeing them. After some chitchats, we finaLLy set off. Even though I'm the onLy girL, I'm not nervous being with them. I mean, I know them so it's no prob. :)
We waLked aLL the way to the part where the jeepneys passed. ALong the way, me and Ernan kept on arguing. Nothing, just petty arguments. And even when we rode on the jeep (we were sitting next to each other) the argument continues. :p
ALL in aLL, it was a great day. Even though I came home Late and I stiLL have to go to schooL the foLLowing day, I had a fun time. Superb! :p
We rode a jeep that is going to Pier. Since there are so many of us, we spLit up into two. We got off the jeep in front of the ManiLa CathedraL and we waLked the rest of the way untiL we reached our destination, Fort Santiago. It was reaLLy cooL. But I personaLLy think that it was boring. :p I just didn't say it out Loud to my bLockmates. I just thought it to myseLf. It's nice, quiet, and a historicaL pLace. But mostLy, the things that were there were RizaL's stuffs. And since I've been to RizaL's oLd house in Laguna, that's why the stuffs Look the same. But I enjoyed bonding with my bLockmates. Even though its sooooo hot in Fort Santiago. :)
Anyways, me and Leanna Left earLy. We Left earLy because my bLockmates are pLanning to hit the maLL after our tour there. Leanna don't wanna go. Me, I reaLLy wanna go but my parents are waiting for me. ALso, I pLanned to attend Kai's birthday, aLso a RizaLvador.
So off to my other worLd. We arrived at our house by 4:30. I quickLy did the assignments of this kid that I'm tutoring and off I went to JoLLibee MoLino to met up with Kai, Ron and Jhay. When we met up, off we went to Kai's house.
A LittLe whiLe Later, we Leave to picked up Ernan, Adee & Bryner. Ernan & Adee Looked very formaL in their business attire. When we arrived at Kai's house, the three of them started eating. A LittLe whiLe Later, Mimi arrived and so does Iya. Me and Ron started eating then. Then a LittLe whiLe Later, ZheL arrived. The girLs were outside taLking. They invited me to go with them since I'm the onLy girL Left inside but I didn't join them. They are aLL members or their group, "tropa". So I stayed inside with the boys. And since I'm the onLy girL, they began teasing me. It was reaLLy annoying. But aLso funny. But Ernan keeps on bothering me. What the. :p
By 7:30, we decided to Leave. "We" consists of me, Ron, Bryner, Adee & Ernan. But as we were Leaving, the others arrived! The others were ManeL, Rodgee, ArieL, Janine, Jehk, and WiLman. Sorry if I Left out someone. :D It was so dark that's why I was having difficuLty seeing them. After some chitchats, we finaLLy set off. Even though I'm the onLy girL, I'm not nervous being with them. I mean, I know them so it's no prob. :)
We waLked aLL the way to the part where the jeepneys passed. ALong the way, me and Ernan kept on arguing. Nothing, just petty arguments. And even when we rode on the jeep (we were sitting next to each other) the argument continues. :p
ALL in aLL, it was a great day. Even though I came home Late and I stiLL have to go to schooL the foLLowing day, I had a fun time. Superb! :p
Nagtu-tutor ka? Astig. XD
LQ lng yan dez! haha
napahaba ata ang daan ninyo... nag pier pa kayo? uhmmm... anyways... nakarating naman kayo
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