Monday, November 23, 2009
Posted by dEzRi at 11:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
back in the bLogging scene.
I soooo want to teLL you the detaiLs on my first whoLe week back in schooL, but I gotta catch up first on the unwritten memories since I Last posted an entry here. And that's gonna be in the next post. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Posted by dEzRi at 5:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
another day to remember.
Today, is Fatima and Ionne's birthday. I pLanned to go to both parties but I changed my mind whehn I found out that the RizaLvadors are going to Fatima's first and that Fatima's party is due to start by 3. So I texted EtheL and Domz and asked them if we're stiLL gonna go to Ionne's party. And we aLL agreed to just go to Fat's party since it's much cLoser. :D
But a LittLe after 1, my parents Left to go to SM. I didn't yet asked permission that I was going to a party. So a LittLe after 2, I started panicking because if I needed to fix myseLf up. Good thing by 2:30, they arrived. So I toLd my mom that I'm going out. But guess what? They didn't Let me! They toLd me that the winds are strong outside, that not because Pepeng changed its direction, it's okay for me to go out. So I just kept quiet in a corner and texted Domz and EtheL that my parents didn't Let me.
But I did not give up. I stiLL continue to pester my mom saying that I'm gonna go out. Then by quarter to 3, my father caLLed me asking where the party is. They thought that I'm going to attend Ionne's party and they know that Ionne's house is near Zapote. But I toLd them that I'm gonna attend Fat's party at CameLLa. And they finaLLy agreed! So I immediateLy changed my cLothes and run out of the house and went to SM, where I pLanned to meet Domz & EtheL.
We are the Last ones to arrived at Fat's because Domz is so sLooooow. We(me & theL) waited for him for Like haLf an hour. So it's no wonder that by the time we arrived there, everyone eLse has aLready eaten. So we went inside Fat's house (everyone eLse is at the garage) and ate there because we're too shy to eat at the garage in front of the everyone eLse. And taLk about timing, just as we were sitting at their Living room w/ the TV on, Kim Bum is at E-Live! Everyone went into the Living room and started screaming. :)) But not me. I Like Kim Bum, he's handsome but I'm not an avid fan of him. :D And after we finished eating, and after Kim Bum's appearance on E-Live, we decied to watch this DVD that Ron brought. This part was reaLLy hiLarous because on the cover, it says there "Sorority Row". But when we put the DVD on, Jhay said that it's not Sorority Row because she aLready watched the fiLm and the beginning is not the same. So we continued watching, and when the titLe came on, it says "DeatLy PLedge". Oh c'mon. We started bLaming Ron. :P But we watched the fiLm anyway, since we have nothing to do. But haLfway through the movie, we started chatting about stuff. :D It's reaLLy a Laughtrip especiaLLy when SheLL started taLking about her bLockmates. :)
After we finished the movie, we turned on the TV again and we saw this repLay about UAAP. That stir another topic for our conversation. Out of the bLue, SheLL said,"Ay yang UST na yan, taLunan yan eh!". And us Thomasians disagreed. We began to brag about our schooLs. :D Like SheLL said that FEU won the championship in cheering. But Nique (who goes to Letran, UST's sister schooL) said that she Like UST's performance better. And us Thomasians agreed and one of us said (I forgot who) that if we didn't messed up, we wouLd be the ones decLared champions. And SheLL countered that FEU didn't messed up that's why they are the champions. And Fatima said that the MVP and the Rookie of the Year is with UST, etc. Then out of the bLue again, Sher turned to Iana and said that DLSU didn't even make it to the finaLs. That they Lost to NU. I just Laughed but I was thinking, if it wasn't for NU, we won't make it to the finaLs. :D
A LittLe whiLe after that, we decided to go. We were going to be hatid to SM by Fat's uncLe (I think). So we waited for a few minutes outside. The air was chiLLy, signs of the Ber months. :D Then Sean caLLed! (Sean is our former cLassmate back in second year). Fatima taLked to Sean first, then she passed it on to Domz. Why? Because Domz used to have a crush on Sean. When we were ready to go, they said goodbye and hang up. :D
We aLL decided to be dropped off at SM. The way from Fatima's to SM is just a short one but I don't know why, but it seemed Like the time got Longer. And it was reaLLy cooL because we were imagining that we're on our way to Baguio, etc. WiLd imaginations. :D
One Line that reaLLy made me remember this day is what SheLLanie said when we were at Fatima's van. She said,"ALam nyo, kuLang ang isang araw sa atin." Then next to that, she was thinking of when we can get together for an overnight outing. I suggested EmiLy's birthday because for sure, it's gonna be a swimming party again. :) Oh how cooL. BTW, as we stopped by SM, I said,"Parang gaLing Lang tayong Lawton huh." And they Laughed. What a fun, fun day. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:19 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
earLy sembreak.
Yesterday, me and my mom together with our neighbors went to SouthmaLL to buy gifts for my niece's birthday which we are aLL going to attend on Friday. My main purpose which is why I came aLong with them is to buy this UAAP bottLe which is onLy avaiLabLe in Metro ManiLa JoLLibee branches. But sadLy, they're not avaiLabLe at the moment. They're going to be avaiLabLe next week. But we decided to eat there anyway. But there were no fries! So we decided to eat at Mcdo. Yumyum. :)
Today, since it is aLready announced that we weren't going to have cLasses tiLL Friday, we decided to meet up. I've invited aLL of the RizaLvadors because I sooooo miss them but onLy a few came. Some just stayed for a short time but there are four of us who reaLLy sticked together for the rest of the afternoon. That's me, theL, zet and cris (who has a new haircut!). We decide to meet up at SM first where zet & cris pLayed DanceManiax. When they were done, we were aLL hungry. We decided to eat at JoLLibee for a change and because zet is craving for fries. But guess what? No fries again. Argh. But zet is reaLLy craving for JoLLibee's fries so she suggested going to the JoLLibee aLong MoLino road. So off we go. Another adventure.
We reaLLy had a fun time at JoLLibee. We taLked about stuffs and I nearLy choke because of Laughing too much. It reaLLy was fun. And we aLL came home soooo fuLL. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
after the storm.
Now, it's a far cry from yesterday. It was so sunny now. You wouLdn't thought that there was a storm yesterday. I don't know what the situation is now at other pLaces though. I haven't watch the news yet.
Anyways, before that storm, I was pLanning to enjoy this weekend. I just had a stressfuL week, because we're bombarded with so many projects. Imagine, we're assigned to do a term paper. ActuaLLy, it's not reaLLy caLLed a term paper but I just caLL it that. :D We've done it aLready when we're in fourth year so I have a background on what to do. But unLike when we're in fourth year, we're aLLowed to do this on a maximum of three or we can do it aLone. And aLso, we're just given 1 week to do it whiLe back in fourth year, we're given I think months to do it. Grr. But whatever, we've aLready done and passed it.
FLash Report: No cLasses for coLLege students in Metro ManiLa! This is announced by the CHED chairman. I've just seen the news on GMA. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
This may not be my happiest birthday, but I am stiLL happy because of aLL my friends who've greeted me. I reaLLy appreciate it. I just kept quiet and I didn't remind my friends that it's my birthday because I want to test them if they remember my birthday. And good thing, they did. I am so Lucky for friends Like them. :D
This year aLL I got were so many greetings not unLike the previous years that I aLways get a LittLe something from my friends. And I don't even have a party. We just cooked pancit and then we made fruit saLad and bought a cake for me. That's aLL. But it's okay, what's important is that I'm happy. I toLd my mom that my birthday is so simpLe this year because next year's birthday is gonna be a big one. And my mom toLd me to dream on. :))
BTW, my cousins and their chiLdren went to our house. And my favorite cousin gave me this:

A Juicy Couture sLippers fresh from Hong Kong! Demmit. When I first saw the writings on the sLippers, w/c is Juicy Couture, I feLL in Love with it. Juicy Couture is a brand which is weLL known for Kikays out there. :) I'm gonna treasure this. I soooooooo Love it. :D
BTW, I pLan to buy something for me. After aLL, it's my birthday. I wanna buy myseLf a pair of Havaianas sLippers and a UST jacket. I can buy both because I've save enough money, but I decided not to go on with my first choice since my cousin aLready gave me these sLippers. So I'm just gonna purchased myseLf that UST jacket which I aLready want for months. I've aLready saved enough money for that jacket months ago but I think it's the wrong time to buy a jacket. But now that it's the start of Ber months, it's appropriate to buy a jacket since the air is starting to get chiLLy. :)
Gotta go. Have tons of homework and projects to do this weekend. See yah! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 4:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
taLk of the town.
All peopLe that I have spoken to regarding this matter, has a say on this. They say that the judges have been unfair, that this team is much better than this team, bLa bLa. There were different opinions coming from different peopLe that this team shouLd be the champion but they aLL agreed on one thing -- that the resuLts were unfair.
I personaLLy agree with them. When aLL the teams were finished with their routines, I've thought that UP is gonna win the champion, and for the remaining 2 pLaces, FEU and UST wiLL be fighting for that. But noooo, the resuLts were far beyond what the the peopLe expected. When they procLaimed the winners, they were Like what?! I can't beLieve it! And aLmost everyone is saying that they can't beLieve that UST didn't even got a pLace. So does me. I think our schooL's pep squad is great, and that their theme is unique. C'mon! Just Look at the costumes. The others were wearing typicaL cheering costumes. But us? No. Our costumes were Egyptian inspired. And the stunts? They're so hard! The other cheering squad didn't even have that much stunts on their performance. They just danced and danced. For heaven's sake, this is a CHEERING competition not a DANCING competition.
Sorry if I seem mean, or I seem Like a bitter Loser. I just want to express my feeLings/reactions for the said resuLts. Sorry if someone from the winning teams see this and might read this and react vioLentLy. CaLL me a bitter Loser if you want, but this is my OPINION. Everyone is entitLed to his/her opinion.
BTW, these are the winning teams:
Champion: Far Eastern University
1st Runner Up: Ateneo De ManiLa University
2nd Runner Up: University of the PhiLippines
But it's aLL over, the winners are were aLready announce and no mother how much we compLain, nothing's gonna change. So congratuLations to the winners. :P Even though we Lose, I stiLL wouLd Like to congratuLate our SaLinggawi Dance Troupe for doing their best. No matter what the resuLts are, you guys are stiLL the champion for us. Keep the good work! :)
P.S. If you guys wouLd Like to watch Gawi's performance, cLick this Link:
Posted by dEzRi at 1:33 AM 4 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
cheering competition.
Gotta go, I'm gonna pLay games on facebook whiLe waiting for 2 PM. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
no cLasses for today.
I'm stiLL hoping that cLasses wiLL be suspended tomorrow because I don't wanna go to schooL with this kind of rain. It sucks reaLLy. My pants (w/c is too Long for me) wiLL be wet again. And many others. Going to schooL is such a hassLe when it's raining. Grr. :P
I gotta go. Just a quick update on my Life. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 2:40 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Long weekend again. :)
So I'm thinking of what to do this weekend. I can go gaLa with the RizaLvadors, I can go study, or maybe I can just go OL the whoLe weekend, or maybe I can cLeaned out my messy room. There are so many possibiLities. :D I have to go now, I'm going to catch up on some zzz's. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:36 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
stressfuL day.
My bad morning started when me and Ionne were on our way to UST. WhiLe we were cLimbing up on the jeepney, I bumped my head on the ceiLing of the jeepney. Oh crap. LittLe did I know it's a sign of bad things about to happen.
Our first three periods were a crap. TotaL crap. We had quizzes on those subjects. The first two subjects were okay. But after the break, it's PhiLosophy and we had a quiz. I reaLLy Loved PhiLosophy and I'm aiming to get a one on that subject. :) But I was pretty woozy by the time I finished the quiz. And my poor head is throbbing again. I guess my mind is so tired from thinking. :))
And finaLLy, our Last period, Math. What a way to compLete a bad day. Our prof showed us our grades and I am so damn shocked when I saw my preLim grade. I faiLed! And not just faiLed, i super duper faiLed. I need a reaLLy high grade on my finaLs grade to passed this semester. If I did not passed, then ... Let's see. :P
I was reaLLy in a hurry to get home because I wanna rest and I feeL a headache starting. But on my way to Espana gate, who did I see but Dominic. He asked me to go with him to the BotanicaL Garden because he's gonna give Grace something. I protested but he stiLL puLLed me. Sheesh. :)
WhiLe we were on the BotanicaL Garden waiting for Grace, Domz toLd me that he's tampo with us because we didn't invite him to SM ManiLa yesterday. I toLd him that we didn't pLanned that LittLe gaLa yesterday, it just happened. I was supposed to go home with PF. I was waiting for him at the terminaL. When he arrived, he toLd me that we are going to SM ManiLa because Grace and Sher were there. Then Ghie arrived, we meet with her at KFC. She was supposed to meet up with Cha & Franz so we waited for them. And Ghie aLso texted AmieL to go there. Then, Emz texted Sher asking for directions to SM ManiLa 'coz they don't have prof. So there, a mini reunion. We aLL went home together except for Grace & Sher who stay at dorms. It was sayang because when we were aLready at the bus, Ter2 was aLready at the Line, waiting for the next bus. Aww.
So that's aLL. I've gotta "study". :)) But in reaLity, I'm gonna pLay games on facebook. LOL. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 2:26 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
fun,fun day!
We arrived at Serjan's house past 4. We sort of rented a jeepney going there. We were supposed to ride 2 jeepneys on the way there but the jeepney driver agreed to drive us untiL Serjan's house for 200 pesos. So we agreed. :)
When we got to Serjan's house there were these kids who are saying that we come in. But we said that Serjan shouLd go out. And then he goes out, wearing house cLothes and we started singing happy birthday. :))
Our stay at Serjan's house was a Lot of fun. We reminisced the memories of our HS days, viewed pictures and memorabiLias, taLking, Laughing, teasing, taking pictures and many more. I sooooo miss it. By the way, whiLe we are there, some of are cLassmates are texting us and asking for directions. It was so funny because as we stepped out of Serjan's house and preparing for a group pic, Ron showed up. Just in the nick of time. :D
After that, we sort of rented again a jeepney untiL JoLLibee MoLino. We were pLanning to go to Ghie's house because she was having her birthday ceLebration that day. But near JoLLibee MoLino, there were these rides and we aLL agreed to ride it. WeLL, aLmost aLL. Ghie and Domz were the onLy ones who didn't try the ride. It was not scary but we were pretending that the ride was scary, and we were shouting at the top of our Lungs. :)) BTW, Jehk if you're reading this, pLease post our pics on the ride huh? :) Thanks. :D
After that, aLmost aLL went to Ghie's house. Domz & Grace aLready went home. It was fun if we've stayed Longer but I reaLLy need to go home because they've aLready Locked the house and I didn't bring my key with me. I reaLLy wish that I brought the key with me so that I couLd go home even if it's sooooo Late. It was reaLLy bitin because just as we were Leaving, that's when the party is starting to pumped up. They were singing on the videoke, dancing, and drinking (oops!). It was reaLLy fun. So next time, I know my Lesson. ALways bring the house keys with me! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
from a different viewpoint.
It's kinda sad because Serjan's advisory cLass Lost. So after the awarding, we aLL went to Serjan and hugged him. It's our way of comforting him. Before the performance, the other RizaLvadors said that Serjan is reminding us that tomorrow is his birthday. And the other RizaLvadors were Like,"Ano naman sir kung birthday nyu bukas?" And Serjan said that he's just saying it. Haha. If he onLy knew we had something pLanned up in our sLeeve.
I just hope that everything wiLL go fine. I try to stop thinking about negative things Like "What if Serjan is not there?" or many other what ifs. I guess I'm just getting paranoid. :)
Gotta go. :) I'LL post about what is gonna happen in the party. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 6:54 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
just had a super fun day. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:33 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Posted by dEzRi at 8:08 PM 2 comments
heLL week is over.
Right now, I'm reaLLy reLaxing. But I had a feeLing that I won't have a free weekend. :)) Tomorrow, is my twin's (Etheru) birthday ceLebration. And on Sunday, I think we're gonna go to Batangas. Don't ask for the reason. It's a famiLy thing. :D
Yeah, so just here. I am so Lazy to construct a Long post. After aLL, there isn't much to say. ;)
Posted by dEzRi at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
crazy month?
At first, I was a LittLe nervous 'coz I don't know whether we can go inside Perpz or not. But how Lucky are we. When we got to the gate, the Lady guard is busy chatting with someone so we just went straight inside. Haha. We stopped first in front of the facuLty to chat with Ma'am Marasigan. Then we were stopped again in front of the Einstein's cLassroom by Kae Edang because she is asking heLp for their Sabayan. Then we proceed to the third fLoor where the Earth's cLassroom is and where the others is.
We went directLy inside 'coz we know the others are there. It was nice because when me and Grace went inside they said,"Uy mga rizaL!" It's so touching. It's Like for them, we are stiLL the RizaL. Aww. Anyways we found Ionne, Myca & Lester inside. It was nice, to see them acting. I kind of miss performing. And you know what? The piece is two pages Long. Yeah. They're so big time. And guess who is going to be the judge? The author himseLf of the piece. That's why Ionne said that it's hard to deLete some Lines from the piece because it's the author himseLf is going to judge so that means he know the piece very weLL. Anyways we stay there for just a few minutes I think.
By the time we are on our way home, it's raining hard. As in hard. We met up with some former RizaLvadors at the gate. They borrowed my ceLLphone because they want to watched the video of the Earth at their practice, to suggest maybe. But since I reaLLy need to go to the CR, me and Grace went back whiLe the others went to EmiLus. Anyways to cut the Long story short, we met up and went to SM with the others. It was so traffic so it's Like the ride was Long. And when we went to SM, me and Grace went by ourseLves because I'm gonna accompany her with some stuffs. :)
You might be wondering about this post's titLe. It's aLL about this month, which is August. I'LL be busy with the first two weeks studying my brains off for the preLims. After that, you think I can reLax? HeLL no! Some of my profs are giving quizzes that we Lack after the preLims. Damn it. I thought I can enjoy my days after the preLims. But nooooo. ALso, after the preLims, many RizaLvadors are going to ceLebrate their birthdays. So that means, many parties and bonding time! ALso, our former adviser's birthday is aLso this month. Some of us (mostLy Thomasians) were pLanning since we decided to take action since no one is bothering to move. But stiLL, pLans were stiLL a LittLe bit not sure. But if they don't wanna come or not, us Thomasians are stiLL gonna go on. hee. And Domz is asking me if we may visit Perpz this month because he pLans to heLp DeL PiLar, Serjan's advisory cLass now in Sabayan. So I'm trying not go crazy with my hectic scheduLe for this month. So just here, gotta go! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 4:37 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Last JuLy 25, 2009, me and our neighbors (which is my mom's bestfriend) pLanned a trip to the Lady of Manaoag church in Pangasinan. We're going to have their car bLessed. And after that, we pLanned to go to the summer capitaL of the PhiLippines which is Baguio! :)
The day before is our freshmen waLk and I was Late getting home. I feLL asLeep at 12 and we were due to wake up by 2. 2 hours of sLeep! But surprisingLy, when I woke up I wasn't feeLing sLeepy. I feLt energized and ready to hit the day. hee.
But the ride was sooooo Long. I feLL asLeep and when I woke up Later, I'm starving. So we had our second breakfast. hee. By the time we reached Manaoag, it is aLready aLmost 8. We were traveLLing for 4 hours. But that's okay since I was expecting the ride to be Longer. We attended this super short mass. After the mass, there's gonna be a bLessing on this pLace outside. But we didn' know that so we were Late. We have to wait for the next mass to be finished so we can have our beLongings and the car be bLessed. Then, off to Baguio! :)
It was stiLL a 2 hours ride. And it became Longer because we were Lost. We don't know which way to go to Burnham Park. By the time, we reached Burnham Park, it is past 12 or aLmost 12? I'm not sure because I did not checked the time, I'm busy absorbing the coLd weather even though it's noon and busy checking environment of Baguio. The first thing that we tried is the boat. We stayed there on the middLe of the water for aLmost an hour (I think). After that, we wanna go on bikes and to skate but my mom, dad and my mom's bestfriend were gone. We think they bought Lunch which was good because I'm starving and I feeL weak aLready. :D So by the time they went back, we ate Lunch then we went off to Wright Park. We were supposed to go to Mines View Park, and the Mansion House but they said that we shouLd go home aLready. I didn't compLain because I was too tired but I was disappointed because our visit to Baguio was short-Lived. We stiLL had many pLaces to go to. But we can go there next time, whenever we decided to go again to Baguio. Haha.
The ride home was soooo Long. ALL I did is sLeep and when I woke up, I wiLL eat. SLeep, eat that's what I do on the Long 6 hours ride. By the time I got home, I was so exhausted (I just woke up from a nap) and that's where our adventure ends. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 4:14 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Another week goes by.
Last Monday (JuLy 20), we were supposed to have this major quiz in theo. Good thing our substitute prof moved it on Wednesday. It gave us more time to prepare for the quiz. And what eLse? I cannot remember what eLse happened on that day. Oh! I now remember. We had that boring orientation where we had to bring our parents. It's aLso the first day of the Mapuans. The orientation is so boring that my mom and I didn't even bother to finish it anymore. So I just sneaked out and minutes Later, my bLockmates are foLLowing my exampLe. Oh I am so great. :)
Tuesday, when I wake up I didn't feeL oh so good. ActuaLLy I didn't feeL good since I got home from Monday. But I just shrugged it off thinking that it's just Lack of sLeep. But I so regretted it. I began to feeL coLd, airy head and I couLdn't concentrate on my cLasses. So during my second period, I texted my mom saying that I feeL bad. And my mom toLd me that she wiLL come and pick me up. So I sLuggishLy made my way through my cLasses. I just wanna go home 'coz I reaLLy feeL bad. But during my dismissaL, I have to meet up with Grace first. We were submitting our entries to the ABA USTe NA KO Essay Writing Contest. It's so annoying because I know I'm not gonna win. It was not what can I caLL my best work. I just do it immediateLy because I wasn't feeLing good the night before. After printing out and submitting our entries, I went to meet my mom at the carpark where I just sLept most of the ride home. :P
Wednesday and it was SIGAW DILAW day! ALL the freshmen are aLLowed to wear civiLian cLothes as Long as it is yeLLow. It is so fun because it is the first time that I go to schooL wearing civiLian. :D And everywhere you Look, it's so yeLLow. It is aLso on that day where we continued our posponed quiz on theoLogy. Damn! The quiz was so hard. Everything that I studied did not appeared on the quiz. I feLt stupid. I aLready know right at that moment that I'm gonna faiL. Argh. So annoying. But I know, that it's not just me though. :P Anyways after our cLasses, we had our campus tour. This is onLy for our course onLy. It's fun because I bonded with my other bLockmates but it's aLso tiring. Good thing we finished our tour minutes after four. I went to the CR first to freshen up then went back to our buiLding again to buy myseLf a drink. At first I pLanned to just buy C2 at one of the staLLs there but I saw this yummy Looking chocoLat frappe there. And even though it's expensive (it costs 60 pesos) I stiLL go ahead and bought it since I feLt Like I needed to treat myseLf. So there I go sipping my frappe whiLe waiting for Bea & Domz. A few minutes Later we aLL met up and we aLL rode on a jeep. We aLL got down at Lawton. Me & Bea headed to Park & Ride whiLe Domz headed off to the Post Office. NeedLess to say, it was a Long wait because there were no vans yet. But I decided to wait than to cLimb the stairs to LRT because I wasn't feeLing weLL again and I'm getting dizzy. A few minutes Later they were aLready Letting the passengers ride in the van and good thing I managed to be one of those. The bad thing is, I am up front and tha van has air freshener in it. I absoLuteLy hate air fresheners 'coz they make me sick. So whiLe it is traffic on CoastaL, I asked the driver if he couLd remove it 'coz I'm getting dizzy. Good thing, the driver is nice. :) I got home that day at aLmost 9 with stiLL Loads of homework to do.
Thursday. Not much to say. We onLy had 3 cLasses because our Last period prof is absent. So that onLy mean one thing -- earLy dismissaL! Hurray! Me and Leanna went off to Tan Yan Kee to buy tickets for UST's next game. We don't pLan on watching we just bought tickets so we can have pLus for theoLogy. Then we parted ways and before going to the terminaL at Edsa, I stopped at Mcdo to buy myseLf a snack. I bought an appLe pie and since it was so hot that day, I aLso bought a McFLurry. And this is another tip from me. Never ever order a pie if you're gonna eat it somewhere in pubLic. Because it is so messy. The other passengers kept on watching me whiLe I struggLe to eat it and wipe the stains on my stuff. :P When I got home, Grace texted me if I couLd pLease buy PF a cake from SM since it's their monthsary that day. Since I'm home earLy (I decided not to have Lunch since I'm stiLL fuLL anyway) I go to SM. ActuaLLy, I pLanned to buy that cake and grab a snack even though I'm stiLL fuLL. But I changed my mind about the second idea. After aLL, my dad didn't know that I went out. hee.
Friday, is the most awaited day and the highLight of this week. Later that afternoon, one of UST's tradition, the Freshmen WaLk is gonna take pLace. ALso, I am excited because us RizaLvadors that are Thomasians pLanned to meet. I am so excited because I haven't seen the others wearing their new uniforms yet. Haha. But before that, I have a PE cLass in the morning. It's 9-11. After that I hang out with RafaeL (aLso an accountancy student and a PE mate) for an hour. Then Tricia (aLso an accountancy student and a PE mate) came by and asked me to have Lunch. I couLdn't say no to her and besides, I'm starving so off I go with her. We had Lunch at Mcdo together with a HS cLassmate of her. Now here comes the funny part. I just had burger and fries. Argh! No one ordered rice and I pLanned to order rice and chicken with sundae because I reaLLy am starving and besides, we just finished PE. But I feLt shy so I go aLong with what they ordered too. Haha. :P
After that they went off to go to a friend's house so I am aLL aLone. I began texting other RizaLvadors but their cLasses are about to start. So I just texted Patricia (a bLockmate) because I know that she's in the campus aLready. So she texted back where she is and I went with them. :) We were about to go our buiLding when ZheL texted me that we meet up. Since me and Nicaru were about to meet up too, I said yes. So I go back and hanged out at the front of the main buiLding. Now here comes the funny part. I was standing there when Leanna waLked by (She was on her way to our group meeting) and I was with my back to the buiLding. LittLe did I know that Nicaru is aLready behind me! Haha. We didnt know that we were standing inches apart. :D A few minutes Later too ZheL arrived. We decided to go to TYK because Nicaru is gonna Leave her bag in the org room and I'm gonna change into my uniform at the CR there.
After aLL that, we decided to eat at JoLLibee Dapitan. Since I just had Lunch and so does ZheL, we just ordered sundaes. I was supposed to attend the meeting that Leanna go to but since I texted her and she said they weren't doing anything so I decided to stay wid the BB'z. :) A LittLe whiLe Later since it's nearing 2:30, we decided to go to our respective sections. The freshmen waLk is fun. We had fun with baLLoons and another time for bonding with our section. Soooo great. hee. After we passed through the Arch of Centuries, we headed to the fieLd in front of the grandstand. That's where we heLd mass. The mass is soooooo Long. Then after that, it's concert time! I headed to the main buiLding where we pLanned to meet. There, the first person I saw is Nicaru. We immediateLy headed back to the fieLd because I showed her someone. :D Then we go back to the main buiLding and Fatima is aLready there.
In a matter of minutes, the UST bound RizaLvadors are aLready united. But the concert is aLready starting. Sher and Grace were gone, I think they went somewhere. WhiLe the others were excited to see YaeL so us BB'z were separated. We decided to stay beside the stage. So that when YaeL got off, we were abLe to go there and touched him. hee.
Me and Grace didn't finished the concert and we go home earLy. We had to gome earLy 'coz Grace's mom is strict and me, we have an outing the day after. I'm going to post next time our mini outing. I have to go, I have to study! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 1:56 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
time sure fLies fast.
So sorry if I haven't posted much here. Things are just so hectic. So I'LL just fiLL you in in what happened to me this week. :D To make up for time Loss. :)
Last Monday (JuLy 13,2009), we onLy have two and a haLf cLasses. During our first period, TheoLogy, we aLready finished haLf of the book. I can't beLieve it. I think we are so advanced. hee. Next period, FiLipino. Our prof is so Late. She arrived with onLy 30 minutes to spare. That's why we onLy have time to taLked about our major project before preLims. Then break and after that, PhiLosophy. Our prof is not around and he just Left a seatwork. We immediateLy answered it and proceeded with our chit chats and soundtrips. :D Then Math, we just answered some stuffs on the books, we are reminded for the Long quiz on Wednesday, then dismissaL.
Last Tuesday was the most annoying day. Super. Our first period is NS in other words BioLogy. I studied very hard for that the day before. But as I got my hands on that test paper, I know my efforts were wasted. The test was soooooo hard. I might as weLL not reviewed. I don't know whether I passed or not. I have to wait tiLL next week. You know what, after that test one of my bLockmates cried. She said because she thinks she faiLed our Long test in BioLogy. And she doesn't want to be debarred from BSA. We comforted her saying that we just wait tiLL we get our exams back. And if we aLL faiL, we'LL gonna cry together. hee. I know it's not a comforting thing to say, but we made her Laugh. :D Next is PHISTPG. Or History for short. Our prof gave us LittLe papers and written on it is I think the summary of our Lessons. :) Then break and our next cLass is supposed to be BA. But our guidance counseLor borrowed her time to have a mini-orientation with us. It was fun because we had a LittLe game of the boat is sinking. But it's kinda different because we had to group ourseLves according to different categories. We were Like kids screaming. :)) Next is EngLish. That's when annoyance strikes again. We had this overLy hard quiz in EngLish. Okay, I'm exaggarating. I onLy had a hard time answering part II. But most of my cLassmates are annoyed because it's hard. At dismissaL, as me and Leanna are going down the stairs, we were with one of our bLockmates, Levi (his reaL name is Lester). He is swearing. ReaLLy. He's annoyed because we had two overLy hard quizzes in one day. I couLdn't heLp but Laugh at his swearing. Because he is so funny even if he swears. :))
Wednesday (JuLy 15, 2009), is one of my unLuckiest day. Okay, not reaLLy but I'm off to a bad start. :D I was on my way to UST and it was so coLd in the car. So as I got off at City HaLL, I reaLLy badLy wanted to go to a CR. I usuaLLy ride on a jeepney with a signboard that has EspaƱa on it. But since I reaLLy need to go to a CR, when this jeepney passed I ride in it. It has a signboard of BLumentritt, Dangwa but it has UST on it. So I figured, it wiLL go the same way. Boy was I wrong! It went through Dapitan. I so panic because I don't know where to go down. I just asked one of the passengers there where shouLd I go down. Turns out I have to go this narrow street or what they caLLe eskinita. Instead of being abLe to go to the CR immediateLy, I have to waLk haLf of UST just to go to a CR. Darn. :D The onLy highLigh that happened that day is on our cLasses after the break. Our phiLosophy prof gave us back our exam resuLts. It was over a hundred and I got 72! waa. I thought the passing grade is 75 so I was a LittLe sad. But then our prof announced that the passing score was 70. Yes! I passed. I am happy but I cannot ceLebrate totaLLy since most of my cLassmates faiLed the said quiz. My bLockmates were even asking for consideration. But I think our prof got annoyed and he gave a Long taLk about stuffs. He said that in coLLege, the word consideration is not heard. When someone faiLs, he/she faiLs. Our prof aLso said that aLL you've got to do is study. And he said that in accountancy, the resuLts of the exam is not a Laughing matter. And he toLd us that onLy 16 out of 50 students passed the first quiz. Argh. Next cLass is math where we have our Long quiz. I don't know how I did though. Looks Like I'LL have to find out aLso next week. hee.
Thursday, no cLasses because the university hoLd its university-wide facuLty meeting. But since I have to do a project, I went to schooL anyways. We just met up and taLked about the topic. And since the rest of them had gone home aLready, I hanged out with Jercee(a bLockmate)at the gym. We were watching the YeLLow Jackets or YJ for short. A few minutes Later, Nicaru (RizaLvador) arrived. We pLanned to meet up that day. A LittLe whiLe Later, our other bLockmates arrived so Jercee have to go (They were pLanning to watch a game at Araneta). After Jercee Left, me and Veronica headed to the main buiLding. We first headed to the museum because I haven't been there. We just waLk around and chatted. We were bareLy Looking at the things dispLayed there. :)) After that we visited Domz because he stiLL has a cLass for that day. We just chatted with him for a bit and when their prof arrived, me and Nicaru Left. We were gonna wait for Domz so we can aLL go home together. What we did for our free time is stay at KFC. We ate Lunch there. As we were finishing our Lunch, Grace texted us where are we. I toLd her where we are and a few minutes Later, she arrived. And minutes Later, Domz aLso arrived too and we had another round of chitchats. :) I got home at aLmost 6. And it was stiLL raining. But I had fun. That's what matters.
Next day which is Friday, I got up earLy since I have to go to schooL for that darn PE. I reaLLy, reaLLy don't wanna go to schooL because it's raining so hard. It's such a hassLe in other words. So I eat breakfast sLowLy. After I finished my breakfast, the news said that ONLY eLementary and high schooL students cLasses are suspended in ManiLa. What a drag. So there I go, off to the bathroom. WhiLe I was in the bathroom, my mom caLLed me and said whether we stiLL have cLasses. I ask her why and she said that they showed on the news that EspaƱa and Dapitan is aLready fLooded. And as far as I know, when those streets are aLready fLooded, there are no cLasses aLready. Right? So I made up my mind that I'm not gonna attend my PE cLass today. And minutes Later, I received a text from our vice president from the CSC saying that there are no cLasses that Friday. :)) So I made the right decision. :D
So just here, I gotta go. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 6:18 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
UAAP season 72.
Yesterday, JuLy 11, Saturday is the opening of UAAP season 72. The start of another season and this time, we are there to witness it. :)
Me, Emz, Ghie and Domz decided to meet up and go together to Araneta CoLiseum. We pLanned to meet up at 7'11 CameLLa by 9. And as aLways, there are aLways Late. We Left Cavite by 9:30. We sort of knew how to go to Araneta. But since we're a LittLe confused, we sometimes asked for directions. :D
Anyways we arrived there safeLy. Since it's stiLL earLy, we decided to have Lunch at KFC at this maLL. :] After that, we decided to go to Araneta because we're gonna meet up with Sher and his bLockmates. We went inside Araneta and we waLked aLmost haLf of it Looking for Sher and his bLockmates. We finaLLy found them and we sat. And guess what, it was coLd there. hee.
As we sat there waiting for the opening ceremony to begin, the FEU (which is the host for this season) kept on beating their drums and the students kept on cheering. A LittLe whiLe Later, the other schooLs started cheering too. Then for after a few minutes, the opening ceremony began. :)
The opening ceremony was great. We even joked about the entrance of the performers as a "new idea" for the speech choir. But as I watched them performing, I envy them. I so miss performing! waa. But if I join Teatro Tomasino at our schooL, scheduLe wiLL be so hectic. So even though I reaLLy Like performing, I opted not to join that. And when they took this oath where one student came from each of the schooLs, peopLe started screaming. It turns out that La SaLLe's representative is Enchong Dee, an actor from ABS-CBN. Since I aLso Like him, I started screaming too. :))
After the opening ceremony, that's when the fun began. Because it's the start of the first ever game in UAAP season 72. And it's UST VS. Adamson! The other schooLs quieted down and that Left us two schooLs cheering. It was reaLLy, reaLLy fun. EspeciaLLy in the fourth quarter. Guess why? Because La SaLLe heLp us out in cheering! It was so so fun. And we won! :D
Posted by dEzRi at 6:40 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
CoLLege VS. High SchooL
With my aLmost 1 month of being a coLLege student, I've Learned a Lot. I began to distinguish the differences between coLLege Life and high schooL Life. And I'm proud to say that I've changed -- in a good way. :D
Here are some of the differences between the two:
1. In coLLege, you can't expect the professors to eLaborate things for you. If they're teaching about the topic, they usuaLLy tackLe the main parts and they teach fast. ReaLLy fast. Sometimes, I want a prof to repeat a part which I didn't understand but I can't. This is not high schooL Life. This is different. There's no what you caLL it? Spoonfeeding? I think that's the term.
2. Connected with item number one. Since you cannot understand some stuffs, expect a Lot of studying on your own. That's why notes are heLpfuL. I usuaLLy jot down the stuffs my profs scrawL on the whiteboard, and the important stuffs that they mention. And Later on, study them. :)
3. If way back in high schooL, you're not fond of reading and onLy studies for major exams (Like me!) do not expect that things wiLL be the same when you're in coLLege. In coLLege you have to study everyday. Yes, you have a very Loose scheduLe. But the hours that you have free is going to be spent on studying. BeLieve me. You have to spent 2 hours on just one subject. 1 and a haLf at the Least.
4. You aLways have to do advance studying. You have to be at Least one chapter ahead. What I do in my case, (which is why I take hours in studying) is to study again what we discussed for that day. Then, I proceed to the next chapter.
5. Taking down notes in coLLege is hard! In high schooL, they gave us time to copy down notes. In coLLege, you have to Listen and write Like crazy at the same time! Like I said in number one, profs usuaLLy teach fast.
6. Your sociaL Life wiLL decrease. In a way, it wiLL expand 'coz you wiLL meet new peopLe. BLockmates, PE mates, org mates, course mates. Many peopLe and that means new friends. But usuaLLy you don't have time for bonding with them. Instead of making gaLa, you wiLL just opt to stay at home and rest or do advance studying. :P
7. You'LL Learn to be sLightLy independent. :P UnLike in high schooL, when you need to go to the CR, you'LL gonna ask your tropa to go with you. But in coLLege, you need to do things aLone. Like going home for exampLe. :)
Hmm. What eLse? I cannot think of anything eLse. I'LL just add if I thought of something new. :D I'LL just post some tips for those incoming coLLege students out there. :D
1. ALways keep a friendLy face. SmiLe! In coLLege, everyone out there is friendLy and aLways wiLLing to heLp you.
2. During your first day, reLax! You're not the onLy one who doesn't know someone. If you're the shy type (Like me!) Learned to break out of your sheLL. Introduce yourseLf to the person sitting next to you. And start a conversation!
3. For those wondering how to start a conversation, start by asking the person's name. Then where did he/she graduated from. Next, where he/she Lives. From there, keep the conversation going. :)
4. Join orgs! That's fun way to meet new peopLe. And you can be friends with students who have the same course as you and are in the higher years. Instant free tutoring! :D
Hmm. I guess that's aLL I got to say. CoLLege Life is stressing, I admit. But it's aLso fun! Just remember, that it's not aLL studies here. Sometimes, you have to reLax. Reward yourseLf. EspeciaLLy if you just taken a reaLLy hard quiz. :P
Posted by dEzRi at 11:24 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
ManiLa Ocean Park.
Posted by dEzRi at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I've got the best of both worLds.
We rode a jeep that is going to Pier. Since there are so many of us, we spLit up into two. We got off the jeep in front of the ManiLa CathedraL and we waLked the rest of the way untiL we reached our destination, Fort Santiago. It was reaLLy cooL. But I personaLLy think that it was boring. :p I just didn't say it out Loud to my bLockmates. I just thought it to myseLf. It's nice, quiet, and a historicaL pLace. But mostLy, the things that were there were RizaL's stuffs. And since I've been to RizaL's oLd house in Laguna, that's why the stuffs Look the same. But I enjoyed bonding with my bLockmates. Even though its sooooo hot in Fort Santiago. :)
Anyways, me and Leanna Left earLy. We Left earLy because my bLockmates are pLanning to hit the maLL after our tour there. Leanna don't wanna go. Me, I reaLLy wanna go but my parents are waiting for me. ALso, I pLanned to attend Kai's birthday, aLso a RizaLvador.
So off to my other worLd. We arrived at our house by 4:30. I quickLy did the assignments of this kid that I'm tutoring and off I went to JoLLibee MoLino to met up with Kai, Ron and Jhay. When we met up, off we went to Kai's house.
A LittLe whiLe Later, we Leave to picked up Ernan, Adee & Bryner. Ernan & Adee Looked very formaL in their business attire. When we arrived at Kai's house, the three of them started eating. A LittLe whiLe Later, Mimi arrived and so does Iya. Me and Ron started eating then. Then a LittLe whiLe Later, ZheL arrived. The girLs were outside taLking. They invited me to go with them since I'm the onLy girL Left inside but I didn't join them. They are aLL members or their group, "tropa". So I stayed inside with the boys. And since I'm the onLy girL, they began teasing me. It was reaLLy annoying. But aLso funny. But Ernan keeps on bothering me. What the. :p
By 7:30, we decided to Leave. "We" consists of me, Ron, Bryner, Adee & Ernan. But as we were Leaving, the others arrived! The others were ManeL, Rodgee, ArieL, Janine, Jehk, and WiLman. Sorry if I Left out someone. :D It was so dark that's why I was having difficuLty seeing them. After some chitchats, we finaLLy set off. Even though I'm the onLy girL, I'm not nervous being with them. I mean, I know them so it's no prob. :)
We waLked aLL the way to the part where the jeepneys passed. ALong the way, me and Ernan kept on arguing. Nothing, just petty arguments. And even when we rode on the jeep (we were sitting next to each other) the argument continues. :p
ALL in aLL, it was a great day. Even though I came home Late and I stiLL have to go to schooL the foLLowing day, I had a fun time. Superb! :p
Posted by dEzRi at 3:55 AM 4 comments
Sunday, June 28, 2009
why oh why do I do everything for you?
Argh. I'm just bLogging to Let Loose of these -- things. Things that I've been thinking LateLy. It so started Last night. When that happened. Sigh.
This is so hard. It's just so hard to move on. :)) haja. That sounds so pathetic. hee. Anyways, Let's break the emo mode. :D I wanted to distract myseLf from thinking of HIM. Yesterday evening, before going to sLeep, I'm thinking of him. And it's no wonder that in my dream, he's there. haja. :))
WeLL anyways, I got to go. I am so sLeepy. And I need to get up earLy tomorrow because I've got to go on a mini fieLdtrip with bLockmates. We agreed to meet up by 1 PM but I had to Leave Cavite by 10. It's because of traffic and aLL that. And I had to do some stuffs before I Leave. So, wish me Luck. I hope that I won't wake up Late tomorrow. :p
P.S. To those guys who wiLL be reading this, sorry for the emo beginning. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I don't wanna go much into detaiLs. All I can say is at first, I feeL a LittLe Lost in the movie 'coz I haven't seen the first movie. But sometime at the middLe, I couLd hear Ron saying who are the good ones and the bad ones. And inside the cinema, it's soooooooo coLd. We were nearLy freezing. So after the movie is finished, some of us went directLy to the CR.
So I guess it's just here. Some of the stuff that happened is way too personaL. :)) So sorry, if I can't share it here. All I can say is, I'm sooooo confused. :p
Posted by dEzRi at 5:48 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
taLk about coLLege.
Monday went by in a bLur. But Tuesday is soooo sLow. I was reaLLy Looking forward to the end of the day because me and some RizaLvadors are pLanning to have a gaLa. But during one of my cLasses, I think it's betweend 2nd period or break, Ghie texted me that our gaLa is canceLLed. They don't wanna go to Perpz and they cannot go to SM ManiLa because some of them have no money. So during my break, I sent a GM to RizaL saying that the visit to Perpz that afternoon is off.
But during BA, my third period, many RizaLvadors are sending me messages. And since BA is so damn boring and sLeepy, I hid my ceLLphone under my desk and repLied to their messages. During EngLish, Domz started sending muLtipLe messages. And I can't repLy to him because we're having this fun game in EngLish. So I was abLe to answer his messages after cLass. He was asking us to wait for him. I had asked Sher and Grace to wait for me because I am going with them at Cavite. But since I am afraid that Domz might be mad at me, I just toLd them to go on whiLe I waited for Domz.
What did I do whiLe waiting for Domz? First, me and Leanna(my seatmate) went to the facuLty room because we are Looking for Dr. Aguas, our prof in PhiLosophy because Leanna is going to buy our book from him. But sadLy, he's not in the facuLty room. Next, we went on the 2nd fLoor where there are many shops. Leanna just xeroxed something. After that, we went to Dapitan to ate Lunch. After we had eaten Lunch, we headed back to UST. WhiLe we were waLking back, Domz texted me that it's their dismissaL aLready. I was shocked because I thought we stiLL have time to stroLL around UST. But me and Leanna hang around the front of UST whiLe waiting for Domz. And guess what! There is a camera nearby from ABS-CBN. The cameraman change pLaces and he set up his camera beside us. I was shy to be interviewed so me and Leanna hide around this truck. Then nicaru texted me asking me where I am. I toLd her that I am in front of their buiLding. Minutes Later, we met up and she was with her bLockmate too. But our bLockmates Left and we're Left aLone catching up with each other. A few minutes Later, we aLso found Domz and we hurried up to the gates of EspaƱa because the sky was so dark and it Looks Like it's going to rain any minute. Sure enough, as we were nearing the gate, there are a few dropLets aLready. And when we were at Lover's Lane, the sky finaLLy gave up. We rooted inside our bags to Looked for our umbreLLas. When we were wating outside, it was raining cats and dogs. Good thing we didn't wait for too Long though. Nicaru get on a FX and next to it was the jeepney that me and Domz had to ride. So we go our own separate ways. :)
It was a LittLe traffic and it was so annoying because the cover for the window keeps fLying off so I was wet. Darn it. When we were at this bridge, this kid get the money up front at the driver. I don't know how he did get it but the driver chase the kid and that gave us a few minutes deLay. Anyways to cut the story short, we arrived at UN safe and unscathed. It was fun riding in LRT with Domz because the Last time he ride the LRT was when he was stiLL a LittLe kid. So I have to guide him with some stuffs. Anyways, we got off at Edsa station and we rode the jeepney to Perpz, where we agreed to meet up with Sher and Grace.
We arrived at Perpz a few minutes before 5. Me and Domz don't wanna go inside 'coz we're too shy. Few minutes Later, we saw Serjan wid Sir ManueL. He hug us and he toLd us that Grace and Sher is inside. And because of that, me and Domz finaLLy went inside Perpz. We went straight for the facuLty room and saw Grace and Sher there. They were waiting for Serjan there but we toLd them that Serjan is aLready outside. So we decided to Leave and went to SM instead. As we were Leaving, it's kinda weird 'coz we're waLking down the same path that we waLked on during our HS days but now, we're wearing different uniforms. And everyone is Looking at us. WeLL for them, it's not so different 'coz their uniform is quite simiLar to the nursing uniform of Perpz. But me? I so stand out. Of course, no one in Perpz wear Mercury-Drug Like uniforms right? :) So I stand out from them. :D
When we arrived at SM, we went straight to KFC 'coz Domz hasn't eaten Lunch yet. He and Sher ordered food whiLe me and Grace stayed at our tabLe. We didn't ordered food 'coz we're fuLL. A few minutes Later, Aruin arrived. We chatted for a few minutes then we moved to the foodcourt. It was reaLLy fun. I missed hanging out with my HS friends. With them, I can Laughed as much as I want and be myseLf. Of course, they aLready know the reaL me so I can do whatever I want with them. But with my new friends in coLLege, I sam usuaLLy quiet. I dunno, maybe because we've just known each other. hee.
BTW, we went to BaLayan, Batangas today 'coz it's fiesta there. It was reaLLy fun 'coz in every house they invite us to eat and we are aLL so wet. It's so fun. And on our way home, I discovered that cLasses in our buiLding is suspended! So I have a mini-vacation. ProbLem is, we onLy have 1 week of sembreak! Darn it.
So just here. This post is too Long aLready. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:44 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Next day which is Saturday, I feLt good when I wake up. But after Lunch, the stomach ache return again. Now I know, it wasn't because of something I ate. It's a girL thing I think. :) So I just stayed in bed for the whoLe afternoon. But ater dinner, my mom made me took a medicine. I feLt a LittLe better, better enough to do some of my homeworks. I even arrange my bag aLready so I wouLd have nothing to do the next day. :D
When I woke up today, I don't feeL good. But after breakfast, I took the medicine again and that did the trick. :) This morning, I am busy. Busy doing the assignments of our neighbor that is. I have to do it because I am tutoring her and as a part of my job, I have to do it. We finished minutes before Lunch time. I pLanned to do my onLy remaining assignment after Lunch but when my dad was channeL surfing, I saw this movie "27 dresses". So I watched it first before moving to do my assignment. :) But when I started to do my assignment, I couLdn't do it. It was just so awfuL. I reaLLy couLdn't draw. So I texted PF for heLp. And minutes Later, he went onLine. So I asked him for heLp. And he said he's gonna drop by Later and heLp me. (Thanks a Lot PF!)
So got to go. I have to attend the afternoon mass. :)
Posted by dEzRi at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
1st week of coLLege Life.
On my first day, my mom went with me. She even waited for my dismissaL so she can show me again where I am supposed to ride on. About my first day, weLL we met our profs and they are nice. Our first period was BioLogy and we had a quiz! Since I had taken up BioLogy two years ago, I can't remember the terms cLearLy. Next is PhiLippine history. It was funny because our prof is an American when we're studying about the history of PhiLippines. Next is our 15 minutes break. It was annoying because we just used that 15 minutes break for getting to the restroom. The Line was too Long. Good thing I eat whiLe we were faLLing in Line at the CR. :) Next is BA, just orientation. Then Last period, EngLish where we have a group presentation.
On my second day, it's my first time to be aLone in the city. My mom didn't go with me. Second day is Like first day too because we meet our profs in our other subjects. Our first period is TheoLogy (BTW, it's so boring and I nearLy faLL asLeep). Next is FiLipino. Then break, PhiLosophy and Math. We have a quiz at Math and I got onLy one mistake. Which is good. :D At dismissaL time, I waited in front of our buiLding for GiddeL, aLso a RizaLvador. We were going home together. But her way is so much hassLe and traffic. I was Late getting home. So my parents toLd me that next time, I shouLd go home the way that my mom toLd me 'coz it's much faster. :)
Third and Last day for the week. Which is today. The profs started the Lesson 'coz we aLready met. And guess what, this is the unLuckiest day of my Life. When I reached Mini stop, I opened my bag to get my ceLLphone 'coz I was going to text Sher(a RizaLvador) & Leanna(my bLockmate) that I was aLready at Mini stop. But guess what, my ceLLphone is not there! I thought hard and I think that I Left my ceLLphone at home. So I didn't worry about it. But when I got home, I was shocked because I couLdn't find my ceLLphone anywhere. What the?! I was so annoyed because my new simcard is inserted there. (BTW, the ceLLphone that I brought today is my oLd ceLLphone). That's when I think and think and I came up with a hypothesis. It must have been "dukot" at the jeep when I was on my way to UST. And I think it was the guy next to me. There are many passengers on the jeep that time, so we're sitting pretty cLose. I don't know how to teLL my parents. My mom might be cooL about it but I bet my father wiLL scoLd me about it. I bet he wouLd teLL me that I shouLd be aware of my environment. But I can't heLp it. But I know what do to next time. I'm going to hide it in the secret zipper part of my bag. I used to put it on the pocket of the bag that was reaLLy for ceLLphones so when you open my bag, you couLd see it. Argh. I dunno what to do. :p
So got to go guys. I have to reLax. CoLLege Life is so stressing. WeLL, not just coLLege Life itseLf. It's traveLing for hours that is stressing on my part. So bye for now!
Posted by dEzRi at 1:51 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
2 pLaces at once.

After that, we went off to SM where we have our dinner. WeLL, most of us do. Lester, Ernan & Laurence aLready went home. And when we were entering SM, guess who we saw? :) Serjan, together with Sir ManueL, Sir Ato & Sir Joves. How cooL.
So got to go. Just here. I reaLLy am going to miss RizaL!
Posted by dEzRi at 5:00 AM 3 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Last bonding for the summer.
But in the end, we just combined forces. As the saying goes,"The more the merrier". We hanged around SM for a LittLe bit, then we went off to Perpz. We were going to accompany EtheL because she's gonna Look up her sister's section. After we checked the sections, we headed to the canteen, because Myca mention that it is being renovated. It's stiLL the same, just a few changes have been made. After that, we went off to search Serjan. :D
To cut the Long story short, we found Serjan and we taLked to him. And guess what they did, they took my ceLLphone and they showed Serjan my screensaver! Argh. And guess what Serjan said to me? hee.
Serjan: sa dinadami dami ng LaLaki, yan pa!
Me: (ngiti Lng)
Serjan: anu nagustuhan mu dito?
Me: Anu sir... eun. :D
Serjan: Anu ba, niLiLigawan ka ba nya, o kayo na?
Me: ndi sir huh!
EtheL: maLapit na. :))
I couLdn't beLieve that it aLready reached Serjan that I have a crush on him. But never mind, at Least the schooL year has ended before he even knew. :) Anyways, Serjan get back to his chair so we just hanged out at the chapeL. We're just goofing off around when Ma'am ArgueLLes approached us. She chatted with us for a bit. After a LittLe whiLe, Serjan went off running and he motioned for us to foLLow him. We ran too 'coz we were foLLowing him. It turns out that he and Sir ManueL (our former teacher in Eco)had agreed to met up by the CR and they escaped the program. So funny. They were Like students in a way. :]
Anyway, they Leave the campus so off we went back to SM. We were supposed to sing karaoke at Quantum but then someone suggested that we have a foodtrip and ate at my house. So off we went to Hypermarket to bought foods. :) By the way, EtheL aLready Left because she has to go to ALabang. When we arrived at our house, we settLed at our Living room fLoor and began stuffing our faces. We came up with pretty rare combos. Like Lays dipped in KFC's gravy, donut dipped in gravy, Lays dipped in yogurt. They may Looked Like disgusting but they taste pretty good. WhiLe we were eating, we began to taLked about past issues. It was a LittLe hard (for me) because I had a hard time recaLLing stuffs. All I ever remember is the major stuffs. *Laughs*
WeLL, anyways, got to go. Just here! :)
Posted by dEzRi at 5:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
me, spoiLed? nah. :)
Anyways, about this post's titLe. I never experienced being spoiLed. Promise. Even when I was a chiLd, I didn't aLways get what I want. I guess it's because we're not rich. We're just your average famiLy. :) Even when I earned another award or I topped the honors again, my parent's didn't gave me "exchange" for this stuff. But I don't bLame them because Like I've said before, we're not rich. :D
But LateLy, boy do I feeL spoiLed. EspeciaLLy when me and my mom go out. She aLways bought what I asked for. And just today, she bought me a new ceLLphone! FinaLLy, my super duper oLd ceLLphone wiLL finaLLy be repLaced. We bought it at SM MoLino and even though it's not the ceLLphone I've been dreaming of, it's okay. Oh, I just Love my mom. She aLways gave me what I asked for this days. Maybe it's the fact that I'm going to coLLege. It is a big deaL for our famiLy because I'm the oLdest chiLd. hee. :)
So just here! Wish to have more updates tomorrow. hee. :p
P.S. Guys, I'm changing numbers. New ceLLphone means new sim card. :))
Posted by dEzRi at 4:28 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
when you just can't move on part 2.
I was busy having a conference with my bLockmates Lara & Khatz Last night that I didn't noticed the time. It was aLready 11:30! But since, I'm not yet sLeepy I continued reading this book that I was reading. When suddenLy, a certain someone texted me few minutes before 12. He was asking me to miss caLL him just to check whether he had a ringback tone. I did but there wasn't a ringback tone. And I was surprised, because a few minutes Later, he was caLLing. I honestLy don't know what to do but I just answered the phone. But darn it. I can hardLy hear him. The Line was choppy. But we ended the caLL but he said that he's gonna caLL me a few minutes Later. So I didn't go to sLeep yet. I just waited for him to caLL. :D
He caLLed me back but the Line keeps getting disconnected. He was trying to start a confe caLL. But the Line is so choppy and he cannot caLL others. By the time he had started a confe caLL, my ceLLphone went dead. Darn it! I opened it again but he didn't caLL me back. So I just went to bed. :p
Anyways, there is this one thing that's bothering me. Grace toLd me that cLasses on 15 wiLL start at 1 PM. By that time, it's aLmost my dismissaL time. But my bLockmate Lara and a coursemate of mine, Kevin caLLed UST today and they toLd them that never mind the news, and we're stiLL gonna foLLow the cLass scheduLe. What the?! I was reaLLy so confused. Argh. :p
Posted by dEzRi at 10:10 PM 4 comments
when you just can't move on. :|
ActuaLLy, I didn't pLan on registering to UnLitxt today. But a certain someone texted me whiLe I was having Lunch and then...that forced me. hee. You don't have to know who that someone is. All I can say is, this post's titLe came from him. :)
Yeah, oh another thing. By today, I aLready found 5 bLockmates! Yay. I don't how many to go yet. 'Coz I don't know the exact number of students in our section. :p
So got to go, I don't have much to bLog about today. err.
P.S. speciaL thanks to Laurence for sending free Load! Yay. It arrived a few minutes ago. And aLso, for AmieL, Ghie and PF for dropping by at our house even for just a few minutes. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
drag me to heeeeeeeeeLLL! :)
This morning is so boooooring. Yes. That's aLL I can say. So Let's jump on to the good stuff. :)) Oh wait. I just remembered something. Arwin dropped by this morning because he's gonna borrow my ceLLphone to text some friends. His ceLLphone is currentLy broken, so there. :D Now Let's continue. Arwin, Domz and Grace had toLd me that they'LL gonna go first to my house before going to SM. Since my famiLy are off to church, they are busy dressing up. After they are finished dressing up, it was my turn in the bathroom. And whiLe I was upstairs dressing up, my brother caLLed to me that PF is aLready here. And because of that, I don't have any time to change outfits anymore :D. I just put on the first shirt that I grabbed. :]
Few minutes Later, Grace arrived. And she was carrying a baLLoon with her. She said that her mom bought it for Ron, because she toLd her mom that it was Ron's birthday. I was reaLLy Laughing when she said that. :)) Then, she asked Arwin to put the words "Happy Birthday Ron" on the baLLoon. Then, napagtripan naming baLutin yung baLLoon. So I got the Left over Christmas gift wrapper (yes, christmas), coLored papers and some newspapers. After severaL cuts, snips, and a roLL of tape, we were done. WhiLe we were in the midst of doing this, Ron was busy texting us where are we, because he has aLready save seats at KFC. We keep texting him that we are so near aLready (even though we are not) and aLso Domz arrived at our house. After we have finished wrapping up the baLLoon, we set off for SM. :)
When we arrived, everyone eLse is aLready there. We were the Last to arrived. Some are not there at KFC because maybe they are bored and went off wandering. But a few minutes Later, we were compLete and PF and Ron ordered our food. :]
We were such a noisy bunch. It's no wonder since there are 23 of us. ArieL, PF, Chesca, Grace, Ron, DarLene, me, Domz, Ghie, Cha, Emz, Sher, AmieL, Jhay, ManeL, Rodgee, Fatima, and PauL. Wait a minute. We're not 23 after aLL! Someone said that we're 23. Or maybe I just forget someone? Nah. I know that it's just us. :)) Oh, I forgot something. When Ron & PF ordered our food, it's not yet compLete so they gave us a number stand. The number on it is number 23. And Grace badLy wanted to take it home. And since she cannot do it, I put it on her bag for her. But in the end, she decided to Leave it there. I was so gLad that she put it back. Imagine, what if someone caught us? They'LL find my fingerprints on it. :))
After dinner, Jhay, ManeL, Rodgee, Fatima and PauL Left. And for the rest of us who's Left, we were wondering what to do. But we just Left and we wondered what to do whiLe waLking. Someone suggested that we have a group pic. But finaLLy, someone suggested that we watch a movie. This is when we have confusions. But finaLLy, we agreed to watched Drag Me to HeLL. But Grace and Chesca Left because the movie is set to finished minutes before 10. At first, I was tempted to go with them because it wiLL be Late when the movie's finished. But I heLd back. After aLL, how many days wiLL I get to hang out with friends? So after we entered the theater, I texted my mom to Let her know that PF and Ron treated us to the movies. I keep on checking my ceLLphone the entire time that we are watching that movie but she didn't texted back. So I don't know what to expect when I get home.
Now, on to the movie. I'm so Lazy to expLain about the movie's pLot so I'll just direct you to Chesca's post about that movie. CLick here But the movie is great if you're watching it with a bunch of friends. You have a bunch of peopLe to scream together with, to Laughed with, anything. But reaLLy, the movie's great. It has many shocking scenes, and totaLLy grossed scenes. But I reaLLy had fun. It was reaLLy great.
I'LL share something. Something reaLLy funny happened whiLe we're watching the movie. Ron's mom caLLed whiLe we're watching that movie. Taz bigLang mei nakakaguLat na eksena. NapatiLi kami at napasigaw na rin si Ron. Buhat siguro ng pagkaguLat, napindot ni Ron eung button para ma-end ang caLL. So funny. :)) We were Laughing hard after the incident. :D
After the movie, we went straight for home. It was reaLLy cooL when we went out of the cinema. SM was aLmost cLosed, most of the shops were cLosed aLready. Some of the fastfoods were opened but I can see the crew inside. Maybe cLeaning or something. :p
So, that's aLL for this super great day. I hope that we have more bondings Like this for this week whiLe we don't have cLasses yet because as soon as cLass starts, we won't have time for bondings Like this anymore. :D
Posted by dEzRi at 7:24 AM 3 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
it's a smaLL worLd.
After that, I asked Kinit some questions. But after severaL questions, he wasn't repLying back. I think that's because he is bombarded with PM's from other RizaLvadors. So I guess to make Life easier for everyone, Arwin started a conference. But sometimes, just sometimes, when there are too many peopLe in a conference, things get chaotic. :)) We can bareLy understand each other. :D
So that's aLL about Kinit. Something aLso happened yesterday evening, but I'm not so sure if I'll post it here. It's kinda private. :) But for the sake of my bLog, I'll just post it, but I won't mention any names so I wiLL not state the obvious. :D
It aLL started when I was reading Arwin's Latest post in his bLog. And my curiosity was getting to me. So I texted one of the peopLe present during that situation. And I Learned some stuffs, etc. And since I was reaLLy curious, I texted this guy across the street. And that's where this titLe of this post came from. :)
Sorry if it's so confusing. I just don't want to mention it aLL in detaiL. So, just here. I gotta go. I have to pLay this game in Y8 that I'm currentLy addicted to. See ya! :]
Posted by dEzRi at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
the rumor is indeed, TRUE.
And yes, they have verified it aLready. Our first day of cLasses wiLL be moved on June 15. I was gLad because that meant an extra week to reLax. But I was annoyed because the first semester wouLd end on October 21! Darn it. That means we onLy have 1 week of sembreak. Argh. ALso, what wouLd I do for the extended days of vacation? I can go out on gaLas with RizaLvadors who are aLso Thomasians, Mapuans, and ADUnians. I don't know what to caLL students who go to Adamson so sorry for that. But, I don't have any money Left! That's why I was dying to go to schooL. I need my ALLOWANCE back! :))
Speaking of aLLowances, my mom toLd me yesterday that from 80 pesos back in high schooL, my daiLy aLLowance wiLL now be 250 pesos. Yay! I was busy caLcuLating how much money wiLL be Left for me. Maybe the 100 wiLL be for my traveLing fares. So 150 wiLL be Left for me. I can choose whether to eat before going home or to eat at home. But I chose to eat at home so I wiLL have more money with me. :]
So that's aLL. Just a quick short post. :p
Posted by dEzRi at 4:16 AM 4 comments